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Don’t shoot me but I’d prefer Phil hosting soap awards. Jane should stick to the singing
You prefer a groomer and a pedophile enabler (if he’s not also one himself) hosting soap anwards over Jane, maybe just let that sink in!

Edit… Honestly WTF! 🤯
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Oh my God. The select committee are talking about Martin Frizzell’s aubergine-gate!!! Is this real life???
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Way back in PS’s early days on Twitter I posted a photo of a sign that had lost some letters. It said Essex Furniture and the E and S had been removed. I got a @ mention almost immediately by PS saying him and his brother Tim (also @ linked) were cracking up at the photo I posted. I feel uncomfortable about this now. With hindsight was this the both of them together sifting through Twitter? My bio clearly mentioned my kids. Does this show they were operating as online predators together?
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So basically YMU are controlling the press. There’s gonna be so much nefarious shit that we’ll never find out or have confirmation of. They can make any story that negatively impacts their clients go away, including the reporting of potential criminal activity. Wankers.
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James Haskell (coincidentally the son in law of richard and judy) says he knew about Phil and MM years ago so he doesnt get how Holly says she didnt.
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Chatty Member
If no harm was done and it was ‘consensual and legal ‘ by both parties why hasn’t their being a statement from the boys legal team which Philth is paying for anyway to end all this ???
Secondly if there is wrongdoing and the boy silenced , why aren’t the police all over this and Philth been pulled in for questioning before been given the innocent card . Something doesn’t add up and looks like it’s going to be brushed under the carpet …amazing what money and power can do ! Business as normal now for TM. One big happy family . Nothing to see here now …move along .
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An article on the mirror late last night posted about Pedaphil strategically hugging his mum had so many comments agreeing with us it was so refreshing. Looked on there now, only 8 hours later and couldn’t find any.
Checked my activity log - go to view the content and it’s been removed

so the the MSM are really trying to make us feel sorry for him and hiding the people with their eyes open like us so we all like sheep fall into place and think the same.
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I never have received a dick pick... I would die 😆😆😆 I did go on a date once with a guy utterly offended that I wouldn't go to his house to sleep with him on the basis that he had bought champagne 🤔
This reminds me of a date many years ago where the guy was totally offended and sulked because i wouldn't go back to his flat and sleep with him on the basis of him having spent the day cleaning his bedroom and changing the duvet for me...... he was an actual grown up 32 year old man aswell 😂
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Strawberry Tart

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It should be a crime in itself honestly, essentially bribing journalists to not run certain stories, what ever happened to freedom of the press? It seems like there’s so much red tape to protect celebrities, I know the press can be shits, but it makes you wonder how much we don’t know and what else is being covered up. I don’t know much about the law but getting clients off the hook with the police definitely sounds fishy to me, that’s not something any of us normal folk could ever dream of doing.

It’s really disgusting and insidious. I think YMU need investigating too, they’ve been abusing their position in the industry for far too long. So toxic.

Has the reason for Holly leaving the agency in 2020 ever been made public?
I’m gobsmacked at the popbitch article, thanks to all who posted it. So YMU act like they are the mafia. I know we’re peed off at Holly, but after queuegate, I did see the story about Holly taking the heat about it and at the time wondered why the papers were singling her out and not mentioning Schofield. Well now we know, Holly had left YMU so had no protection whereas smug Phil was still with YMU and totally protected. So basically YMU have probably been protecting shameless Schofield for at least the last 3 years re the runner. The papers couldn’t print anything or they’d be cut off from YMU so no showbiz stories. When Holly left YMU- and it was acrimonious- I wonder if that’s when the feud between her and PS started. Either way it doesn’t paint YMU in a good light at all.
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I don’t think anyone needs to feel sorry for Holly, her husband is a producer so she’ll be fine but agree that YMU are on a witch hunt. This thread has really made me realise how little we actually know about celebrities.
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I know Holly isn't well-liked on here, but I think it's magnificent she gave YMU a big "fuck you" and started her own talent company / pocketed some money (though I wonder if Holly's collective will have to join in on YMU's "close ranks" style of management to be competitive? When in Rome, do as the Romans do?).

You might be right that YMU are on the offensive, they have put Holly in the firing line before.

Could well be Richard & Judy's opinion filtered through the mouth of their son-in-law. Though, we have no way of knowing. Thinking about it, I'm surprised Madeley hasn't said anything as he does have a tendency to over-speak and put his foot in it (as Judy knows only too well, think of the amount of times she rolled her eyes at him on screen!).
I agree. Holly is lucky that her husband is one of the biggest producers on TV so work will always readily be available to her. I remember when Anthea Turner was the highest paid woman on television and was on everything, and then the press turned on her when she left Peter Powell for his mate and ripped her to shreds. She ended up in the wilderness for a long long time. Surprise surprise Peter Powell founded and owned YMU or James Grant as it was then known. They’ve been doing this kind of thing for years.
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Do we think there are nudes of Phillip out there? Not the shower mirror and gardening ones. I’m talking proper full frontals and dick pics. I refuse to believe he’s not sent photos like that to some poor sod somewhere. He is absolutely the type who would do that.
If there are I wish to never, ever, EVER see them
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Unf*cking believable they tried to put it back onto the boy. And as for ….suggesting it was ONLY for 18 months….and you knew what you and the defendant were doing was wrong and went along with it! 🤬 I appreciate that’s the nature of the beast when you go to court but this was a child and believe me it gets worse this is just a small excerpt.

Peter Binder, defending, put it to the alleged victim that this was an 'exaggeration'.

He also said he was 'exaggerating' over how many years there was sexual activity between them, suggesting it was only for '18 months' when he was an older teenager.

Mr Binder said: 'You knew what you and the defendant were doing was wrong, but you went along with it without any reluctance.'

The alleged victim denied this was the case and said 'all my statements are the truth'.

The alleged victim said if he didn't do what Schofield asked, he would get 'angry at me' and gave him the 'cold shoulder treatment'.

Another excerpt very much what some were saying about Phillip being with MM but this was what Tim had said to the boy.
‘Schofield then allegedly said that the reason he 'liked' the schoolboy was 'because he said that it reminded him of his youth because I was younger'.

So TS dragged it through a not guilty plea and allowed his legal team to further traumatise the child (I do not use the word ‘trauma’ lightly), accuse him of lying, and suggest he could have said no.

After he’d already admitted it to PS.

Who failed to intervene and safeguard a child.

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Remind me never to piss off Kim. She's terrifying and relentless like a Terminator Cyborg with a beehive.
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I still can’t get over people not questioning there being more to it and a simple “unwise but not illegal” affair. PS (or his team) have been so clever with that, making it the strap line of the saga.

I personally think, from the bits we know, the truth about Schofield is very seedy and sordid. Could be there’s enough suspicion within ITV high echelons about that too, which is why he’s been dropped.
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Holly Aniston must have spent her entire holiday in Portugal coming up with that original speech to the nation this morning 😂
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