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VIP Member
Why are all these ppl paedophiles? Why are there so many ponces in the industry? We know about Savile & Schofield, but who else are they covering up? Everyone associated with progression of Phil’s career should resign immediately. That includes Holly. Being an ally for the LBGT doesn’t include supporting & turning a blind eye to ponces.
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Oh come on, two sons both into the same thing? Was she wearing blinkers? I was abused as a child and fully hold my mother accountable as a neglectful parent.
I'm replying catiously because you have lived experience that I don't but your experience is your experience. We don't know what theirs was. As I said, my friend's parents didn't know and weren't neglectful.
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Active member
The two big red flags for me are:
* Not ONE colleague/celeb/friend/family member has publicly come out in support of him. Still!?!
* No one in this day and age, especially from the high profile TV entertainment world, would be fired for having a gay (and let's not forget - LEGAL, in PS's own words) relationship (married or not). It would be considered homophobic and attacked mercilessly on social media, especially with the current landscape regarding the trans movement et al.

It seems ITV is in a lose lose situation. Damned if they didn't fire him, damned if they did. Ho hum, my field of fucks is parched.
The second point is what I keep saying and thinking. This is proof alone that they know there's more to it. I hope he ends up reunited with his brother as that's where he belongs.
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Chatty Member
How do you think MM and potential other victims feel about this? Do you think they agree that he should be ‘left alone’ now? Or are they perhaps feeling rather fucked off about what happened to them and would be glad to see the whole story out in the open?

Come on, now. Phil is still pretending it was all above board, merely ‘unwise’. He sat on that fucking sofa to come out as gay, and pretended to be all sad and vulnerable and told that whopping fucking lie that he hadn’t been with anyone. He had been shagging and then booted out a very young man- HE is the one who is vulnerable here, not Phil.

I for one hope every fucking thing comes out and this smug bastard gets everything that’s coming to him.
If he has done something illegal then he should be arrested end of. Technically as the person he entered into a relationship with was a teenager at the time, and given that he was superior in a co worker capacity, it could be argued that he groomed the young man. BUT this is for the victim to discuss with their solicitor and the police. The media can report on that in due course.
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VIP Member
she is still contracted to This Morning,
I always assumed her contact would be up the same time as Eamonn , as they always presented together. a strange decision for TM to take her off screen but kept her in contract for the following year , and however long she’s still got left. You’d have thought they’d have mutually agreed that she’d be released from it , especially if she was already contracted to loose women too. Will be interesting to hear her thoughts on it all when her contracts finish
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VIP Member
Are you saying Ben P is 18 years old? According to this DM article, he was 29 last year.

Well according to his insta he turned 18 on the 15th of March this year (unless I am mistaken, quite possible) but he posted saying 18 today and all the comments are people saying happy birthday.


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I'm not surprised. I would imagine he has journos camping out trying to get info on him. One thing I WILL say, is that the DM has been super careful NOT to mention MM by name. That is unlike them. I wonder if they have proof he was a victim. An underage victim. Otherwise they'd have all the pics and stuff up already. I think the story is just waiting...
That's an interesting point you have with DM not naming him. Much more to come, it seems! I expect Mr Wootton and his panel guests will commence hinting at more clues as to that more to come soon enough!
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