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I never really fell for the Earth Mother c*rap it just didn't ring true, you could tell she was hedonistic and self centred and Peaches was the daughter most like her in looks and personality I wonder if she favoured her more than Fi Fi because of that? And she gave her kids ridiculous names not caring that they might have the mickey taken out of them in later life. Don't know if this is true but she had been chasing Geldolf for quite a long time and eventually she ran after him into the back of a car and gave him a BJ there and then, that was the beginning of their relationship - how romantic!!!! I am also intrigued that she was with Rupert Everett for so long as he has been very vocal about his homosexuality for years, did he forget about his affair with a married woman for several years?

From what I can gather regarding Rupert Everett, I think it was almost a father/daughter dynamic in some ways, he was attracted to her vulnerability and the fact that she was so teeny tiny in stature with a minute waist. He could be bi maybe, but I think it's testament to Paula's allure and effect on men - that was her best feature and one she capitalised on all her life because she knew it got her what she wanted.
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It was a different time, a girl I was at school with got pregnant to a 26 yr old man when she was 14 and I don't remember anyone really kicking off about it. Her mum knew about the relationship before the pregnancy and was OK with it. I was shocked by it but stayed quiet about it in case anyone thought I wasn't cool. It's hard to believe it now, that it was accepted, when that kind of age gap sets alarms off now and rightly so
It was. I can recall three pre age 16 pregnancies in my school. The first was 13 and she left school and I never heard of her again. The last was a 15 year old who got pregnant by a married father of two. I remember zero fuss. Am not saying it didn't happen, I was a kid so partially oblivious, but the biggest fuss I remember was about how they were going to manage her sitting her GCSEs (was the first year of them!)

There were lots of this (and worse) going on in the 70s and 80s some of which shocks me now, but attitudes were just very different.
my friend who lived opposite was sexually abused by a neighbour in his 60s when she was 5. He was in prison for a very short period of time. He lived about 5 doors down and we were all told just don't speak to Mr X. He lived right next door to our playground. I didn't properly understand what was going on but we knew it was something dodgy. My mind boggles now, about not only how it was dealt with, but how all our parents dealt with it.
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Someone I know works in the Tesco in Bobs town she said every time he goes in he try’s to get freebies and is really miserable
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yikes. We’ll just have to agree to disagree.

my view is it’s weird for grow men to date teens, especially nowadays. Culturally, there have been differences in the past. I don’t think it was Bob grooming Paula but there was a definite power imbalance there. I don’t think people’s personal experiences of shacking up with older men as a teen, has much to do with this thread tbh and just derails.

In reality, you aren’t going to convince most people who think it’s weird, that it’s fine just because it was fine in your case and according to you.

at worst it comes across as insecurity and defending life choices.
I agree. And it never seemed to work the other way round, did it? From my own perspective, I can’t imagine what a 26 year old would have in common with an 18 year old, even if they were ‘mature for their age’. In fact, I doubt how well they could hold their own in conversations on issues of the day even came into it.

I’m not saying every young (ish) girl who dates/dated an older guy is being groomed, but it certainly doesn’t paint the guy in a good light.
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That article is written in a very peculiar way, has it been translated from another language? The house swap thing sounds very odd, too.

I still wonder how Paula managed to accrue so much debt, if she was being bankrolled by both Geldof and Hutchens.
They definitely did swap houses. Bob was digging his heels in about the house but caved in the end and I think Paula got the debt from trying to keep pace with Michael. It explains it all in Gerry Agar’s book, but she tried to pretend she was an independent woman who didn’t live off a man and also that she had the same sort of income of Michael, especially as Kylie and Helena will have been on the same sort of money levels as him and wealthy in their own right. There’s something in the book about her buying Michael a motorbike she couldn’t afford for his birthday. It must have been absolutely exhausting for her trying to pretend she was his perfect woman through money and sex (I don’t say that out of sympathy either because it was idiotic).
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RE HIGNY seeing how intelligent she and many others thought she was I was expecting her to come back at slimey Hislop with an almighty put down of her own but she didn't much to my surprise
I think at the time she just felt very beaten down by it. Lots of people hated her by this point including the press and the public. I actually think it was a bit gross that they ganged up on her like that and gave her a harder time than many politicians who have been on (including Bo Jo). I honestly don’t think they would have got away with it these days.

eta: I’ve just watched it on YouTube and tbh, I think it was mostly Ian Hislop than the others. Paul Merton even seemed to be defending her a bit at one point.

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I've always wondered this, my late father used to say he pocketed some of the charity money as his wealth didn't match the Boomtown Rats success, if that makes sense.
I think it's just that people associate him with music and don't realise he worked in television. He had a tv production company which was sold for a lot, I think it was somehow linked with the survivor series that went global and would surely have royalties, and presumably financial advisors and investments on hand too. I'd say he's quite a wealthy man, and the bulk of that wealth generated after his music career.
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I posted this earlier
But that’s when they were teenagers not when they were 9 as someone said. Also it clearly states it’s not a separate annexe but a flat with a spiral staircase between both flats.

Personally if I had room to do it, I would let my teenagers live in a separate part of our house as they’re annoying little buggers 🤭
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Grace Dent has openly said ( it’s in her autobiography) she never turns down a dime so I’d say that goes some way to explain her presence.
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I'm disturbed by the snippet of information that Michael would have his way with Paula, unconscious and drugged, and treat her like a doll to do with as he wished. That's if it's true, of course.

