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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Not sure what that is.
But under Alison there's the imdb, the freedom of information thing, a LinkedIn and a few pics. Also the suggestion of her former name where there are some pics and news articles about running etc and also stuff from the time spent working in the antarctic.
It's all her history even if she's a different person now it's all part of her story but can understand why she may not like the photos coming up, however very little she can do about it now.
I remember Jess saying her former name and even showing pics in early videos then later saying she won't do it again as Ali hadn't been happy, which is fair enough and it was all a bit of a learning curve for Jess too.
I saw those I followed them ages ago

Sam's Mum

New member
They both had their address plastered on their social media, part of me is wondering if Ali has left and is staying else where as when jess was asked on her lived at the weekend she stammered and said er er Ali is away at the moment.
I think the shit has hit the fan in that house big time although I feel sorry for the kids x
To be fair I don't ever recall seeing Ali post her address, and I get a distinct feeling Jess does what she wants regardless of what Ali wants.
But, I'm sorry anyone Doxing anyone or even casually pointing out where to look is just out of order, and a total t@&t, no matter what you think of the person your doxing. Why because they have kids and those lovely dogs. 🐶😍

Also how the hell can this place keep saying we are just being critics, if things like that are even condoned, let alone allowed to go unchallenged?

I still think Ali was and still is trying to move on from Tiktok and all things to do with it, including this place. Otherwise I'm sure she would have posted on TikTok not insta?


Chatty Member
I can confirm that I have indeed established that Porkpie:
A) Is NOT Jess
B) Is probably irish
C) So was probably pushed whilst writing the incoherent reply
D) Hasn't commented on many tattle threads but seems to love this one
E) Is infact a stalker. (Possibly)

Kind Regards

Ms Marple 🙂

Pished not pushed 🙂🤣🙄
I was concerned one of us sick fuck stalker trolls had pushed Porkpie. Pushed them where? Down a well? Thank you for clarifying Della. I concur. Pished indeed.


Chatty Member
Chip on her shoulder that one.
Clearly thinks she lost her job/can't get it back due to transphobia, she even put in freedom of information requests (available freely on google)

I reckon they won't employ her cause she's unhinged not because she's trans.

Did anyone know she also has an Imbd page, due to that time she was interviewed on sky news....

Self importance or what 😄
Is the interview available to watch?


Chatty Member
We don’t really know how much Jess knew about this during those years though do we? Jess had known Ali since childhood, she’d been through 2 failed marriages and had a difficult relationship with her dad. What if the marriage to Ali pre- transition was beneficial to her as a woman with two kids and a fair amount of baggage? None of us know the dynamics of their marriage other than what we’ve been told. This is the problem with over sharing on social media - people think they’ve been told the whole story when in fact the things untold may be the actual truth.

Sam's Mum

New member
..also I don’t think Jess and Ali had any beef UNTIL Jess mentioned the divorce
I don't think they do still. You don't carry on living together and doing all those things if you have "beef".
.....they still lived together, still shared a bed, went on nights out with friends.. Jess was supporting a friend while Ali still saw her as a life partner.
They still do live together and go out on nights out etc, just because they don't share a bed again is not reason to think hey hate each other, clearly they still do care for each other.
.....disagreement on live about being on Ali’s concessions when shes back flying, as apparently it has to be your spouse and in Ali’s words, ‘you (Jess) wanted the divorce not me’
I recall that live. I got the impression Jess was taken aback by the fact Ali said she wouldn't be able to get her on it if they weren't married or living together. but that Jess still believed she could. Think that Jess wanted to have her cake and eat it.

I guess we will know when Ali gets back to work, which I am sure she will, if she hasn't already given she's disappeared of the app:unsure:
This are just the opinions of someone who works with a right blabbermouth. Like we have them. Between Ali and jess 6 of one ,half a dozen if another.
So what if the tattler is a work colleague. There are no loyalities as there are in work. She chats shit, well it'll get out there.
I am more intrigued with affair @wowzers.really

Oh yeah Jess is an absolute twat.
I believed you until you said Ali’s hair wasn’t greasy
😫 😉
😂😂 that’s so funny

Sam's Mum

New member
I’m really confused 🙈 I haven’t read the thread but their address has always been in their TikTok bio? Via linktree? As they’ve used it to promote the business…(hair removal thingy) I noticed months ago and thought it was a bit dodgy promoting your address publicly. Didn’t they realise they’d shared it? 😬 eek 😬 if I’d realised they didn’t know they’d shared I’d I’ve have messaged them to warn them!
I don't think they did? I can't say for sure as i can't find Jess's Linktree to check and her account has gone. But I had this snapshot is of Ali's Bio that I had taken a few weeks ago when I forwarded it to a friend (got to love whatsapp saving pics automatically 😂). So I got thinking, can I pop her linktree address in and get a hit? Yes I can, see below!!!

What's it showing? Well it looks like Ali hasn't had her address up on both them platforms ( I can't say for sure on her Insta as don't have a screen shot of it), not unless she's recently changed her linktree page?
Jess's I don't have a picture from and her Bio is down, so does anyone have a picture of it so I can check?
So at this time I would have to say Ali's indignation may well be genuine in that she didn't know Jess had the address up for the business. I have always felt Ali was more guarded in allowing personal details like that to get out, and maybe she was trusting Jess to do the same? And remember I said I get the feeling Jess does whatever Jess wants in that relationship.
....after she's spent the last 12 months accusing her previous employer Virgin of being transphobic, when clearly they just realise she's mental and don't want her back flying their planes? Nothing to do with the fact she's trans. Me thinks someone likes to try and be manipulative...
As a second point I have noticed your comment about her being mental. Well in my experience as a mental health nurse looking after people who really do have mental health problems I find your comments problematic.
I hate it when people stigmatise mental ill health like you are doing, I am sorry it's wrong and a huge part of the reason why people hide things until they implode. I honestly don't see any of the signs of mental illness in Ali, yes she's got a gob, yes she's a bit of a tit at times but mentally ill no not at all, and that's speaking as a forensic mental health nurse practitioner with 15 years experience.
And as for the transphobia, well hell yes it does happen. I used to see it every day in the clinic where I worked for a while, transphobic managers push out trans staff and often try to use mental health as a reason.

And like I've said a few times now, attack the content and the delivery not the person and you'll get much more respect for the site. That's the way we truly can claim to be critics in the true sense of the meaning.

Screenshot 2021-11-30 at 08.23.48.png


Chatty Member
See I didn’t mind that video from Jess. I thought it was quite funny / making light of it. I think if I’d been through what both of them have been through (my partner transitioning!) I would have to deal with it using humour!
Fair enough, I get using humour helps through dark times, but there’s humour and there’s humour and Jess’ efforts look increasingly manic. It’s like as their situation becomes less amicable and more bitter, the need to compete is looking desperate, like someone laughing and dancing because they’ve got a gun pointed at them.