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Chatty Member
I wasn't excusing what CF did to her boyfriend but DW hounded her whilst crawling up the arse of Ant McPartlin who was shitfaced and crashed into a car carrying a 6 year old. ITV seem to give the men more of a pass than the women and so does DW.
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Covid is a multi-organ systemic infection. People are having strokes/ cancer more because of covid, not the jab.
Can we not derail with the COVID/ jab chat - everyone's entitled to their own opinions and we shouldn't judge what someone else decided to do - what felt right for them.
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I’m intrigued by the Martin Frizzell, Madeline McCann connection. I distinctly remember that at the time, GMTV and Fiona etc were very much on the side of the Mccanns - and woe betide anyone who might point out that apparently fucking off and leaving 3 children under 4 alone in a hotel room might be neglect, at the very fucking least. Critics were called all sorts of names - and even threatened with legal action by the Mccanns for speculating or criticising them online?!
I wouldn't pay too much mind to the hard-of-thinking Fiona Phillips, she's as dumb as a rock and one of these types prone to be sucked into conspiracy theories. I think she carved-out her career if you can call it that by starting off as a Hollywood hanger-on, sorry 'reporter'. Then she hooked-up with Frizzell who was moving-up the ITV totum-pole (similar to Holly, she also married a TV exec). I would guess Fiona, ever eager to jump on a bandwagon got involved with the Mccann's because of some misguided need to 'help' reveal/defend 'the truth' and Frizzell realized it could be monetized for their mutual benefit. These people ... Phillips, Frizell, Holly, Phil aren't particularly bright people, but when it comes to grifting they are right up there with the best of them.
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That man is not gay. He’s a ponce. He represents absolutely nothing of gay culture and uses it as a cloak of invisibility, whilst he does his dark deeds. I’m offended he is receiving this ‘award’.
I reckon he is bisexual but it’s more convenient to create a narrative about some torment of being gay and afraid to come out of the closet because that could garner public sympathy.

PS is a sexual predator, whether gay straight or bi. And he has used his elevated position to take advantage of vulnerable victims. All whilst being enabled by a cloak of protectors around him, motivated by money and fame.

I really have faith that he will crash. Not too late as with Saville, but soon. I feel that it’s not just PS but a network, involving the talent agency and possibly Simon Schofield.

Shame on that super injunction, I would be curious to see the arguments behind it. I am also curious to read any court documents concerning Tim’s case. PS has known details about that for a long time 😡
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I wouldn’t take any notice of what Sonia Poulton says to be honest. She’s just another alt-right anti vax, Covid denying fruit loop who spends most of her time whinging about mainstream media. I don’t doubt what she says about Philip and Holly but am unable to take her seriously. Especially when she as so pally with that guy who it turned out was shagging a vulnerable sex worker (sorry can’t remember his name) he’d claimed to have saved.
I’m not right wing or covid denier but I certainly wasn’t going to have a MRNA vaccine put in my body without it being tested properly. Said jab wasn’t tested correctly, they lied constantly re covid, death numbers are so very high now, I’ve never known the wait for a funeral to be this long, and the amount of people being diagnosed with stage 4 cancers is extremely worrying.

We can’t condemn Sonia Poulton for her opinion on covid or ITV /PS/HW because that’s exactly what we are doing. Personally, I’m very happy that I wasn’t jabbed and the whole covid saga has made me open my eyes to so very much. I had to go to a class yesterday and the amount of people there who have had strokes was so sad. The course Co ordinator told me she’s never know anything like it. If you’re happy you had the jab great. I’d never ever call anyone a fruit loop for their decision and especially as theres so much coming out now to back up what she’s saying. I was never a fan of Poulton, Denise Welch, Carol Mcgiffin et el but I can absolutely see what they are saying.

