Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time

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What’s everyone doing for Father’s Day?? My fella is working tomorrow so we’re celebrating today - I’ve just got him a giant Lynx set, a mug with a pic of him & the kids, some best Daddy socks and got him some cupcakes with Happy Father’s Day on! And we’ve just ordered some lunch
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I've got him a new outfit and a card with a big picture of him an our son on and a small scan picture on! We have no plans though it feels like this baby is en route out of me at any point
I'll probs order him some nice dinner and then let him cook tea cos I cant stand for long hahaha, he's truly blessed to have me
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He’s taken the weekend off to reward himself for being such a dedicated dad in the 3 weeks he’s been back at work since his paternity finished by sleeping all day and working all night.
But I’ve got him a voucher for the tattoo he wants for Baby R and some clothes because I’m sick of seeing him trying to squeeze his postpartum body in to his pre-pregnancy clothes

I’ve also got Baby R a little best dad ever vest and I love my daddy sleepsuit but he’ll probably be sick on them before Mr R drags his ass out of bed.

We’re spending the day with his family and then round his dads for the football in the evening.

I did his dad, stepdad and my dad framed photos from Baby R’s photoshoot. I got photos specific to them so he’s draped in his dad’s football shirt for his dad, a peaky blinders hat for his stepdad because he’s obsessed and with something my dad bought him that meant a lot for my dad.
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Having a nightmare of an airport experience, someone* didn't check the booking email and check-in/bag drop information and booked the lounge for hours before the flight thinking we could get there really early. Turns out we couldn't. 2 hours of standing around and we were already an hour late for our lounge booking. Finally got in here and they've run out of the alcohol free bubbly.

*It was me. I am someone. Oops.
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Glad it’s not just baby rasp! he’ll sometimes lick it then screw his face up and gag like it’s something disgusting. What were you expecting it to taste like mate?
Mine does this I put the dummy in and he screws his face up like I’ve just given him something mega disgusting
Bloody suffering with either cold or hayfever yesterday and tonight 🥲 breastfeeding guys - what can we take for hayfever?
I think it’s generally the same as during pregnancy? Which is Loratadine I think????
Idk why I’ve just tried my pre pregnancy clothes on. Like a form of self sabotage! None of them fit at all! I’m so determined to not buy all new in a bigger size though I’m using it as a push to get back into them. I’m still wearing my maternity clothes at the minute and struggling so much with how I look, not just figure wise but my appearance in general
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@Whassupgirl Omg stop i’ve been the same. I thought I hadn’t gained much but I have. I think it’s the over hang from my c-section it’s gross I’ve got my 6 week check this week then I’m gonna ease myself into exercising again. I’ve been eating well too so I hope I start to lose a bit of weight
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None of my pre-pregnancy stuff fits either and a lot of my maternity tops don’t fit because my shape has changed now I don’t have a bump. My bump was huge but neat and at the front, literally like a ball up my top and you couldn’t tell I was pregnant from behind. But now he’s out all the fat gained in pregnancy that was just around my bump looks like it has melted to my hips and arse and I’m still swollen from my csection too. I look horrendous. And I’m really struggling with it because I’d lost 6 stone and gone from a 22/24 to a 10/12 pre pregnancy and now I feel massive again. I’ve given in and ordered some bigger clothes because I think it will help my confidence to have nice clothes that fit rather than leggings and big T-shirts. I want to start walking and running again but im still so sore in my scar that I can barely walk to the shop and back (waiting on a scan to check my scar internally) and healthy eating feels impossible because we end up just grabbing something quick and easy which is never healthy. If we weren’t planning a second so soon I’d just start on weight loss injections but it would be a waste of money if im just gonna get fat again soon
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My sister was on ozempic or similar not so long ago, I’ve been considering hitting her up like a drug dealer but I’m a shitbag I’ll try the healthy alternative first
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I know it’s hard to look in the mirror and accept what’s looking back at times, but please be easy on yourselves. Your body has just grown a little human. You are amazing. Give yourself time.
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It’s hard isn’t it . It doesn’t help when you’re bleeding to death , your fellas hounding you for a shag and you’re exhausted. Doesn’t help that it’s Summer (sort of lol) and everyone’s wearing nice clothes and you’re wearing baggy maternity stuff. Just want to be out in nice Summery clothes
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Literally that.

