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🙄 Just go enjoy your new baby Feebs 🙄 Stop posting constantly! Especially constant feeding photo! Enjoy the bonding. Not you, him. and your phone 😑
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Every single person (including Feebs) will have an opinion on people, it’s life. You’re never ever going to like/ have the same opinion. That’s a bit different to hounding someone in the media every single day and then trying to ruin their career
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Midwives are always interested in Mother and Baby, it’s patient led care, their duty of care is for mother AND baby. She pees me off so much putting them down constantly like she knows everything, all because she’s been pregnant and had a baby once before. I think the chip on her shoulder comes from her wanting to do things her way, but with her bmi being in a range that medics put you as a higher risk, I’ve been in this situation myself and yeah it’s not nice being told your “high risk” that a hospital birth etc will be better for you/ you need more appts etc, if you have your heart set on something else. But as much as I know to trust my own instincts, I’m also not medically trained and will take advice from people who are, so me and my child at the time were healthy and happy. If god forbid something ever went wrong, who would she blame if she didn’t listen to medical advice, I wanted a home birth but with my high bmi at the time I couldn’t live with myself if something had have gone wrong! She needs to back off bashing those who want to care for women as much as their babies!
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Chatty Member
H isn’t even feeding, out your fucking hot dog nipple away man!!!

I’m all for BF and agreeing it should be normalised but if your child is not feedin there is no need to have your bread dough tit out and sausage nips for thousands to see!!
I breastfed both my kids exclusively for a year each - I swear not one person once saw a tit/ nip (Ok maybe at home I was more open with it 😂). I think whapping them out all the time puts off potential breastfeeders who (like me) don’t like the idea of flashing flesh. I wore a strappy vest & a tshirt - pull tshirt up and vest down. Baby on & the baby/ it’s head covers anything on show. I’m just not a ‘tits out’ person.
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Steriliser that others recommended to her and she's affiliate linked it 🙄 Making money off of other peoples suggestions now
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In the past she’s gone “off the grid” when there’s obvs been problems with Jimbo or all’s not rosey etc. We’d know about it if Herbie was breastfeeding “like a dream” and putting weight on etc. So she’s probably just having a few normal struggles it’s still the first few weeks. And as much as she posts “relate-able” stuff she won’t show herself as being too “imperfect!” She’s still feebs after all. I think it’s such a shock to the system going from one to two children, that was the hardest transition I found and I have four. Their little bubble of three where Vesper ruled the roost would have completely changed and it’s a lot for everyone to get used to, adjustments aplenty, as well as all the demands that a newborn has. I actually hope she’s just thinking ‘Kin hell this is hard work’ and Instagram has been the last thing on her mind for a change!
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Active member
Glad and everything went well for them but doubt I’ll last long following once the, see I told you so, birth storying starts.

Treat we all got to see Jim’s boobs before we see feebs boobin start
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VIP Member
She is grating on me! Used to love following her but since being pregnant again she’s a know it all! You have had one child. ONE. My daughter is 4 weeks younger than Vessie. She’s still in nappies, we are going to try after Xmas but I’m in no rush 🤷🏼‍♀️ We also have our 2 year check with the HV tomorrow. I too have zero concerns, but still going. How do I know they won’t have their own concerns about her? And isn’t it just nice to get a professionals opinion on their development? Why does she think she knows better than a trained professional?
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Well-known member
Honestly I'd be mortified people I know irl seeing my saggy tits all over 'the gram'. So narcissistic. She doesn't come across as a breastfeeding advocate but someone who just fancies herself a bit too much.
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Chatty Member
I tried messaging her about all this birth stuff once. She had posted about a podcast that discusses birth trauma and how she thought it would be helpful. She was then confused when some of her followers didn’t react well to this.

I tried explaining that her relentless positive birth chat wasn’t really conducive to discussing trauma and offering suggestions of what those who have suffered it might find helpful.

I didn’t get a reply 👍🏻

I’m sorry but you cannot consistently exclude a group of women, bang on about how negative birth stories aren’t to be listened to - and then see it your place to discuss those women’s experiences. GO AWAY.
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She is grating on me! Used to love following her but since being pregnant again she’s a know it all! You have had one child. ONE. My daughter is 4 weeks younger than Vessie. She’s still in nappies, we are going to try after Xmas but I’m in no rush 🤷🏼‍♀️ We also have our 2 year check with the HV tomorrow. I too have zero concerns, but still going. How do I know they won’t have their own concerns about her? And isn’t it just nice to get a professionals opinion on their development? Why does she think she knows better than a trained professional?
Agreed! I have no issues with my 2 year old but why wouldn’t I take him to his check/ review? She says you can’t fail at being a 2 year old.. no one is saying that. The HV does not imply the child is failing at anything but what if there was something that she hadn’t picked up on, she’s not a health care professional so as much as she thinks she knows it all, she doesnt! So the HV review is just to make sure there’s nothing that needs to be kept an eye on. Maybe I’m just a worrier but to be told by the HV that my son is doing really well & there are no concerns was just confirming what I thought but since I’m not qualified I maybe could have missed a sign of something. Each to their own I guess but she does do my nut in making out like it’s all sunshine & butterflies and that Vesper is the perfect child. All mothers of 2 year olds I know say it’s bloody hard going some days & that their toddler is mostly a little monkey trying to get their own way & pushing boundaries which makes me feel like I’m not doing something wrong, thank god. Also, my 2 year old still wears a nappy at night & it’s always wet in the morning, he’s 2.. how can he know to hold it in while he’s asleep!? I mostly think people who say their 2 year old is dry through the night is chatting shit & I bet they still put a nappy on.
Soz for the longggggg message
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I get this from a financial point of view, childcare is crippling, we could only afford to send my eldest from 2.5 because of childcare vouchers from my husbands job - I’m surprised Jim doesn’t get those as a bank manager?? 🤔

But god yeah that is going to be TOUGH when the new baby arrives. My eldest was going to nursery two days a week when my youngest arrived and I don’t think I’d have survived if she hadn’t. The lack of sleep and then having to entertain a toddler is brutal, and I just could not get us all out of the house, it felt impossible!

Saying that though I’m sure feebs will sail through it with a big ol’ smug grin on her Mick Hucknall face 🙄🙄 can see it now ‘its just about being prepaaaaared and it was actualleh not too bad getting us all readehhh so I’ve med a pack up and we’re off t’zoo.’

Yeah good for you babes 👍🏻
Mick Hucknall face 💀
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VIP Member
Health visitors--trained to spot safe guarding issues, signpost parents who are struggling, support parents who might not be able to put food on the table for their child. Great idea advise ppl to avoid that eh 🙄
I don’t even have children yet, but have baby nieces I am very much involved with and oh my god. Yes wanker feebs YOU might not ‘need’ it. But there are thousands of parents who do need it. People who struggle due to illness, abuse, poverty, or just the general overwhelmingness of being a full time parent who juggles work and parenting. I’m sure 95% of parents who attend don’t have concerns and their children are perfectly healthy, but you could literally be damaging that 5% for life. Some parents may not pick up on some very concerning health and social issues with their children a HV might, some parents may be a danger to their children due to abuse. You have no fucking right to tell people to go against medical and HV advice. If you don’t want to do it, preach to your fucking beloved aga instead of you’re thousands (and potentially vulnerable) followers. Dick. Head.
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VIP Member
‘Contains my boob, if you have a problem with that, well, don’t know what to say’
Yeah I do actually, I do have an issue with you getting your tits out on the internet at any given chance when there’s NO NEED to share, thanks!
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