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Guys I have so many morons on my Facebook sharing that long post sticking up for Philth and quite frankly I cannot believe I actually know and (some are actually family members) LOVE people who are sharing this absolute manipulative pedalo enabling post and it’s getting to a point where I wonder is it best I just sack off everyone in my life because CLEARLY no one can be trusted nor have the brain capacity to see what is literally right in front of their eyes
Lol pedalo - what a typo!😂😂😂
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I see Daniel O'Donnell's wife has even joined in the slagging of Eamonn. She sent him an article about his Anthea Turner days (even though he and Anthea have long since made up). Ffs Majella.
I suspect Daniel O’Donnell’s wife is in the same situation as Stephanie Schofield.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Ugh, these men who whip their cocks out in a power play really disgust me. The only time anyone wants to be near a cock is when you're getting down to the biz... or is that just me?!

And ETA to say, in what world is it OK to be having sex while you're at work? It's really not.
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Has anyone got the full version of this popbitch article? I can't find it on archive

Secret Agents – Popbitch

Curious as to this bit: "The revelations are opening all sorts of fruitful avenues for Popbitch to explore, and we'll have plenty of opportunities in the coming weeks to deal with them. This week, we thought we'd start with a broader look at the talent agency that stuck with Phil for 35 years, how they kept his indiscretions out of the spotlight all this time, how they keep their wider client base out of trouble – plus, how they once covered up one of Phil's unwise AND illegal incidents... "
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Dotty Merton

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Oh jeez, I now have an image of PS, having been groomed when young himself on BBC, also being groomed to become a procurer for JS et al. Does this rabbit hole have a bottom or is that position only secured for PS?
Philth was the youngest employee at the BBC, the tea boy. In 1979. He was 17. He was working at hospital radio from approx the age of 15.

I think it is very likely he was groomed himself. I'm still suspicious about the move to NZ and getting the Shazam show, I've wondered if it was a sweetener arranged by the bbc to keep him quiet about his own experiences as a young lad at the beeb.
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Philip schofield is a groomer,
He just loves a late bloomer...
His head is grey,
Sex-Pest ; we all say..........
It should have all broken sooner
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Chatty Member
Although the act has been around forever, the concept of grooming and the discussion around it is relatively new. As ITV and Philth haven't been able to contain it as well as they did in 2020 I do hope there are more people out there now looking into their own histories and joining the dots and realising something was very wrong in their contacts with Philth.
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An anonymous journalist needs to investigate YMU. Its crazy that they can wield this much power as to what is reported
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Twist of the toxic aubergine 🥴:
I may not have won PS thread title #48 but I have won it for TM#4 thread 😆
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If it was meant to be a joke it failed miserably. He just looked like he’d had a brain fart trying to be clever to evade the question. That reporter should have bopped him on his freaky 70’s hairdo head and knocked a bit of sense into him. I hope he’s one of the crew called up for the Parliamentary questioning. I’d like to see him make a joke about aubergines to them. Fucking imbecile.
For some reason, whenever I see Martin Frizell's name it reminds me that a journalist described his wife as "warty Fiona Phillips" in an old article. :eek:

It's stuck in my mind for nearly as long as the "dancing like an epileptic geography teacher" description of Andy McCluskey from OMD I read in the music press a few centuries ago.
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Piers Morgan would 100% be sticking the boot in if he didn't have an axe to grind with ITV himself.

I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn and I hope I don't offend anyone, but I believe if someone is truly suicidal they either quietly get on with it or cause themselves serious harm through an attempt - they do not do interviews with national media outlets. I also think it's terribly controlling and unfair the weight and burden he has put onto his daughters. It's manipulative and reads "if you leave me I will hurt myself." How dare he!

The self-harm victim card is nothing more than coercive control and I am embarrassed that some people are lapping it up. It is a threat. "If you don't leave me alone and something happens it will be all your fault!"

If Eamonn is lying, then sue him for slander Phil. Or Ranj, or any of the many people who've come forward. But we know you wont as all your dirty laundry will get aired in the courts!
and if the Sun and BBC were giving him a platform to say he was suicidal why did they carry on and do an interview, surely they would have had to bring in a medical professional to make sure he wasn't suicidal to let him continue
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I'm tempted to greet everyone I meet with "Are you ok? I hope so."
I'm a mental health first aider. We ask someone 'are you ok' twice. Over three quarters (78%) of us would tell friends and family we are "fine" even if struggling with a mental health problem. It made me put several pounds in a swear box when Holly started her scripted bollocks with it.
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Dotty Merton

VIP Member
Nobody has to sign an NDA, there's something call free-will.
No sign, no fancy jobby in tv land. I've put a few together for people working on a project for me in a previous life. I can see a work experience kid being rather excited to sign one, flattered almost to be trusted.
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