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VIP Member
Rumour has it Eamon is currently trying to find a loophole in Phil’s superinjunction that allows him to speak to the Irish media 🤫 There’s some chatter about it in Belfast. I guess Eamon wouldn’t go to such lengths unless he had something big to say.

Yes Eamon, come on!!!!

Love that man.

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We are being gaslit on a MONUMENTAL scale.
I know Schofield is not the one on trial here but come on … he fronts a daytime TV show and his story IS todays news.
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How can they keep him on This Morning knowing he knew what his brother was up to and didn’t immediately put a stop to it. How many guests do they have on talking about abuse, that rightly would call him out on it ? How many times in interviews with politicians or whatever has he tried to use the “ you must have known what was going on” line of interview.
Surely his influence at itv isn’t so strong that they would keep on like nothings changed
Exactly. I never watch the programme because I can't stand him but I happened to see a clip one day ages ago. I can't remember who the politician was or what the story was - not sexual abuse anyway - but Schofield kept snapping at them with his grim little mouth 'apology?...apology?' every time they tried to finish what they were saying.

How dare that little creep sit in judgment of others, on live tv, just how dare he? 😡

I think the queue jumping gave the media and well known people whom he has eviscerated, as well as members of the public a chance to say what they thought of him. He and his sidekick Holly got such a shock over that backlash - and rightly so. They have been in such a bubble, especially him for far too long, that they thought they were far above the ordinary people. Ugh.

Surely this latest story as well as his own disgusting behaviour has to be the beginning of the end for the slimy little creep.
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It’s laughable when PS was slagging off Prince Andrew daily on the news section calling for his title to be removed and how do the royal family move forward from this scandal knowing this was happening in his own family
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I wont be watching this morning ever again after all of this. It seems as though as they’ve carefully covered up a paedophile and now shit is about to hit the fan
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PS and Holly should have been sacked years ago for turning up for work drunk after an awards show, still wearing the previous nights clothes.
Good point! I think they somehow thought it was funny & relatable….it’s not if I went to work pissed up I would be marched off the property. Wankers have got away with it for too long!
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Chatty Member
I totally agree with all the comments, and genuinely hope chickens come home to roost on Monday when the verdict is in, and philth gets his comeuppance.

Just a thought on MM, he was a boy. Idolised this man. Loved this man. Would do anything. Then thrown aside. He must feel not only betrayed but a sense of love and connection from his first relationship with a man. He did not know that this man was targeting him because he was a young boy, he thought, and maybe still thinks there was something deeper there.

What PS has done is grooming an innocent young boy, who probably is still very confused if not feeling guilty that he has implicated his 'lover'

Jesus wept, this poor guy should not have the burden of reporting this to the police, let alone the press, it is hard enough if this fucked up shit happens to you by some hunk round the corner who is older and cooler than you and you are so head over heels that you don't realise the situation you are getting into... Which is ILLEGAL.

WHY THE HELL ARE ITV not self reporting themselves for the most sick of crimes; Or his family, or someone that knows about this, jeez why is anyone not reporting this to the police!? Has this guy not been through enough to be groomed as a child, talked allover the internet, gossiped around small circles, and now we expect him to go to the press. Me included until I had these thoughts, and now I feel not good about that 😭
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I do think there’s probably some truth in the speculation about Phil grooming/abusing his younger brother when they were children. It sounds quite shocking and impossible I know, but it’s happened in my family (previous generations) so yes it does happen and yes it is more common than you think. I think all the signs are there. PS quite clearly has a lack of moral code - he lied for 25 years about his sexuality and had a family despite being gay. He’s clearly groomed young men before (MM being just one example). Exploited others using his position of power. All that starts somewhere, it doesn’t just happen out of the blue in the middle of your life, it’s deep rooted, back to childhood. In hand with that, his brother (although ABSOLUTE scum for what he has done to that child and I’m not excusing it for one moment) appears to me to also possibly be a victim himself. Saying to PS “You’re going to hate me for this”, he was apparently suicidal, angry, emotional etc. Whereas PS doesn’t behave like that, he’s brazen and thinks his position in power will protect him. I think he’s probably very damaged by something.

All speculation of course and I’m no expert, just what I make of it all.
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So this is why Philth is staying away from TM for a week?! What an absolute disgrace, and the fact that everyone at ITV is keeping hush about it. Something is clearly rotten within that Schofield family. To have both of your sons turn out to be monsters like that? It’s beyond disgusting. I look forward to seeing the end of that ITV lot.
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New to this thread but came straight to Tattle to see what’s really going on. I’ve nothing to add but I’ve just always hated him. You know when you just have a horrible feeling about someone for no real reason.

There’s a lot to be said for gut feelings. We should listen to them more.

Absolutely horrified he didn’t report his brother. In my eyes he’s basically an accomplice as the brother could carry on abusing the boy whilst PS did nothing. I think the only reason one wouldn’t report a crime is if they themselves don’t see it as a crime. Especially the worst crimes as these are.
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Another Tattler pointed out the replies to the TM post announcing Joel Dommett. I looked and most are either calling Phillip a PDF file or saying how nice the show is without him. I don't know how ITV can ignore this, but they probably will.
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You know, it was THREE years ago that Zippy announced he was gay. McGreevy needs some justice. I know it was three years because I had a dentist appointment just after it all happened and I was telling the dentist that all sorts were going to come out about him grooming a boy (This Morning was on the telly in the ceiling during my appointment). When I go back for my yearly check up now he asks why it haven’t happened yet 😆

I would love for Eamonn to speak up in the Irish press. You can tell that he, Ruth and their honorary son Rylan all dislike him. But, unlike him, they can be professional.
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Let him never sit there and cast judgement upon anyone ever again after sitting on this information for so long. The slimy toad
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VIP Member
It’s laughable when PS was slagging off Prince Andrew daily on the news section calling for his title to be removed and how do the royal family move forward from this scandal knowing this was happening in his own family
That's the thing, he was so high and mighty towards everyone, while knowing that he and his brother had filthy secrets.
I sincerely hope that the chickens are coming home to roost.
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VIP Member
Rumour has it Eamon is currently trying to find a loophole in Phil’s superinjunction that allows him to speak to the Irish media 🤫 There’s some chatter about it in Belfast. I guess Eamon wouldn’t go to such lengths unless he had something big to say.
Please let this be true! He’d be doing us all massive service if it were. Someone needs to make a stand and once one speaks out they will all come out of the woodwork. It just takes one person to be brave enough to be the first and the whole farce comes crashing down.
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