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I don’t know anything about law at all, but could it possibly mean that the minor (if named, therefore searchable) might show a link to PS and not just TS - other than a familial link, I mean. A professional link perhaps.
When a person is not named in Court Proceedings it is for one of the following reasons…. (it usually says at the top of the Court papers which one as the Judge has to justify his reasoning, unless it is a child which for most cases anonymity is automatically granted)

1. When the defendant or claimant is a minor
2. The Sexual Offences Act 1992 implements an automatic prohibition to publish details that identify a victim or their where abouts.
3. Adults are granted anonymity if the Judge is worried about the safety of the person who has convicted alleged crimes (because if they were named this could cause people to abuse their families or when back out in the real word, the names person could be subject to harm from the members of the public which the court don’t want to be liable for)

So basically, whoever it is that Pedaphils Brother abused, it is clearly a minor in my opinion given the crimes he was convicted of. It could possibly be an adult as in SA cases, the victim is not named for obvious reasons such as not wanting anyone to know what happened to them.

If there was a Court case regarding PS and MM it’s unlikely that either of them will be named, stupidly because of Phil playing the mental health card already and MM being classed by everyone as a vulnerable boy.

Also, where did you guys find the Court case for Phil’s brother? I haven’t managed to find the actual papers only what news outlets have said. It will be somewhere because they all get published.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else feel a bit like this is PS saying ‘look everyone, I’ve got a hotline to a detective so watch it or I’ll report you’ - like a thinly veiled warning to those who might have some dirt on him.
.... 👍 Yup, and Philths own narrative of a 'conversation' between him and and a detective putting himself on the right side of the law.
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VIP Member
PS was filming Mr and Mrs for ITV in Nov 2009 Maybe Ben was in the audience. Maybe managed to meet PS...

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VIP Member
Shaun Attwood live at 5.45pm 15 mins

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VIP Member
Where can I watch this select committee? I turned on parliament channel and it wasn’t there!

thank you
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For some reason, whenever I see Martin Frizell's name it reminds me that a journalist described his wife as "warty Fiona Phillips" in an old article. :eek:

It's stuck in my mind for nearly as long as the "dancing like an epileptic geography teacher" description of Andy McCluskey from OMD I read in the music press a few centuries ago.
O/T: Randomly his sister was my teacher at school! 😂 English though, not geography! 😂
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I know I've said in an earlier post that I have ITV during the day while I work (for background noise).

What I did notice today from TM, it was it was ALL WOMEN!!!!

They had Martin Lewis on a phone in when he was in his studio (standard).

They had Dave (the money man) reporting crap from Blackpool.

They were the only two males.

I think even on International Woman's Day Phil appeared and it was only the opening segment that had women (recollections may vary).

But it really stood out for me today.
Dave licked Holly's ice cream hahahaha ... she complained it was hers .. always about her hahahahaha
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VIP Member
Could be. Do you mean perhaps a child from drama/theatre school, or similar?
I don’t think the age range fits for MM and who at that age would have a professional relationship with Phil that would mean he would be informed of developments? If it was someone employed by ITV HR might be told but not just a colleague (which I’m assuming Phil was to everyone there, he wouldn’t be a line manager of anyone)
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VIP Member
Could be. Do you mean perhaps a child from drama/theatre school, or similar?
Yes, that’s the first thought I had. Introduced via PS or a mutual friend.

But then actually, now I think about it, his brother lives in the South West doesn’t he?
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