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Elle Woods

VIP Member
We’re doing good. Baby mostly just slept yesterday, been a bit fussy since 4 but feeding well and they’ve said the extra monitoring can stop, I’ve not had any probs so if all the usual criteria at ok we can go home today!
Can’t take any good pain killers home though so need to decide if I feel up to that.

Managed to move from the inside bay by the midwife station to a window one so it’s not too bad, day light and a window I’m glad for as a planned section Dad has come in waiting to go down absolutely reeking of aftershave. Just want queasy Mums and new borns want 🙈

How’s everyone else, won’t tag but been thinking of the twins and baby Woods in particular?
I feel extraordinarily lucky today, hope I didn’t trigger anyone yesterday feeling a bit shell shocked, so sorry if I did.
Hope you manage to get home soon! Glad little baby pup is doing well ❤
We’re doing okay ish. Baby woods had a little infection at the end of last week which he seems to be getting over now but he’s been a bit up and down. He’s had to go back on oxygen (only a small amount) as he was setting the monitors off quite a bit with his oxygen levels so hopefully that will sort itself soon. He seems totally unfazed by it all and has been practicing his newest trick of pulling his NG tube out as soon as I look away for a second 😂 I’m running purely on drinks and snacks out the vending machine as the food in my hospital is not even worthy of feeding to a dog so I can’t wait to get a proper meal in me!
Hope everyone else is okay xxx
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watermelon sugar

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I’m sorry there’s a few of us going through it atm and feeling shitty 😟 it’s nice to know we’ve all got each other to talk and rant to

I think I’m struggling more then I’m letting on. My fellas Nan is seriously ill and they are super close. Like ridiculously close and i don’t know how he will cope when something inevitably happens. He’s been working a lot and going to visit her in hospital which I completely understand and have no problems with but I’m home alone with the 2 kids and it’s hard. I think the baby has colic, the last few evenings she’s been screaming her little tiny head off and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Then my four year is just sat with his hands over his ears not liking the noise. Then I feel guilty. His bedtime is 7pm and he’s obsessed with the time and he knows when it’s bedtime and he keeps saying to me ‘Mummy it’s past my bedtime’ but I’m trying to calm the screaming baby down but he doesn’t quite understand that we don’t follow strict routines now baby is here and when Daddy is in work we will run behind schedule. I just took them up to get oldest ready for bed and he wanted. a story and the baby pooed 😩 I said I’ll be right back and he said I’ll wait here, I said don’t go to sleep I’ll read a story; was only gone 5 mins came upstairs he was asleep ☹ don’t want him feeling left out. It’s all just so draining being so tired, the baby being hard work and my 4 year old too. Plus with the worries of my partners nan and how he is going to cope. I don’t feel like i can say to my partner I feel like i’m struggling because he always says things like ‘i’d love to be at home all day everyday with the kids you’re so lucky’ Like he just doesn’t understand ☹ I feel like i’m moaning about a whole load of nothing and people are dealing with a lot worse but I’m still so down and tired ☹
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Mr R and his pea sized brain strike again 🫠 we’re out today and all evening which obviously requires a lot of stuff. I packed it all up, talking to Mr R the whole time asking him to pass me stuff. I left everything all packed up nicely on the kitchen side - changing bag, bag of blankets & bottles, bouncer etc. 1 nice easy pile. As we were leaving he said to me to get baby in the car and he’d grab everything else. I didn’t think to check what he’d picked up because it was SO obvious. We’re now 45 mins from home and baby needs feeding so I asked him to grab me a bottle - he’s turning out the entire changing bag and I said they’re in the other bag. “What bag?” The bag that was literally next to the changing bag. “Oh I didn’t bring that I thought it was just stuff” yes, the bag with blankets sticking out the top and bottles in wasn’t necessary, I just thought I’d bag them up and leave them with the changing bag for no reason 🫠
Now we’re 45 mins from home with childless friends, no bottles and a hungry baby. I’ve had to send him to the shop to buy some bottles. Bet he doesn’t even check they’re the right type and teat size. Moron.

