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Yea I noticed that too! I think i agree with the person above. She faked a mental health card to move into an apartment of her own and her sister is probably salty (as she should) because they’ll be left with Poppy’s half of the rent in Leeds.

The whole thing was an act to get close to Kris it’s clear as day. If your mental health was soooo bad you’d go home to your family not someone else’s family and you certainly wouldnt be going to live alone either 😂😂

Just usual pick me attention seeking behaviour from her isn’t it haahha
100% bet she was jel of the sister and the boyf
I’m pretty sure it was this one x


"we bonded over the fact we both hate this girl" not her bragging about this! seems like the most toxic friendship ever she is such a pick me "omg kris only snapchat you because he KNEW i saw there" ffs so full of herself made me feel so sorry for the friend when she is yapping on about how they fell out because she slagged them all off and doesn't deny it, nasty girl.

also lmfao at her constantly bragging about boys "i was 11" "we we're like ross and rachel" the poor pal can't even get a word in edgeways, glad they've fell out again honestly.
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Part of me thinks it’s a slight baby trap. Let’s be honest she barely posts, haven’t seen an ad from her in a while and her business is constantly having sales so can’t be doing too well. Kris is a scammer, him and his friends use the exact same images, someone I know called them up on it and he tried his hardest to try pass them off as different images. These people literally go through their WhatsApp contacts and message everyone the same thing🤣
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She uses the mental health card for everything, literally can’t take her seriously when she throws serious phrases around where it benefits her. Who’s sisters’ boyfriend is gonna abuse his girlfriends own little sister pls. She needs to be careful what she says or just don’t say anything at all if you’re not gonna be clear
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Surely fucking not is her apartment in HULL 1.3k a month.... you can get a 2 bed apartment in Manchester for that.... it’s fucking Hull it’s shit... pretty sure it wasn’t furnished either as she’s saying about how it’s empty cos she hasn’t got all the furniture yet?!?
I feel like she didn’t think logically. Tbh she might already have enough money for a years worth of rent rn but also maybe just me but she makes money on insta pics and her pictures are acc awful and boring when neutrals and boring clothes go out of style ... then wat lol I just find her flat one bug rush lol she probs just googled and chose the first link
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I don’t think there was any falling out, I think she’s cried mental health so she could move beside her boyfriend but doesn’t want to say it cause she droned on about loving long distance cause it makes her not rely on him... but here she is, completely relying on him. Unhealthy reliance imo and if it is the case, grim to leave ur sister to pay the entire rent that u had a contract to help with or force her to move a few months into living somewhere. Don’t understand why someone with such bad mental health would move somewhere alone but no doubt she’ll have her boyfriend and all his friends over once she does move lol
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im so confused though in her previous vids her bf has always said he wouldnt have sex before marriage due to his religion
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OH HELLLLLLLLLLLL NO. Is this girl comparing her job to a 9-5. I’m her age n I work 12 hour shifts in a restaurant n I’d never say it’s the same as doctors n that yes there may be long hours but the way she spends her time on trains n filming doctors are saving literal lives. Fuck off musty twat View attachment 432764

I know partners love eachother but she’s obsessed w him like really obsessed and it’s so weird. Like yes you have a boyfriend that you begged and milked so much for months. We get it ... do you want a cookie or something like what do you want mate. Also she’s really taking this following to her head. Like she needs to realise she became well known through drama her career literally started on drama
soooo embarrassing 🤢 so sick of influencers having such a sense of self-importance and entitlement it’a unbelievably narcissistic. there’s not a single influencer that is “essential” the world would probs be a better place without them lol what would we miss? being preached at every other video to buy a product they’ve never even used themselves or watching a 15 second tiktok of them dancing or being told to be #bekind whenever people hold them accountable for their own choices? literally get a grip and I fully don’t understand why the meeting couldn’t have been online??? like “any other 9-5 job” right now???
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So is Kris living w her now because he can’t go back home cause where is he going to isolate for 10 days. She’s turning into Saffron lol also what in the Men in Black are these trainers ffs might be jsut me but as someone who considers herself as a ‘fashion influencer’ this is the most basic outfit

I don’t think doors are meant to bend if you look near her waist ok sis ahhaha cinch that waist 😂😂

