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I absolutely want to keep Rico. Our future is bright with him and the other youngsters. Ayme is definitely out.

I’m torn on Gundo. Part of me wants him to stay for one more year. And Kalvin…do we get rid or give him one more year?
what the hell was kalvin thinking going in the first place 😂😂. I’m not bothered if he goes or stays makes no difference as he never plays.
Whatmakes me laugh is he is always on the city Insta doing the videos and ads cos they don’t need him to train
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beautiful football. Beautiful team ahhhhh💙💙💙
Ruben passes to edy - John - haaland - kev. Amazing!!!!!!!
This is the definition of team work makes the dream work.


This has been posted everywhere. Loser Ben white grabbing foden. But I cannot get over how tall Rodri is standing next to Erl. Give me that grandpa shorts wearing man 😂
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Checking in for later. Home from work, phone on silent and KFC ordered, Bring on the match. 💙 😊
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Dammit, this man is GORGEOUS. 🥵 Give me a bit of Rodri every day and twice on Sundays.

I can’t be doing with the shirt tuck, either. Makes him look like grandpa and he’s much too good looking for that foolishness.

Btw, is @futbolista still alive after hearing him say “Arguineguin”? :ROFLMAO:
no I have entered my coffin in preparation for my death 💀

Need to find my old Rodri saves

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I think it’s different or at least it is when they are in London
i need to look and do a full wag countdown just at the start of the match. You should have known with Sara they only do basic
I saw a tik tok of three blonde wags. I don’t know who they are!!!! Said they were City wags I’ll try find it. I didn’t recognise them. But it is quick
I feel like sash is on her own a lot lately!?

oh sorry it’s two blonde gals. With Sara. I don’t know who they are tho 🤣🤣🤣im not up to date with wags nowadays apart from one or two
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Peps not getting a hold of that remote

Jacks already tried voting, they’ve now told him it’s over and tried to tuck him into bed

do they stay in Everton? I imagine they’ll just drive down tomorrow
If he's missing Croatia he'll be sad. I feel like he'd be transfixed.

Not sure of the travel arrangements. Obviously not far to go so could easily be done tomorrow. They have a hotel at the City training facility though and I think they all stay there the night before matches sometimes? I feel like I might have entirely imagined that though.
I'm not making shit up!


I imagine they'd treat an away game where they don't travel until the day of the match the same as they'd treat a home match.

Long story short, they're in a hotel somewhere having a glorious Eurovision party.
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Did they have to disregard his entry?

Will they all be in a hotel watching Eurovision together or travel tomorrow?
They didn’t have to, but I think with all the Twitter hoopla they prob had to. Perhaps it would make Kalvin feel weird of they did it off actual numbers and he won when he barely played? Could have been fun, could have been awkward. Perhaps a lesson learned for next time when doing polls like that.

hope everyone had a nice day.

fuck Everton. Fuck Madrid and fuck Arsenal.
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No, he was fostered as a teenager because he moved away from home to play football, and at the end of the season the family didn't want him to come back because he was too quiet and difficult to connect with 😭😭😭
jinx @Gossgossgoss9888

No he isn’t adopted. His parents sent him to go to football academy and he stayed with “foster parents” who didn’t want him back after the year completed. He was 15/16 at the time.

here’s the video:

thank you
No, he lived with a foster family when he left home to train at the academy. The foster parents told his parents they don’t want him back because he was “too introverted.” The cruelty! Kevin attended school and trained, all day every day. Was he meant to drop all that and be chatty and go to parties?? Idiot people. I hope they feel like shit now.

Snap @Gossgossgoss9888 and @futbolista

I’ll provided unnecessary gossip and you can all fill me in on the intense parts
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“Chodri.” Thank you, @Gossgossgoss9888 for that nickname and @olivia321 for the tea that inspired it even though it’s not cool that he lied to your friend.

I love Eddie. His antics and alphaness don’t get enough credit. He’s a gentle giant type but if there’s a fight, I’d 100% hide behind him and Ma Foden for protection.
Don’t worry about it doll, there was no feelings involved just the exposure of a chunky stubby penis.

Men lie even when they’re just breathing.

Still can’t get over the Ben and Phil situation the little weasel didn’t want it with Eddy or Kyle.
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