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If this had been a celeb say from Love Island, she would have been vilified in the media and surely de-platformed to some extent. If this had been a normal working class person, they'd have lost their job and respect.

But Polly is in the middle, quirky little small business owner, who doesn't believe she deserves any of this backlash. It's so frustrating to see.
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She's just not sorry. Her mum's tweets show the 'poor Polly being bullied' nonsense. Polly's tweets have her saying 'im not racist' even when being racist. So even when confronted with her bull, she clearly thinks 'theyre pulling up tweets out of context, these don't show I'm a bigot because I'm not'. But she is still that same nasty person. See when she visited her sister and kept saying 'corporate job got her this'. See when she went to the races and didn't realise how tone deaf she was. See when she talked about how only she can give men orgasms from giving head. See when she spoke about 'getting the ick' from perfectly normal people. See when she joked about forgetting ski holidays, buying a new house, spending £400+ on bedsheets and thought that made her quirky and relatable. See when she lists people she thinks are attractive and it's only slim white men.
She's hateful, she's toxic, she's a bigot. Her family have probably told her she needs to do a public apology but she can spin it to self promote her shop.
She needs therapy actually focused on her garbage self, not as an excuse to slag off her exes (always uncomfortable when people repeatedly do this online tbh.)
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I don’t think her ‘statement’ holds Polly accountable at all. She makes more of the fact they’re good friends ? How do you randomly invite someone on your birthday night out if you’re mates btw ?
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Not really sure how she can please people then
Yes I agree and I posted those screenshots - Morgan was a stupid 17 year old lol but she does genuinely care about social justice more than most people who are posting these stories. Her heart's in the right place and she's trying her best.
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Chatty Member
I wish I’d found this thread ages ago- followed her on sighh for a long time and wasn’t aware of any of this until her post today, was kept very well hidden
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Polly Exposed I have a suggestion. Don’t retweet all the small businesses jumping on your thread advertising themselves it’s tacky AF especially when not a single one of them stood up and said Polly was wrong
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I reckon her parents bankroll her a bit anyway. I actually laughed out loud at her Mum on Twitter being like ‘she has rent to pay’ as if someone from with upbringing is ever going to struggle. Her Mum seems to be a dentist in private practice, it’s not like she’s going to stand by and watch Polly be evicted 🙄
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Surprised a few accounts I follow are still following her. Hannah Whitton, Zoe Sugg (makes her look like a saint!), nighttimeholiday, thehappyblossoms. Yes a lot of the stuff is from 10 years ago but why on earth should she not be held accountable. It still happened and she still said those things. Bearing in mind these were just the things she brazenly posted online. Can you imagine how much worse she will have said offline. I expect more recently she did clean up her online content in order to market herself and as she matured but there is no way she just woke up one morning and all these views she had just vanished, she will still have some form of these views. At 16 years old in the 21st century in the UK you know using the terms she used is wrong. This is taught in school and in our society. She even called herself a racist.
Until this came out I followed Polly, I found her stories entertaining but now I’m done. She can’t come back from this for me. And the fact she’s offering to give % of profits going forward towards causes supporting the minorities she wrote hate speech about is ridiculous. Donate the money now, don’t use it as a marketing ploy. She’s spent years on stories talking about every ridiculous thought and thing that’s happened and I’m surprised she didn’t face her viewers with a video apologising heartfeltly and without blaming the era / her age by mentioning it was 10 years ago (neither of which are valid excuses). The fact she’s hiding behind a text statement rather than talking openly and honestly shows has disingenuous this all is. She should have just said I was a really horrible shit person then and I’m going to learn from this. I understand why you quite rightly wouldn’t want to follow and support me going forward, there are so many wonderful creators and small businesses you should support. I’m going to use this platform and my business to promote causes and share links to educate others and promote other small businesses and creators affected by my hateful comments. I know I still have work to do to better myself.
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Myeeh, time to unfollow. I stuck around to see her next move out of morbid curiosity - but I’ve now realised, for want of a better word, I’ve got the “ick” - nothing she could say or do could ever be enjoyable to me again, so I’m out.
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I think that speaks volumes about what Polly and all her mates think of the situation. No matter what polished PR statement she comes back with, we’ll always know underneath it all she still thinks she’s not to blame for her own actions… it’s the fault of others for “dragging up” what was always there in plain sight. I bet she’s counting down the days to her return now Elle Darby’s making her comeback. For me Polly’s use of the n word will always be unforgivable and is the worst example of online racism I’ve ever seen.