Last thing I love how her bf doesn’t have any highlight of her but she has a whole montage for him
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I find it interesting that out of all jobs influencers seem the most busy during a pandemic lol not business women, not doctors, not lawyers, or care takers no no an influencer has to go on public transport while children have to do online education cause her job is so important
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I really don’t get why she’s moved out/ moved around like what is the need she’s not an influencer she can’t dance an is awwwwwwwwful at tiktok

Who wants to bet she’s gonna move Kris in and claim he isolated before and they’re gonna live together
Yeah I’m surprised she’s done it so quickly. She grew her following less than a year ago so surely it a risk that this isn’t long term for her? She could be irrelevant in a few months so how will she then be able to afford her rent?!
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OH HELLLLLLLLLLLL NO. Is this girl comparing her job to a 9-5. I’m her age n I work 12 hour shifts in a restaurant n I’d never say it’s the same as doctors n that yes there may be long hours but the way she spends her time on trains n filming doctors are saving literal lives. Fuck off musty twat View attachment 432764

I know partners love eachother but she’s obsessed w him like really obsessed and it’s so weird. Like yes you have a boyfriend that you begged and milked so much for months. We get it ... do you want a cookie or something like what do you want mate. Also she’s really taking this following to her head. Like she needs to realise she became well known through drama her career literally started on drama
what I can’t understand is why she had to physically be in London for a meeting meaning she had to travel (on public transport I assume)from Hull! It’s not a short Trip. ANY business meeting I have for my job is virtual because there is no excuse to need to meet in person, surely whatever she did could have been discussed over zoom
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Does anyone know why she moved of the old flat yet in such a hurry? Just find it all weird especially the fact now the sister and boyfriend are gonna have to cover her missing rent for a 2 bed when they couldve just gotten separate ones to start off with, it would’ve been cheaper and easier? Also her sisters just lost her job at topshop so all the bills are on the boyfriend now? Bit fucking harsh poppy


She moved out of that flat knowing full well they’d have to cover the rest of the rent for months and months and she did it when her sister lost her job. She’s a selfish, ignorant girl. Cares about no one but herself.

And if I hear the words support bubble coming from her once more I might actually lose the plot. She bends the rules for her own satisfaction. She’s gone and said today she was offered to go to Dubai and she said no. Liar like 😴😴

‘Influencing’ is not a job. She cries on tiktok and promotes ugly shoes on her insta. Loser.
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OH HELLLLLLLLLLLL NO. Is this girl comparing her job to a 9-5. I’m her age n I work 12 hour shifts in a restaurant n I’d never say it’s the same as doctors n that yes there may be long hours but the way she spends her time on trains n filming doctors are saving literal lives. Fuck off musty twat View attachment 432764

I know partners love eachother but she’s obsessed w him like really obsessed and it’s so weird. Like yes you have a boyfriend that you begged and milked so much for months. We get it ... do you want a cookie or something like what do you want mate. Also she’s really taking this following to her head. Like she needs to realise she became well known through drama her career literally started on drama
Except people with real jobs literally aren’t going on business trips?? Unless we’re essential all our ‘business trips’ and in person meetings have been cancelled so what’s her point 😭 she could’ve gone without posting about it hahahah
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She hasn’t shagged the sisters bf tbf. She just had a massive falling out with him and like usual she blew it out of proportion as an excuse to move round the corner from Kris.
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I really don’t get what makes you want to be her friend haha. She doesn’t have a single unique thing about her and is always miserable
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I don’t condone violence but I really want her to get in a girl fight n someone give her one wet punch to the face omggg
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Yeah tbh I found it proper weird how they were talking for months and acting like a couple when he hadn’t had the chest to ask her to be his girlfriend yet. Also I find a lot of her posts very ‘pick me’ like. She seems to blabber on about how boys are less drama at every possible opportunity she gets
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Watching her latest video and I find it so dismissive and rude how she refers to the dearly departed Sarah Everard as ‘that Sarah girl’ when glossing over women’s safety. It’s the ‘grwm while I answer i assumptions’ one, around the 17:57 mark. Literally as shown in the image I attached, to find her full name right now, all you have to type in google is ‘Sarah’ and it’s right there.
She doesn’t care lol poppy is a selfish human being. The way she talks is so uneducated she is a pick me and only chooses when she wants to acknowledge she’s a woman when things like this happens.
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