OH wanting a shag won’t be an issue after tonight cus I’m going to smother the bastard. He has slept most of the day, got up and fallen asleep on the sofa, we went out for an hour and I asked him to play with baby while I sorted some stuff when we got back and guess what? Dickhead has fallen asleep and left baby on his play mat to amuse himself. I told him to just fuck off to bed (I’m not having a good hormone day ) and he was like “surely you’re tired and will want to go to bed soon too?” Yes, I’d love to go to bed. But we have a 5 week old baby who will need looking after this evening unless you have an alternative plan
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Ah my fella said something similar to me too. He took a shift on at work and I said I was exhausted. He was like ‘just have an early night when the kids have gone to bed!’ Er yes because it’s that simple with a 5 week old baby
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I went to bed at 9 with Baby R the other night. When I said in the morning I was exhausted he was like but you had an early night? Sure. But I was still up at 12, 4 and then 6. And as I explained to him today yes baby might be a good sleeper and he might go back to sleep in 20 mins when he’s fed but I have to fully wake up, change baby, make his bottle, feed him, stay awake with him upright for half an hour so he doesn’t choke or vom up his entire feed and then I have to relax enough to go back to sleep only to do it all again in an hour or 2 if I’m lucky. An early night isn’t a treat. It’s an extra 1 hour nap before the night routine begins.
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Buy the bigger clothes if you can. Just a few bits from Primark to tide you over. Made me feel much better when I gave in and did. Your internal organs have barely had a chance to get back to their normal spot, let alone anything else.

I definitely felt like things sort of naturally stared to shift in terms of tummy being deflated and the skin pulling in at about 9/11 months PP, anything before that would’ve been an absolute battle.
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It’s the broken sleep that exhausted you the most. And never being in a deep sleep because you’re too aware of the baby. When my fella goes to sleep, he sleeps until he wakes up in the morning, I’m waking up constantly even if its just checking on baby. They don’t realise how lucky they have it!!
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That’s why I gave in and got bigger clothes @littlepup, just a few bits for summer but I was sick of just wearing leggings and massive T-shirts. My shape might not be where I want it to be but at least now I have a shape in my clothes and don’t just feel like a blob

The broken sleep is killing me. I tend to wake up about 15 mins before baby properly wakes and I try to settle him back to sleep a bit to stretch out the feeds but I’ve woken up more than once now with my head in his next to me and my hand on his chest where I’ve tried to settle him and been so exhausted I’ve fallen back to sleep. Even when Mr R takes him I still can’t have a deep sleep because I’m listening out for him.
He just asked me if I feel like he’s doing enough to help with the baby and what more he can do to help. Ohhhhh where to start
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Well that flight was up there with the worst of my life. Actual flight was fine albeit delayed, cabin crew were fantastic but pregnancy got me big time. Had two of the worst nosebleeds I've ever had, my nose literally felt like a tap pouring blood. Bad day to have been wearing a cream and white jumper
Cabin crew gave me a free twirl choccie bar though so silver linings and all

Catching up on today's chat, @ellieb123_xo summed it up perfectly. Your bodies have all done the most phenomenal thing anyone could do, I know it must be tough now if you just don't feel like yourself but please don't put pressure on yourself, be patient and be kind to yourself, you're all bloomin' gorgeous x
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Glad you’ve arrived safely Brew, hope your hotel is lush! Sorry your flight wasn’t great though. Is there anything the doctors can do about your nose bleeds? And have you had your iron levels checked recently if you’re having such big nose bleeds? Hope you have an amazing holiday!
To be fair up until the past few days they've only been light nosebleeds when blowing my nose. But I've now had four in the past 3 or 4 days where it's dripping out. I'll mention it at my next appointment for sure.

Just had fun trying to find our transfer bus too, the lovely rep at the airport said "you need bus 89. That's 9 and 8, 89. Go all the way down and find bus 98"
There's a 50/50 chance we're currently sat on the right bus
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