But of course it’s my fault for not specifying that the whole pile needed to come with us and not just selected things from it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’ve got my scan tomorrow to check my csection scar because it’s still so so painful and I was just talking to Mr R about it.
“Are you having an X-ray?”
“No, an ultrasound”
“What’s an ultrasound?”

Only came to about 538262 of them with me while I was pregnant? Why wouldn’t he know what one is?? 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄
Men are so weird. I just had my 20 week scan and when we got called in my husband asked if he should come in with me. Well yes… why are you here then?
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Ahhhhh after my meltdown and down episode yesterday…. babies last 2 bottles have had infacol in, the last bottle I fed her with white noise on and she drank it nice and calmly, then I gave her a nice quiet warm bath, let her have some nappy free time, then soon as I put a nappy on she pooed 🤣 Now she’s fell asleep. No bad crying episode like the last two evenings 🙏 🙏 don’t know if she was just in a bad mood those last 2 evenings or if anything I’ve done has helped but I’m just glad she’s been happy 😄 I know not every night will be like this but I’ll take it as a win after how upset I was last night
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Ahhh this is so exciting!! I think you’re the first person I saw move over from the TTC threads to pregnancy and then I followed a few weeks after. I can’t believe that you’re going to have your baby this week!! ❤
Aw that made me well up thinking of us ladies who've come over, but also the ones not able to yet.
It's been a looooong journey but by the end of this week I'll be a Mum of two, literally my dreams coming true, so, so lucky. I need to put the nerves aside and remember that more. Blows my mind to be honest 🥺
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Having 2 is the best 💕 it’s challenging at times but seeing them together is the best thing and makes it all worth it. What is the age gap?
NGL I am shitting it how it'll go with two.
3.5yr gap. Would've liked a smaller gap but wasn't to be. Feels mad to be starting the baby stage when oldest is getting more independent but so handy they're starting pre-school, out of nappies, sleeping through etc so swings and roundabouts.
Long story short, I TTC over 4 years with an ex but no luck. When we split in my later 30s I thought I couldn't and I'd lost the chance. I'm 42 now so very grateful it happened at all, let alone twice! ❤💙
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i wondered where you were!
We’ve had a busy weekend and lots of family over today, I suddenly realised the thread wasn’t in my list of watched threads anymore and was like 😱😱😱😱 “WHERE ARE THEY?”

But I found you, the world makes sense again ❤

16 weeks today (hoooooooooooow is this possible?!) and 6 days to gender scan
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Yeah I tried the balls again with Baby W and she was mesmerised! It’s some trippy shit for babies isn’t it 😂 She watches it like she’s just had some form of baby drugs

I watched the rapid cool tik tok too 🫤 Even though I know how to use it😂

Had babies 6 week check with the health visitor today! She’s 7lb 3 oz now 🥺 my little 5lb 36 weeker 💕 She’s thriving bless her
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Seriously what is wrong with my brain during pregnancy

Ordered what I thought was a Claire De Lune moses basket replacement mattress, an A4 envelope has just been delivered. Boyfriend brings it up. “Well where’s my mattress?” I open the envelope. I ordered a moses basket mattress waterproof PROTECTOR.

I did think £7.99 was a stupidly good price yesterday 🤭.
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Absolutely massive me-rail so will NOT be offended if literally no one replies to this. Truly feeling like utter shit just sat here crying with my OH trying to comfort me

