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Aww I think it's a bit mean talking about Billy. Everyone with a baby likes to show them off and knows deep down that no one else cares but still can't help doing it. I've zero interest in Billy but I don't mind scrolling on through. It's lush Pippa herself and her loyal sheep who should be getting the flack not poor Billy.
No one is giving the child flack Jesus Christ. It’s the mother is the problem.
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I hate when it’s one of their birthdays and Pippa Brian and Arthur recycle the same tired old “hilarious” clips of one another that they’ve been churning out for years now to prove how gas they are. We’ve seen them all a million times
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The accessive posting is pure and utter showing off. The picture yesterday of the silly face massive Rolex watch and ring with the "excited much" caption🙄so uncool. I used to find Pippas showing off quite subtle compared to some of them but she has become so flashy and vulgar in the last while. she's Insufferable. and she's not looking her tip top best anymore either, definitely has lost the xfactor whatever it was.
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The dress is awful, can’t believe she was lookin out the window for DHL Keith to bring her a dress that looks like a white paper lampshade!
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Ye must be fair lightweights if ye think having a glass of wine with yer lunch on holiday is boozing 😂. We are away for 3wks we miss our dogs but they have an incredible dog minder so we know they are safe & happy . Kids aren’t missing their friends between all the different holidays they would barely see them over the summer months anyway . All kids want is a pool and the odd day out , it’s so hot out there you wouldn’t be up for much other than splashing around the pool . Her kids do look happy and it’s lovely their cousins can come out and spend time with them , you never get that quality time at home . Ye might lot like Pippa and there is valid things ye can bitch about regards her but her Summer looks fab and with 3 young children it looks ideal tbf
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You’d be surprised there is some absolute weirdos out there. Didn’t she say a while back people were messaging her asking how Billy was sleeping? Imagine caring about that like.
I find that so bizarre from people, how do influencers not go o my god this complete stranger is asking about my child I need to take them off instagram straight away when they get messages like that. It completely baffles me.
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That dose of shite Tara Makeup is on that Lancôme trip too. They never never promote Lancôme. They have no shame!
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Oh another borefest from her and her bland family and a free trip to Sheens Falls in Kerry. Flogging her POCO denim shorts. M&S do better ones, trust me.
Donal Skehan was there the other day. Great marketing guys, another hotel off my list.😂😂
Is this a pr stay? She just tags the hotel. I'm thinking of messaging them, we are planning to go to Ireland at the end of the year for the first time in 4yrs and I planned on a stay at Sheenfalls, but this has sickened my arse🙄
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It's no longer the norm for a two week holiday. We now have 'relocating' for the summer or a large portion of it being spend abroad.
The gap is growing and I think influencers have really put their lifestyle out of reach for many which is in contrast to how so many started out!
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This is her 3rd luxury trip with lancome over the last while. Think the other 2 trips were in Italy and do you know what, I actually thought when I saw her stories today that she's just as greedy and grabby as the other try hards she thinks she's a step above. She never ever mentions lancome of her own accord. It's the one brand she never shows or uses but sure as God she's on their press trip to the South of France wining and dining in the finest.
More fool them then for giving her a freebie, I know I wouldn’t pass up a free city break. 🙈🤣 She’s coming across as so desperate these days.. the flaunting of the wealth is so vulgar.
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You know when it starts with All the down time earth tired mom chats and then Bang! Selling time, they are all the same
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Ah she’s never not got a glass in her hand, no matter the occasion. Especially the things like bdays/christenings/communions, Wednesdays it’s always around her
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I’m very envious of her lifestyle and actually preferred Pippa and the rest through lockdown. Think all these holidays are too showy and vulgar. By all means spend your money but quit taking everyone along with you like it’s relatable. France “with work”, Sheen falls now Santorini. Each one is a big deal on its own if you’re lucky. She’s a bit like Hannah Saunders. They actually believe their lifestyle is normal. It’s not. I know lots of very wealthy people and they don’t act like that or if they do they don’t record it.
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I wasn’t sure if that was a throw back photo for her ‘photo a day in May’ She also spent a night in The Shelbourne and another in The Merrion

June 21 Kerry
June 21 Adare Manor
July 21 Portugal

A break as Billy was born

Jan 22 Dubai
Mar 22 Cashel
Mar 22 London (not holiday - BAFTAs)
May 22 France (not holiday - Lancôme)
May 22 Portugal
Jun 22 Sheen Falls
Jun 22 Santorini
Jul 22 Portugal ?
I remember she was there then because I got dogs abuse in the last thread for saying the kids must be bored going to Quinta do Lago as it’s not a place for kids 😂😂😂
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Her pushing the buggy y'day with the cocktail in hand. Not an image anyone i know would aspire to be!! I didn't find it funny!? I don't find mixing drink and kids funny at all! I once found the image she put out very classy and put together. Now I'm starting to think she's a functioning alcoholic! Can't even unpack without a glass of wine!
Yes I agree, I've said it so many times on this thread, Everything they do is an excuse to drink, everything is centred around drink. like after a month abroad with 3 kids, various different visitors coming and going, a day travelling home with 3 small kids, the last thing I want when I get home from the airport is a glass of wine. I just want to get showered and have an early night. how does she not feel like shit. there's absolutely no way I'd be hosting a birthday drinks party at my house the day after I got home from a month abroad with these very people. everything with them is a big piss up. she looks much older than her years, definitely down to the drink.
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