I totally agree with everything you said but especially the part that it’s the worst example. I was there for the unfolding of racist Susie Verrill and I thought hers were horrific but when you compare what she said to Polly’s it’s almost like Susie’s were mild - they weren’t though it’s just that Polly’s were exceptionally horrific. I regularly contact brands that work with Susie and have had some really good results with getting brands to drop her and I know a lot of others on her thread do too. So Pollyanna hun I’d just like you to know when you do make your inevitable comeback I will be there waiting to contact every single brand that are stupid enough to not do their research on you. 😘
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So she's using this as an opportunity to open up her collabs, essentially. No mention of donating to charities as promised. And she needs to stop separating teenage Polly with current day Polly when she in fact raised these tweets in an article in her 20s. And yeah, it's easy for her to say "I want to start the conversation for change" but how about the conversation for victims of rape who were triggered by her posts? Or those of child abuse, racism, homophobia etc? The poor little African children that she seems to think are no better than doormats? Will Polly create a space for their conversation?
She's pathetic and I can't think of any reason why anyone would purchase anything from her in future after knowing the extent of her posts.
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Both posts (on Sighh and personal account) are flooded with people saying what’s she’s posted is the wrong tone.
Some have 300+ likes…
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i still can’t get over the fact that she isn’t donating her own money that she already has to charities and instead wants people to purchase her tat so a percentage of that can go to charity ??
how hard would it be to donate a % of last year's sales? 10% or something split between a few charities. donating a percentage of future sales is such a cop out because it requires people to buy stuff from her and she'll make profit from those sales! unless she's donating 100% of the profit , it's a completely shit guesture that means nothing.
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The people viciously defending her on Twitter are obviously her relatives, there’s absolutely no way anyone else cares enough to make a private account to fight her corner
Yeah and as such they probably hold the same views as she does, so obviously they won’t think what she’s done is wrong.
I do think there is a difference between ignorance (from being young and stupid) and outright racism, and all the other ‘isms she tweeted about. Ignorance because you’re young and calling things gay or r’ tar d as an insult, I think you can grow out of and learn that it’s offensive to use those terms and not say them.
But the stuff she tweeted, that wasn’t just ignorance, that was deep rooted racism and hatred, and I don’t think she’s suddenly decided she doesn’t hate anyone that isn’t white or British. Plus she still hunts/supports hunting defenceless animals so she can fuck off! Tory twat!
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Nah, not having it. Still no real apology for the people she’s hurt with her words and the pure laziness and, as has been said, arrogance of asking people to help her out so she can kick on her business.
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New member
Yeah the 'angry child' narrative really rubs me up the wrong way. I'm not sure why she feels that being a former 'angry child' makes her qualified to help current 'angry children'. First of all because when I think of angry children lashing out I don't think of them tweeting slurs for a laugh, I think about them being physically violent or actually saying these slurs to someone's face. Two, I don't understand, is she asking to host workshops in schools herself? I can't imagine that she would be able to answer any questions. You'd have kids asking 'why is it bad to use slurs?' and instead of explaining it hurts people she would say 'because some people don't like it and they will turn on you. Best to do it where no one is looking! Hehe' Then hand them an expensive notebook where they can write down slurs in secret. I really cannot believe that she thinks she has anything to teach others. She should discuss her sense of self-importance in therapy.
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That account didn't ruin Polly's business, Polly herself did. That account has just been reposting what Polly HERSELF chose to put on the internet. There's consequences to your actions, again for similar example is Chrissy Teigen. Maybe Polly has changed, but the sheer amount of tweets/Tumblr posts with horrible content is quite astounding. Especially the *trigger SA*

R@pe ones and child pedophilia. There's just NO way in absolute hell that is ever okay. She had to of known how disgusting and wrong it was to post that and still felt the need to put it out into the realm of the internet.

End Trigger*
It’s not even like her tweets were protected and only people who follow her could see them. ANYONE could find them. She had every opportunity to delete them. She must know people get cancelled for a lot less than she tweeted about. What made her think her tweets were fine and nothing to worry about?
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