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VIP Member
I‘m starting to agree actually, I just checked and Haskell is YMU surprise, surprise. Now I know more about YMU, that was a massive fuck you to them when she left to start her own agency. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they have an orchestrated campaign against her. I’m not a huge HW fan, but it def took balls to leave that agency. It really does act like the mafia.
know Holly isn't well-liked on here, but I think it's magnificent she gave YMU a big "fuck you" and started her own talent company / pocketed some money (though I wonder if Holly's collective will have to join in on YMU's "close ranks" style of management to be competitive? When in Rome, do as the Romans do?).
Were Rochelle and Marvin with YMU before, too?
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VIP Member
YMU have just signed Paris Hilton for her new singing career. She is dressed as a cheerleader in pink with pigtails. Isn't she a bloody mother now? Doesnt she get it?

I thought YMU were just for brit presenters, seems not. YMU have a newly created FM Music division.
A replacement for Holly then
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VIP Member
It is for another thread I suppose but freemasonry should not be allowed in any public service jobs including the police, and private companies should routinely include in their contracts that employees agree not to be members of it (in my opinion).

Freemasonry is a secret society of (let’s not forget) men only, who are well-known to do favours for each other, and it is therefore not compatible with the obligations of public service in particular. It really should die out.
Not all sentencing remarks or court cases are published and I don’t think Timothy’s case will have been “notable” enough but I’d love to be wrong if anyone has the link.

I am sure there are some good people who do good things, my main point was that a “secret” society (I don’t care about the rituals but I do care about people keeping their own membership secret) whose members do each other favours and gives each other preferential treatment is not compatible with being in the police or being a judge for example, and I wouldn’t recommend it for private businesses either because of the potential for conflicts of interest. I couldn’t care less what clubs people are in but it’s well known that Freemasons give other Freemasons breaks and special treatment in various contexts. I don’t mean driving them to hospital but letting them off when they might be in trouble is a distinct possibility.
maybe some do like a lot of people who are not masons
It’s all a bit I don’t know what goes on so it’s got be dodgy
All of my husbands lodge are retired and as far as I know have no contacts with the mafia or any influence with any big wigs 😂
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
I see Daniel O'Donnell's wife has even joined in the slagging of Eamonn. She sent him an article about his Anthea Turner days (even though he and Anthea have long since made up). Ffs Majella.
I was surprised to see that
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Is it just hearsay that the minor abused by Scot’s brother was his own son? Or is that just unsubstantiated speculation?
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Tangerine Cat

VIP Member
Has anyone got the full version of this popbitch article? I can't find it on archive

Secret Agents – Popbitch

Curious as to this bit: "The revelations are opening all sorts of fruitful avenues for Popbitch to explore, and we'll have plenty of opportunities in the coming weeks to deal with them. This week, we thought we'd start with a broader look at the talent agency that stuck with Phil for 35 years, how they kept his indiscretions out of the spotlight all this time, how they keep their wider client base out of trouble – plus, how they once covered up one of Phil's unwise AND illegal incidents... "
Looks like it’s behind a paywall now. I’d like to read it too 😭. I’m in the bath so can’t do a payment
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Too Much

VIP Member
It's really rotten to think that they got away with being such bullies too. Especially him as regards bullying it seems.

Nobody should have to work in such an environment. 😡
And I can't imagine there was any point approaching Frizell / Mr Aubergine about them.

View attachment 2222259
Where's this from? The light salmon-coloured background looks like the Financial Times.
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Chatty Member
When a person is not named in Court Proceedings it is for one of the following reasons…. (it usually says at the top of the Court papers which one as the Judge has to justify his reasoning, unless it is a child which for most cases anonymity is automatically granted)

1. When the defendant or claimant is a minor
2. The Sexual Offences Act 1992 implements an automatic prohibition to publish details that identify a victim or their where abouts.
3. Adults are granted anonymity if the Judge is worried about the safety of the person who has convicted alleged crimes (because if they were named this could cause people to abuse their families or when back out in the real word, the names person could be subject to harm from the members of the public which the court don’t want to be liable for)

So basically, whoever it is that Pedaphils Brother abused, it is clearly a minor in my opinion given the crimes he was convicted of. It could possibly be an adult as in SA cases, the victim is not named for obvious reasons such as not wanting anyone to know what happened to them.

If there was a Court case regarding PS and MM it’s unlikely that either of them will be named, stupidly because of Phil playing the mental health card already and MM being classed by everyone as a vulnerable boy.

Also, where did you guys find the Court case for Phil’s brother? I haven’t managed to find the actual papers only what news outlets have said. It will be somewhere because they all get published.
It was reported through a variety of sources as I recall. If you Google TS trial live reporting day 1/2/3 etc you'll find there were Twitter reports and live news reports. It's all there, you might just need to have a bit of a root. I was following it daily at the time so can't quite remember what rabbit hole I went down each day to find it 😂.
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VIP Member
Sorry could someone explain what’s happening in parliament please? Is it actually about TM/PS or abuse of power in the media in general?
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