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They’re honestly so stupid sometimes 🙈

When I said it was the same as a pregnancy scan he asked if I needed cash for the machine for photos. Yes babe I’m going to get some ultrasound pics of my empty uterus 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Have had a truly awful day. Have been on the verge of a panic attack every couple of mins, heart rate keeps going up to around 148-158 bpm. Think it’s all hitting me that I’ll be doing this alone.
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I'm in the office today and I've just got up to go and use the loo. Immediately forgot why I'd stood up and plodded into the busy office kitchen and started searching through the fridge wondering what there is to eat, somehow forgetting that not only am I not at home and it's not my own fridge, but I literally never put anything in that fridge anyway.
Please tell me baby/pregnancy brain gets better?! 🙃
I took my keys out of my bag when I had meant to take out my AirPods. Took me too long to realize I was putting my key in my ear.
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watermelon sugar

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Baby R slept like utter shit last night. Awake every hour fussing until I gave up at 5:45 and got up. Of course he’s been asleep on my chest ever since.

I moaned to Mr R about it all night because it was driving me mad that every time I put him down he would wake up after 10 mins and fuss. So when he walked through the door this morning he was like “I’ve got you a full fat coke after the night you’ve had” yeah mate, that’s gonna cut it. My eyes are burning from exhaustion but thank god I have a bottle of Coke to get me through. Not gonna offer to have him for a couple of hours while I sleep so I can function today, no? Just gonna head off to bed yourself. Brilliant.
A full fat coke!? That man’s medal must have got lost in the post!!
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I know it’s hard to look in the mirror and accept what’s looking back at times, but please be easy on yourselves. Your body has just grown a little human. You are amazing. Give yourself time.
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He’s taken the weekend off to reward himself for being such a dedicated dad in the 3 weeks he’s been back at work since his paternity finished by sleeping all day and working all night.
But I’ve got him a voucher for the tattoo he wants for Baby R and some clothes because I’m sick of seeing him trying to squeeze his postpartum body in to his pre-pregnancy clothes 🙄🤣

I’ve also got Baby R a little best dad ever vest and I love my daddy sleepsuit but he’ll probably be sick on them before Mr R drags his ass out of bed.

We’re spending the day with his family and then round his dads for the football in the evening.

I did his dad, stepdad and my dad framed photos from Baby R’s photoshoot. I got photos specific to them so he’s draped in his dad’s football shirt for his dad, a peaky blinders hat for his stepdad because he’s obsessed and with something my dad bought him that meant a lot for my dad.
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I’m sorry she’s been so shit! That reply was odd. When I was pregnant I had this moment of realisation where I realised I needed to put myself first, pregnancy is hard enough without the people who you thought you could rely on making it harder. You have to cut shitty people off, don’t allow shitty people to make you feel upset in a time that’s meant to be the most exciting, happiest time of your life. Pregnancy really is a time where you realise who is really there for you and who isn’t, and that hurts. I can’t imagine in your position how it must feel, as you’ve said she’s been your motherly figure so she should be the one person you can rely on, however it sounds like you’ve got a good support network from your bfs side, and im sure you have plenty of good friends too. Try to focus on those who are good to you, don’t allow yourself to waste too much energy on those who aren’t and especially don’t allow them to ruin or put a dampener on any part of your pregnancy!
That kind of response is the kind of thing I get from my sibling. Not the most helpful thing you want to hear. When I told my mum I was pregnant she turned round and said as long as it was planned she was happy for us. People say the shittiest things without thinking. As for you aunt, do whatever you think is best to protect yourself. If that means she misses out then that's on her. Just because she's not happy in her life doesn't mean she has to go make shit up about you behind your back.
I’ve found pregnancy a really weird time! I think major life events such as pregnancy and getting engaged/marriage makes a lot of people show true colours. Jealousy, bitterness and just generally the people you’d of expected to show up suddenly being different. On the same token, some people who you’d never have thought end up surprising you and being really lovely which is nice

One of my OH’s cousins was honestly so cute to me tonight, she’s only about ten and she ran up to me and asked me a million questions because she was so excited to get a new cousin. Similarly, MIL kept telling me to show everyone our 4D scan and everyone was
obsessing (like a normal family member would!!!)
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Chatty Member
I'm in the office today and I've just got up to go and use the loo. Immediately forgot why I'd stood up and plodded into the busy office kitchen and started searching through the fridge wondering what there is to eat, somehow forgetting that not only am I not at home and it's not my own fridge, but I literally never put anything in that fridge anyway.
Please tell me baby/pregnancy brain gets better?! 🙃
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I feel like I’ve started something here 😂
??? I just thought non bio was less chemicals aka good for sensitive skin and babies 😂
So going way too into it but it might be handy for our sensitive skin bubs 🙈
Bio has enzymes that break down biological/biodegradable substances and removes them. You can wash at a lower temp too as you don’t need the heat, they do the work. Non-bio is marketed as ‘kinder to skin’ as it doesn’t have enzymes but it’s like anything, unless you’re allergic or particularly sensitive, bio won’t hurt you, you could just as well be allergic to non-bio. Fragrance in either is the biggest culprit.
But, bio can degrade fibers quicker so if you’re not washing vom, poo, food, dirt, grass and all the other crap kids throw at their clothes (or gym kit, bed sheets etc) and clothes aren’t actually ‘dirty’, or the stains aren’t bio-degradable (ink, engine oil, paint) non-bio is fine.

…..Annndddd that’s the most dull thing I think I’ve ever written out 🤓😂
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Elle Woods

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That smug little pout Brittany does when dishing up her dog shit meals makes me so irritated 😂 when she went through her phase of making milkshakes constantly and put a ton of creme egg bars in one then was shocked when it tasted like…. Wait for it… creme egg!!! 😂
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Having a very bad day & not really sure why. Keep feeling very tight in my chest and unable to breathe, have to really focus on deep breaths to get back on track. Couldn’t catch my breathe for so long while a few minutes ago that I started crying I was getting so freaked out.
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Chatty Member
Just wanted a slightly pregnancy related vent.

My best friend since I was 17 (32 now) and her mum have stopped speaking to me since I announced I was pregnant back in December.
I genuinely have no clue why and I have been ignored repeatedly by her.

I'm truly over it and don't really care anymore but I just wanted to vent a bit as it's her bday today and I still messaged her and got blanked 😂
Losing friends at my big old age does hurt a bit though!
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Elle Woods

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Stay strong @Elle Woods youre doing an amazing job. Can someone drop you off some food? Even something cold like pasta salad? Is there somewhere to heat food on NICU? (I know you said you weren’t at your local hospital, are you staying there or travelling daily?)
We were over 200 miles from home but fortunately we’ve since been moved closer so I can go home to sleep/eat but it’s hard to leave, especially when he’s been a bit up and down. I’m spending some time at home this weekend and my partner will take over at the hospital so I’ll get some proper meals in me! There isn’t anywhere to heat food on the NICU unfortunately
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