I have posted before about my auntie flipping on me since I’ve been pregnant, after essentially playing the role as my mum for my entire life. It started with her being really upset about my lack of want for a baby shower, which she could not get her head around that I don’t feel close to my extended family and basically tried to gaslight me into having “so there’s a reason for the family to get together, and the day isn’t actually about me”. Now I’m hearing from my little sister that she has spoke badly about me none stop for months but my sister hasn’t wanted to say as she didn’t want to hurt me further. Things like “I don’t want to ever be asked to babysit her baby so she can go out.” “All she’s doing is moaning about no one loving her, she needs to go to bed and relax” “Her hormones are so up and down, she’s crying one minute and happy the next”. Not only are they hurtful, they are CATEGORICALLY untrue. I’ve never mentioned ever feeling unloved, nor has she even asked me how I am during this pregnancy at all to even comment on my hormones/mood. She has NO idea how the pregnancy has gone, as she’s never asked which in itself has been so hurtful. I sent her a picture of my 4D scan the other day for her to reply THIS. She then proceeded to say to my little sister “Why would I say her baby is cute because she wants me to? It’s just a baby they all look the same”. Yes you fucking idiot, they DO all look the same but my god you’d just say it out of politeness as it should excite you to even see a glimpse of what you’d regard as your grandchild. She basically hates me. We’ve had NO falling out. I know that the answer is to now cut her out, it’s just really heartbreaking this is the case. It’s my OH’s side of the family baby shower in two weeks which she is actually invited to - as my “mum” figure but now I need to come up with how to uninvite her, without dobbing my sister in it. I was just going to be quiet and hope she forgot, but now I think she needs uninviting. It doesn’t make sense to literally have a hater there who hates me and an unborn child lol


For context, my sister lives with her. That’s why I can’t just full on kick off, as she’s under 18 and needs the roof over her head. We both haven’t really got our mum in our life, that’s why we’ve grown up with my auntie as our mum.

Going forward, I won’t let her know when I’m in labour, when baby is born and I won’t send pictures. She won’t be asked to meet the baby, and I won’t go over when it’s Christmas. Of course, I’ll be slagged off for all these things too, isolating myself etc but I’m just not going to win. I just feel so devastated to lose my “mum” figure for no reason
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Thank you ❤ last night I felt so rubbish, I’ve had a cold all week and haven’t been sleeping much cos of night feeds and a cough, then I had the kids by myself for 12 hours by the end of the day I was shattered and that’s when baby W decides to start being hard work so my Mum battery had started to run out 😆 Luckily my partner came in and took her and let me have a lie down then I went to bed. I feel much better now I had a good nights sleep. Was only up at 3:30 and we weren’t up for long just fed, burped and bed. Sometimes it’s hard to not let things get on top of you isn’t it 🥲

How are you and super baby?? Always thinking of you but don’t want to tag too much cos you must be going through a lot 🤗
I’m glad you managed to get some sleep! Hopefully today is a new day and better than yesterday for you. Hope littlest melon is okay too! ❤

we’re okay thank you, it’s tough and I think we’ve probably still got another month or so before they’ll even consider discharging him as he’s still so, so tiny but he’s doing really well. He’s tube fed at the moment but he’s been showing signs of learning how to suck so we should be attempting bottle feeding this week (I know bottle feeding doesn’t sound much of an achievement as most babies just do it straight from the womb 😂 but to us it’s a leap forward). Small steps, but we will get there 🤞🏼 x
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Morning everyone, bleeding has slowed right down now, hopefully that’s the end of it. Just panicking myself now thinking “what if something happens?” But I know there’s nothing anyone can do, and the likelihood is that at this point we will get a good outcome. But it’s just a niggling feeling
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@Brewtime87 how are your feet and the swelling today?

@littlepup how are you and littlest pup getting on??
We’re doing good. Baby mostly just slept yesterday, been a bit fussy since 4 but feeding well and they’ve said the extra monitoring can stop, I’ve not had any probs so if all the usual criteria at ok we can go home today!
Can’t take any good pain killers home though so need to decide if I feel up to that.

Managed to move from the inside bay by the midwife station to a window one so it’s not too bad, day light and a window I’m glad for as a planned section Dad has come in waiting to go down absolutely reeking of aftershave. Just want queasy Mums and new borns want 🙈

How’s everyone else, won’t tag but been thinking of the twins and baby Woods in particular?
I feel extraordinarily lucky today, hope I didn’t trigger anyone yesterday feeling a bit shell shocked, so sorry if I did.
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