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It’s not homophobic to be against drag queens in school or performing for children ffs. One’s a sexuality and the other is… something else. There’s no ethical difference between a performance from drag queens and black and white minstrels in my opinion. Both are regressive and gross.

But anyway, does anyone know how Children’s bbc from 80s/90s links to itv today? There seems a number of stars (men) that have crossed from one to the other.
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Tim’s son is Phil’s nephew. If he had kept silent about that, knowing precisely who the victim is, and know ing that Tim had easily access to him, that’s quite despicable.
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I just noticed today when This Morning were doing a link to Loose women that Kay from LW said hi Rochelle...not hi all....gonna keep an eye on these greetings but maybe they all hate him too. He looks awkward during those links.
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Everything Carol Malone says is 100 per cent correct. He is not a serious journalist, he began his career in children’s television and then went into light entertainment. There’s nothing wrong with that obviously, but he acts like a serious political heavy weight journalist when he’s far from it. It’s such a shame that all of this is coming from Dan Wootton and not someone more likeable and from within the mainstream media. He obviously despises Schofield and there is so much he wants to say but can’t. Wootton is known for his vendetta’s against people and he will not let this go but until someone in the mainstream says it no one is going to listen and nothing will change.
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Ooh hello - new to this thread but glad to see everyone talking about this cretin.
So it is already in the public domain that he has a super injunction against a boy he started shagging while he was a teen runner AND he knew his brother was a nonce but stayed schtum.
Yet his career isn’t completely in the shitter. How?! What does he have on the big wigs that he’s not been hung out to fry?
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Someone needs to talk. I feel sick that a child predator is allowed on national tv in 2023! Have they learnt nothing!!! #justiceformatthewmcgreevy
How old is Tim Schofield's son? Does anyone think that he may have been Tim's victim? So Phillip's nephew may have been the one being abused and his Uncle Phillip did nothing to stop it???
I'm so fucking angry arrrrrrrgh!!!
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Shingles can come about because of stress. I had it when I was very stressed and low. Maybe Holly is exhausted by the stress of all this.
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Nope, not in the slightest. She must have known everything all along, and chose to turn a blind eye, either because she wanted to keep her job or because she's stupid.
No, not a shred of sympathy for her.

I think the queue gate thing showed how much they both live in their own bubble of self-importance. They never expected that backlash. I don't know if she is ill or not but I would guess she is wondering how to extricate herself from all of this.
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Apparently, Nadine Dorries has spoken about witnessing Philth behaving in an aggressive manner towards a female co-presenter 😳. Sadly the article is behind a paywall I think.

Brilliant to hear Kim speaking out against him once again. I’ve loved that woman ever since she set foot in the Big Brother house. It would fill me with joy if she had a hand in his downfall. Unlike a lot of the other people calling Phil out (Wootton, Dorries etc) she has a predominantly young fanbase meaning she’ll be reaching a whole other demographic of people, alerting them to Phil’s antics.

Whilst Katie Hopkins can be deplorable, she’s grown a substantially large platform on Instagram and has proven herself quite popular on TikTok so again, her message regarding Philth will be reaching a large audience.

The walls are closing in.
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I hope Holly is in talks with her manager/legal so she can quit.
I'm not entirely convinced Holly's Husband Dan Baldwin has her best interests at heart. There's something about him I find 'off'. But then again, he's a television producer ... a profession that does tend to attract a certain 'type' of man.
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ITV really seem to have a problem with realising that “it’s good whilst it lasted”. Just get rid! They just keep bringing out the same schedule and presenters time after time and they have some seriously questionable faces on their books. I get it’s about viewing figures but there’s some great talent out there- give them a chance, freshen it all up a bit! I bet if you looked at the TV listings in 2015 it wouldn’t be too dissimilar to 2023 it’s lazy.
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Scarlett O' Hara

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Wow, Dan W definately knows where the bodies are buried.

He is becoming bolder by the days and I think it's only a matter of days/weeks before the proverbial hits the fan.
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The King's Coronation would be an excellent chance for some to shout “Phillip Schofield super injunction“ in the background of the many live cameras and mics with the media getting excited doing random interviews everywhere…
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It was always going to happen and IMO is the real reason he came out, so that any criticism of him could be passed off as homophobia. It’s despicable and he isn’t an out and proud gay man, far from it. He carries a lot of internalised homophobia which is why he presented himself as a straight happily married family man for so long. The entertainment industry has always been very accepting and tolerant of gay people. There was no need for him to hide who he really was he. He isn’t an ally of LGBT community. He has done Fuck all for them since his brave ‘coming out’. There is so much he could have done but he hasn’t because he doesn’t give a shit and it’s all about him. He’s a just a dirty old cunt who is into teenage boys and young men, and do you know I wouldn’t be all surprised if he didn’t have some kind of mental health crisis when the shit hits the fan and jump on that bandwagon as well.

Exactly this !
He came out of the closet and then jumped back in it. Covid helped massively but he I feel is still just living a lie. He has done zero for the community and on pride day he looked like he wanted the ground to open up when he was on the ITV bus. He had to hide amongst colleagues. He doesn’t do anything solo.
He’s just into boys, he won’t have an age appropriate relationship because I suspect he would be so out of his depth. He can’t control a 60+ yr old.
That’s why I cannot stand Schofield … he’s just an utter fraud.
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I’m very surprised Piers M hasn’t commented on all this, he always loves the drama and giving his opinion especially when he thinks people should be sacked…….oh yeah he’s one of his buddies that commended his coming out bravery! I often think about the staging of Ruth & Eamon having to sit holding PS hand on that day…I bet Eamon was furious he had to do that! Again most likely forced by the top dogs
I posted this on a previous thread but worth posting again. Also there was a photo of him crying on Holly's shoulder as though he had been diagnosed with an incurable disease and only had weeks to live, or something. Stomach turning stuff.

It shows how protected he is by ITV and it's very difficult imo for anyone on the payroll to speak out and tell the truth. 😡

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