Sorry, but people like this should be in a jail cell, not held up as sex gods or whatever. That's the same as that "sex therapist" on the We Need To Talk About Cosby documentary who said sex workers should be willing to let rapists who are into drugging women "let their kink out". I'm surprised they even let that "suggestion" be broadcast.

I was never keen on INXS even in their heyday and didn't see the appeal of Michael either, but that's just me. It's sad but his career was definitely on the decline when Paula took up with him.
yeah it’s disturbing but it’s second hand information from Gerry Agar who had motivations for sensationalising things. The only two people who know what went on in their bedroom are now dead, and even then neither of them were reliable.

I don’t much admire MH, but he’s never been accused of similar by any of his exes or other women, so I’m not sure I’m convinced. And the whole consent issues around that is a bit effing muddled (is consent still given if you give someone consent to have sex with you while you’re drugged out..?)

I agree though, the misogyny of the 90s and noughties and even teenies can be shocking still, I’m not convinced it’s disappeared entirely it’s just a little more covert now.
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It was the dad that drove Phaedra back. Mind you she had been an addict the entire time she knew him so maybe they thought she was managing. But there was 2 extended periods where she didn’t have her phone (it was ‘lost’ etc which for someone addicted to their phone is ridiculous) and clearly she was away.
I was blocked because she was saying how she couldn’t breastfeed due to thyroid medication, and I asked what that was as my daughter had just been diagnosed with a thyroid issue and I was interested (as she was sharing) and she blocked me 🙈 but obvs she was on methadone and heroin which is not quite the same…
It’s so odd isn’t it how he just left the baby with her? I know this just repeating previous threads but it is still soo odd. I mean they must have thought she was ‘ok’ to care for him she probably put on a front and that was that. I’ve worked closely with addicts and some go to great lengths to prove that they are ‘ok’ to cope with their children. It’s so sad to think that baby boy was left by himself for all that time. I hope they are both doing well. I think it’s good that for the most part the media have left them well alone.

I wonder if all the family were in complete denial about how bad the drug addiction was?
Peaches was charming and probably convinced her husband and in-laws that she was fine.
Been a social worker you can usually see straight through though…🤔
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Jelly Bean

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Paula would've been in her mid 60s now.
Interesting to think what she might be doing. Maybe go down the wellness route with a skincare range. Appear on the Masked Singer.
She was only 41 when she died in 2000.
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Sideboard Bob

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Wasn’t the address 2 Lock Keepers Cottage?!
Are you like me, to this day I can still remember the full Big Breakfast address because the presenters and all the crew would shout it out every morning?!

“The Big Breakfast! 2 Lock Keepers Cottages! OLD FORD LOCK! London, E3 TWO N! N!“
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as you are consenting that's all that matters. Maturity of some 16 year old girls is a lot higher than others their age.
Hard disagree. If you’re in your 20’s why would you be interested in a 16 year old who is still legally a child. It’s really gross.
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it just all sounds so awful. All these people who want to be famous and look up to celebrities and it’s all just horrible. Makes me wonder about the Primrose Hill lot and when Jude Law and Sadie Frost’s little daughter ate the ecstasy pill at a party.
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There's no way her phone was tapped. It was Nicky Clarke who mentioned it, she might have had voicemail messages hacked but the idea that the media were intercepting live phone calls is crazy
Why is it crazy to suggest that her phone was being hacked?

This was an era just before the tabloids really started to use phone hacking, but .....for instance Prince Charles had his phone hacked, as did Princess Diana, at this kind of time!

If there was money in it, Id imagine there would have been some kind of hacking, or trailing her after the death of MH. Or even as she was doing shows like Big Breakfast, people passing info on or listening into calls, as presumably secretaries etc would all have had access to a lot of the work calls?
It was quite a strange programme altogether really. I think whoever made it was at massive pains to not offend the Geldof family (Bob). Big chunks glossed over or left out, and the bizarre inclusion of Grace Dent and Vanessa Feltz who never mentioned actually meeting her.
It wasn't bad, just really quite odd.
Vanessa Feltz worked with her on the Big Breakfast!

They both did the interviews from the bed segment!!!!!
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I don’t get the impression Paula was a good mum either unfortunately. She was consumed by her media work, her relationships with men and then by substances.

I’m an alcoholic attempting to recover and I understand addiction problems, but then I am not a mum and don’t put kids through that. There is no hierarchy in addiction etc but honestly, I do think putting kids at risk is another level.

Ultimately, Paula and Peaches both overdosed on heroin in the presence of their young children and even with a lot of sympathy (and empathy) for substance abuse issues, and appreciating the compulsion that drives me to self-destruction quite often, that is nevertheless a certain level of extremely selfish. I am sure it wasn’t the only example of selfish behaviour by Paula. If I think of, say, Hayden Panettierre — she has had problems with addiction and her mental health and she took the decision to let the father of her child have primary custody. Some might consider that selfish (to not want to try to keep her child) but I don’t, she made the right decision IMO and stopped exposing the kid to things she shouldn’t see.
Best of luck on your road to recovery 👊
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