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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
i feel like i may get slated for this and i know its for health reasons but i dont think its right at all shes done a go fund me for a breast reduction people can disagree with me but i dont feel its right at all
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Yeah I would feel mean being stingy. Jess wouldn’t part with a penny she didn’t have to, like if would cheer someone up to buy them a coffee or a hot choc I totally would and I think most people could afford to do that.
That is what her asking for money off people so laughable . This is the woman who asks for a discount on books from the charity shop.
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No wonder Neil wanted to keep that private. I thought that was strange as it wasn’t a big deal
Exactly! I found it really strange when she was like “I’m not discussing my job. Neil says I don’t have to put my life online” when she has literally discussed the most TMI things in the past 🤣 it was completely brushed under the carpet.

It just seems so calculated asking for the money now using a sob story when, let’s be honest, she’s had a long time and lots of opportunities to save herself. I also agree with the previous poster who said that she emboldened certain things (“pain”, “mental health”, “change my life”) or whatever, especially as she brings her children into it too. Very manipulative
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she’s very limited now. I don’t think she likes vlogging as much now, as before vlogmas there were none hardly all year and she can’t really do hauls or anything showing spending as she will get criticised.
I love books but these are such specific books...
Exactly. I love reading but not that genre at all. I used to really enjoy her vlogs but she never does those any more. I wonder if the next one will be something to do with Florence's birthday.
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It might sound stupid because I don’t know her, but this has really annoyed me for all the reasons other members have said about other urgent health conditions, the pandemic etc. Could she not just save up and stop buying tat (as others have said?) Maybe find a job to work in the evenings/weekends or something. Really sad that she’s become a sellout
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£107 actually as each person who donates pays the fee, not Jess who asked for 100 more initially as she thought she was paying a fee too but isn’t.
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I think she is just being honest & real! Having a baby isn’t all happiness and excitement! There’s nerves about the birth, sleepless nights, having a child and a newborn and caring for both on your own! There are more hard parts of being a parent than easy parts & she is well aware of this and unlike the first time where you are naive, she knows 100% what she is letting herself in for! If I had a second child I would definitely be more nervous because I know what’s to come 😂😂😂 I do think she is excited though but like others have said she isn’t over the top about it! X
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Omg I remember this! Also, I can never understand how he only eats chicken nuggets and chips everyday and nothing else? It would drive me mad- he must feel rotten inside! Can’t be a good example for P and F either
I know! He's such a picky eater! I couldn't be bothered with having to make separate meals every day.
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Chatty Member
I'm actually kind of torn now. I think her biggest mistake was putting the GFM out there before posting her second video.

I still don't think she should be asking for money without getting off her ass, finding a job (any job) to fund it herself. But watching her videos she does come across as genuinely uncomfortable with the GFM and I mean, her boobs are huge, that has to affect everything she does in life. If she was working and doing her best to save the money, I would have no issues with what she's done. It's a shame that even the backlash doesn't seem to be enough to get her off her ass!
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Jess would’ve put the pic up herself at Christmas time if they were allowed to meet up with people. Another sneaky move from her. She’s a sly one that’s for sure.
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We jump on here because it’s not right to ask people for money when she says she has savings. Why should others make sacrifices.
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I very much doubt she will lower it. She has made nearly £1500 in less than 24 hours. If someone else can pay for it and she can keep her own “savings” for books and bargs she happily will.

they think tattle is so bad because influencers push the narrative that we are just trolls who have nothing but ill will and spite for everyone when in reality we are just normal people who are sick of being demonised for having an opinion that doesn’t always kiss their arse.
She said it felt wrong to pursue it on NHS, but then admitted her referral was rejected so she couldn’t have pursued it anyway. Then said total was too high but left it. I’m so confused.
Nothing in this story adds up does it ?
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The links up twice to her saying what she thinks of a GFM for a breast reduction. Surely anyone who sees that will just see someone who’s sold their principles...
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
I don’t have an issue with the surgery, I understand the want for it.
my issue lies at
1) the hinting over the last few months, notably the Christmas haul, talking about needing to lose weight for something but can’t say what etc etc, she was testing the water and seeing what people would say / If anything. She’s spoke openly about needing to lose weight for a reduction previously.
2) the whole ‘I’m not asking but here’s the link’ by setting up the go fund me you are asking. Creating it is asking. Sharing the link is asking. What you mean Jess, is there is no obligation to donate - but you are asking. Why start a series about a reduction that you are yet to afford? There be two videos and then nothing until you have the money? Why not save the clips until you have the surgery organised? Because you want people to donate.
yess this is my stance too the actual surgery is just whatever though it is comestic no matter what way people try to play it if its for vanity or not the thing of im not asking but heres my link is just so so stupid because u r asking jess u want people to click and donate exactly its just stupid if she cant afford a big chunk of money and doesnt raise enough then idk what she will do she will have to give everyone their cash back if she cant have it in the end im really upset with jess as i said i actually was a loyal follower of hers im suprised not more have commented on the video disagreeing with it quite disturbing how a big majority see no issue in it

like i actually feel silly how much its effected me but with cancer being in the family etc i think its maybe effected me bit much how she wasted the nhs time etc during a fucking pandemic she should have put part 1 and 2 out together on the same night watever she saids next i still wont agree because its wrong to ask your followerrs for money
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I watched her at Christmas and she was on a hinch bandwagon and cursing like a fish wife in front of her kid. Then the kid wet her car seat 🤦‍♀️ I judged her STRAIGHT away and instantly disliked her. I don’t know how I ended up going back a few months later but I’ve really warmed to her. I love her passion for reading and how she talks about books and I love how honest she is. I really, really felt for her when she was starting P off in nursery and it didn’t seem to be going well. She looks like she’s at her wits end at times which is reality. I like that about her. She’s fast becoming someone I enjoy watching because she’s so unpolished and raw.
I agree, its nice to see someone more real who doesn't cut out all of the 'bad' bits and sugar coat stuff. Love that she seems to read so much too and encourage that in Phoebe, instead of just buying her toys all of the time. I just hope things improve for her.
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another sob story video should cover it....then she can disappear off the internet in time for the next "NEXT" sale!
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Chatty Member
Did she ! Well and to have filmed and uploaded it as well , well when her little girl starts calling other children that they will wonder where she learnt it
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I know it’s prob too early for a name suggestion, but can we call the next thread:

Can Jess run without her double K, away from HMRC with 8k of GFMand far away...
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There's no question that her boobs are huge but she's clearly playing on peoples emotions on that vid and she knows it ,she's always been very sly her and Ellie together are a car crash so unlikeable but watching Ellie away from her she's completely different even in the way she is with her kids she actually has time for them and works when she could sponge off her ex he has a good job and earns a lot but she chose to move to a council flat and stand on her own two feet ,where as Jess is deff work shy and manipulative.
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Agreed I 100% thought she’d have a rethink but I think she wants the money too much now and she won’t lower it one bit. Wouldn’t surprise me if their own savings went to buying a house and it was suddenly announced in a year or 18months.

The new car was glossed over which struck me as so odd for Jess. I’d love to know what they got...I’m sure if it was cheap and necessary it would have been justified
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