I’m sure that the usual TM watchers would call us all fruit loops if they read what we are saying here. Respect for anyone us all included for looking, learning and appreciating what’s outside of the box.
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Chatty Member
I don’t usually watch TM but have just put it on today and to see how ITV are taking the absolute piss with both of them still there is disgusting.
I have lost any respect I have for the likes of Martin Lewis, Matthew Wright and any other so called celebrities who engage with them for money and to raise their own profiles.
HW is just as bad as he is for choosing to continue working with PS knowing the truth. Both of them should have been sacked after Queue-gate but instead were held up as beacons of the free press that is ITV! I rarely watch that channel anymore with all its wokeness. They should shelve this show now it’s time is over and that perv should be were he belongs…in the next cell to his brother.
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I didn't watch TM as I was working but kept up with the thread (good old multi-tasking).

I can hardly believe the audacity of PS to be there this morning. Eamonn said on GB news that he didn't think PS would turn up, he was wrong. I did enjoy the digs though.

If the contracts can't be terminated for some reason (don't they have a clause about bringing the company into disrepute, I know mine does) then surely they can be put on gardening leave until the contract expires.
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Phil Holly & Martin Frizell should go. Bring back Eamon & Ruth. Philth made sure E&R were fired when she made a complaint against him. She prob knew it would happen but complained anyway ..#brave. Hope MM is delighted. What goes around comes around. It’s completely disgraceful how ITV pandered to him . That coming out show finished me with him .. I was already on the way. E&R turned up to present that morning & we’re completely ambushed. I think that was the start of Holly’s disenchantment. She left their mgmt agency shortly after.
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I find it very bizarre and a bit hypocritical to be honest, that gobshite Piers Morgan, who discusses the headlines and news items, has not said diddly squat about P and H on his show on now on Talk tv.

He maybe friends with H but's headline news
I seen the handover from Jeremy Kyle to Morgan tonight, Morgan wasn't happy, and blamed his demeanour on a football result from yesterday, so Kyle said I know what might make you happy (words to that effect) and you heard the This `morning theme tune, Morgan remained stoney faced so Kyle played it again, Morgan remained stony faced and silent throughout very strange for someone normally so vocal, maybe his demeanour is regarding being implicated in Horrid Harry's phone hacking trial. or maybe there is something else simmering in the background re Philth and him. who knows time will tell!
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I don't like Hollow at all. Never have. However, she needs to hot-foot it to her GP and get signed off with stress / anxiety and give herself some breathing space without the worry of breaching her ITV contract.
She was also allegedly told something along the lines of “ITV have been very good to you, if you can ride this out with us, ITV will continue to be good to you” I’m not a fan of Holly but I think she was put in a difficult position from the sounds of it.
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This cracked me up! And these articles are hilarious too. The Sun one once again clearly alluding to MM.

Are any of you taking a step back to see how weirdly dystopian it kind of all is? A TV channel carrying on pretending nothing at all is wrong whilst being inundated with pleads to remove its presenter, and accusations against it plastered all over the press. TV is made to feel so reciprocal and conversational now - hashtags promoted to discuss it, phone ins, apps, every presenter having social media - yet its still so unidirectional.
I don't think we, the viewer, have ever seen anything like it before! One of the main presenters on a mainstream show, so obviously hated on social media, and he's still there presenting! Doesn't make sense does it?
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I know we are on Tuesday now and we all thought he would of slung his revolting hook by now but I think he will style it out this week …. BUT Friday will be catastrophic for him as the sentencing of his brother takes it to yet another level, especially if the judges sentencing remarks are uploaded online.
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Phil could have left ages ago before the MM story came out, ITV would have paid him off and gave him a few cushy documentaries per year, it’s his pride, not even the money. He believes it’s his show.
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Strawberry Tart

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DM are on it, there's a body language person giving a low down on this mornings TM

Love that the mail story mentions yet again the young runner who left the show suddenly, and how it was ‘mysterious‘. They are definitely not letting it go. Even if Schofield hasn’t done anything illegal it’s downright immoral and not what you expect from a show that‘s all about family etc. I’m really shocked at ITV not doing something when the story is absolutely everywhere. Isn’t this bringing the company into disrepute? In any other job he’d be out on his ear a long time ago.
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Tilly Kister

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"Investigations like this ( into child sexual abuse in Rotherham) are just spaffing money up against the wall"
Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson, 2019.

Well now we understand why they were so happy to have him on the sofa.
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