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VIP Member
Is it possible that they're renting this house from a relative or friend? We used to rent from someone my mum knew and he let us do pretty much anything we wanted to it, inside and out, as long as he got his rent on time
If that was the case, why would she have gone to Instagram to ask for money towards a deposit to buy the house when the landlady was going to be selling it? Surely she’d just have spoken to her?
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VIP Member
I was wondering about them- either that or the poor neighbours got sick of living next door to a small holding and reported them?
If they are on her stories this weekend, she has been reading here 😁
She filmed Josh outside with them the other day - only remember because she was moaning that he has let Ethel out into the garden “where she’s not allowed” and I thought what cow doesn’t allow a dog in its own garden??
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New member
has r ever mentioned her best friend that is terminally ill before? or is it just because Christmas is coming up she can use it in a related post? surely this woman's friends and family would completely object to this convo being shared?!
Yes she has to be fair & she’s actually tagged the lady in her stories when she got told her cancer was terminal xx
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New member
Our local pool says no filming, ours always has rules on appropriate swimwear and I don’t think the young girls would be acceptable there
This is nothing. In Portugal this week on the beach two young boys around the age of 10 were on the beach totally naked. I find it odd in this day and age people let there kids do this on a public beach.
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Well-known member
I agree, I think we need to spend more time educating our boys that sexual harassment, rape and abuse are wholly unacceptable and less time telling our girls that what they wear has any bearing on how boys treat them.

It does make me laugh in those family pics because Betsy looks like Wilby’s mum and R could totally pass for Nana 😂
Totally get that: raise your boys to be gentlemen. But weirdos are weirdos and can’t always be educated / changed (anyone watch the Stacey Dooley programme about Sex offenders USA?)
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She also wears tight clothes that emphasise her shape. If she was that bothered she'd cover up surely?

What's this all about???
It’s like she WANTS to be investigated by SS. Or does she just think she’s that invincible she can do what she likes??
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She didn't video seb... Clearly said shed been sent the video 🤦 all for slating her but slating her for not pausing the video to check he's ok when she didn't even do the video is something else!

I'll also be the person to say my little girl has an amber necklace on, they break with even the slightest tug if caught , even a tiny finger pulling them and only one bead can come off if they snap if made properly.

There's real issues on these stories without picking out little bits of non stories just for the sake of having a go, Betsy and the drink, safe sleeping etc etc not to mention the fact she's clearly a con lady. Pick your battles and focus on the real stuff!
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Chatty Member
That poor lady :(
You know what, if it helps her grieve and cope, do what you will
There but for the grace of god and all that

being in America, they have financial panic as well I’m sure - we are so fucking lucky here in the UK
Agree. I don’t know why it needs commenting on - read it and either sympathise, send condolences or move on. Whatever people do in these situations is right for them in that moment
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VIP Member
I’ve been blocked on Facebook for commenting that I think sharing her friends humiliation to thousands of followers must really make her friend feel better. 🤷‍♀️
It’s pathetic that she can’t construct a coherent argument to explain why she’s done something so she just blocks.

Seen she’s tagging her kids in shit again and also Betsy’s boyfriend. He has a public account with photos of B on too 🙄


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Active member
If you look on old pics they were quite crooked, however not as bad as the 90° angle they are at now. I assume they will keep moving with the braces and go back to where there should be eventually
When I looked the other day it’s like they fan out the most horrendous teeth I have ever seen, i suppose they will get better but wow they are bad
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