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Chatty Member
I don’t see how she could disappear now. Surely she owes it to the people who have donated to continue to make videos.
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Iconic Member
Vile scank. I think I hate her more now because I expected more from her, this is lower than low,

Our title will reflect her level of scankiness.
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I wonder if she's suddenly decided to change to mostly book content so that her viewers just fade away because so few people watch the book ones compared to the vlogs and then she can just phase herself out quietly. I've not watched her since the breast reduction ones and I used to watch every one (apart from the books, unless it was a book I had read or wanted to read). I used to really love her channel, especially the vlogs.
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Hopefully not a subsidised procedure. If they buy the bungalow soon think they’ll be a big backlash
they have made it quite clear Neil doesn’t earn much so I doubt any bank would offer them a very big mortgage at all, even if they walked in with a good deposit they still need to show affordability.
she has been desperate for a boob reduction but hardly saved over the past few years.
She mentioned wanting to buy the bungalow but again has done nothing towards saving a deposit.
she’s just all bloody talk and just needs to get a job at the end of the day. I know there are millions of people who struggle financially (especially now) but she does nothing to help change things. I dont understand how they NEVER have money?
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Has she mentioned anything about her own savings yet? How much she is putting towards it? I can imagine the greed in their eyes seeing the money rolling in. Unbelievable.
if shes saving she shouldnt ask for the full amount that alone shows just taking the piss by taking the full amount for the op and keeping her money for herself
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That whole vlog was P having meltdown after meltdown. I really feel for her. No shame getting help to try and work out why she’s behaving like she is. Granted it’s also natural toddler behaviour anyway but she seems to be suffering a lot more than most. The Easter holidays (and then returning to nursery) are gonna be so hard for her, trying to adjust back into the routine again like it’s day one.
I think the fact she turned down the chance to work with channel scum made me silently cheer her on.
And now here 😂😂
I totally agree she's so much better than the likes of the Meldrums etc. It's such a shame she's on her own so much. I think that the problem her and P have been alone together such a h8ge amount since she was born thru no fault of theirs therefore it's going to take alot of time for her to adjust to being left
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I think i am now getting the vibe that Neil isn't very committed to her....he would rather her scrounge donations from strangers than offer any of "his own money"

financial abuse if he is keeping his wages for himself

she said Neil has encouraged her to do the go fund me.....i bet he has!!
I think Neil in charge of the purse strings
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VIP Member
Well until the op she will I guess, but her Insta’s private now so there’s some element of pulling back and I don’t think the criticism she had got over this will help.
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VIP Member
I would never do this but I feel like emailing the mail. I think she was convinced she could blag the NHS and she would never have had to resort to this 😳
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VIP Member
Such lovely news. Maybe seeing Ellie have Eliot changed her mind. Jess is such a great, natural mum and I think P is going to be a great big sister.

Well this is going to be an exciting few months, a lot of youtubers I watch are expecting. There must be something in the water!
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Yes she was always so miserable with P as if she was in the way it came across like P was an annoyance to her ,she did lighten up a bit with F but I don't like how she leaves her on her own at times especially when she's doing the ironing she could easily pull the iron on top of her the same when she knew the cot needed lowering but she was too lazy, it took the baby to fall out before she bothered to lower it .
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VIP Member
We’re all bloody low. Sorry but Jess isn’t the only one suffering, the rest of us just don’t have a platform to cry to. My mental health has been shit since lockdown and even before, but do I ask anyone else apart from my family and friends for anything. No. The majority of people have bloody health conditions that they would be resolved a lot of faster going private. I know I do but I get on with it because I have to.
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Potentially taking money off children now...

It’s sad because most people genuinely loved her, now her reputation will be tainted by being work shy and shady😒
I’ve lost all respect for her after that vid no harm but she comes across as disingenuous..A Bette Davis performance for sure.

I’ll just leave this here not a mention of the backache that’s been unbearable for years
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I believe they have bought a newish car recently too. And Neil's Christmas presents were designer type things as she said he doesn't like primark etc. Which is all fair enough but if my husband or I are saving for something we would do without. And she quit her job as I recall it was her choice!!!
omg yesss i remember she felt out of her deph so quit though tells people she was sacked which is odd imo

Ok so I have a lot of thoughts on this so apologies in advance if this comes across as ranty.

She has had issues with her back due to the size of her boobs for years. She purposefully waited to do something about it until after she had finished having children which I understand, however, what pisses me off is that she was happy to manage the pain with medication for years until she had her kids but couldn’t wait another year for the pandemic to get under control to take action. It is absurdly selfish. I have lost 2 close family members due to the pandemic - one passed away from Covid and the other passed away from a tumor that she was unable to get treatment for so this cuts really deep for me personally.

Not only would waiting a year have helped the nhs but it also would have given her some time to save some money towards the surgery if she got rejected on the NHS, which she always knew was a real possibility.

This brings me on to my second point...

To be honest I have always felt Jess to be somewhat work shy - she doesn’t seem to cope well with any sort of criticism or change in routine.
She quit her job before Christmas (when she was already 6 months into this breast reduction process). She quit voluntarily because she didn’t think she could cope with learning the new system quickly enough. Seriously? In Jess’s own words - put on your big girl pants and deal with it! We all have to do things at work that we might not want to or we think we can’t but in the end that is what makes us grow and develop as people. And ultimately what gives us pride and confidence in ourselves and our abilities. If she knew she needed/wanted this surgery so badly there is absolutely no excuse for quitting her job to then 2 months later ask strangers on the internet to fund your lifestyle decision.

If you want something badly enough you will find a way to make it happen. She is just choosing the way all influencers do - get other people to do the hard work! And as others have said Jess would be the first one to call out other influencers for doing this and would act so superior about it laughing and joking with Ellie.

She wastes a lot of money on absolute tat - like the books she buys just because the version she already had was in a different cover style to what she wants on the bookcase.

She is at home all day every day, yes I know she has the kids but there are many remote jobs nowadays that she could work around them. Also for all the time she spends in charity shops why doesn’t she go down the reseller route. I personally did this in order to pay for my dream honeymoon and was able to make £18K in 2 years. With her following she could do £8.4k for her life changing surgery in about 6 months.

I am beyond disgusted to be honest and have unsubscribed. She was the last influencer I was even still following on youtube. I am done with all of them. This pandemic has really shone a light on the selfishness of people. It is really sad.
omg i want to stand up and just clap cause u said it perfectly

i dont know how more people are not calling her out in the comments for it

also sorry to hear about your loss its hard isnt it this pandemic is effecting everyone and is not the time or place to be asking strangers for money at all
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Chatty Member
Someone donated 1.5k wtf! That money could of gone to someone’s cancer funding , with every video her target will get closer . I’m not disputing how much pain she is in but it’s well thought out how she’s posted and done a gfm
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Iconic Member
Completely agree!
I started off on the other side of the fence il be honest, I’ve been watching her since last vlogmas and I really didn’t like her in the beginning but she’s my favourite vlogger now.
Can’t say a thing against her, I love what she’s doing with her channel and the content she’s uploading,
you can tell numbers aren’t the reason she doing YouTube and she’s not pimping herself or her kid out for spons and views.
Really glad P is doing better in nursery now.
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