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Or they may do something particularly horrific, vile and vomit inducing and someone on Tattle might say - “urgh have you seen what those two clowns have done / said now” - so we all go for a nose.
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Would never post that about my child ... but then I also think it’s a usual embellished and overexagerrated story ... and she needs a teacher to tell her her daughter is stressed but laughs when she’s not done her homework
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Oh my days imagine the boyfriend going home and telling his parents his girlfriend’s mum is wearing his trackies?! I’d hit the roof. Cringe.
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I don’t know how she has the audacity to say that her parents are both useless when her mum is in her life still quite a bit. From what I’ve seen, she’s a better parent to her than my mum is to me and I wouldn’t dream of slagging mine off publicly for my kids to read.
Me neither! I’ve just seen a snippet of her first book on her stories and it’s about her mum and dad. I wouldn’t say anything about my dad in a book, even though I come from a one night stand 😅 because his family are nice. My mum... wow, she was a terrible mother. Very abusive, exposed mento things I’d never want my children to see. But I’d never write about her because she’s my children’s grandmother and I couldn’t do that to my siblings either. Nor to my mum, if I’m honest. I’ve hated her so many times but she has MS now and the Dr said there’s nothing they can do.

Some parents become parents through the hard work, the ups and downs. Other parents feel that rush of love immediately after birth. Others don’t feel anything and don’t make any effort to change this. But she posted a picture of her mum after Wilby’s birth, I wonder how her mum felt reading that book.

Hey, sorry I've been quiet - life got busy and... I've just got engaged!! (after waiting 8 years ahaha!)

I'm still keeping up with her exploits by reading here, normal ranty service will resume soon.

I sincerely cannot justify how she can both write and share that part of her book manuscript without cringing and vomiting everywhere.

Obviously not sure who she is talking about but it's the most accurate case of "better the devil you know" I have ever read 😂 bloody hell, irony meters worldwide are exploding horrifically.
Congratulations ❤🥰 I love romance! Wishing you both all the love, luck and good health xx
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Oh Jeez! I used to be a massive fan of knee deep but she's really let herself go and is going for cheap laughs! How degrading for her and her family.
That woman really needs help. It’s not even funny, I feel quite sad for her. And her children! How old are they? I’d have been mortified if my mum put stuff like that online where anyone and everyone can see.
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View attachment 47186

Bore off woman, you are rude!
Thought she had helpers/admin?
Book to edit? Really hard that.
Six kids to raise? They’re all in school except one.
Minimal sleep? We all know she’d be posting all about it in the night if that was true.
Must be a demanding job bird watching 😂
The dog needs drops, must take her all day.
A house to run? Nah hun, you never post showing yourself doing washing, you have a meltdown over shopping and your MIL cooks for everyone whilst you’re sat on your arse.
Nope you’re not drowning, you’re still alive and having everyone do everything for you.


Bet she listens to herself on that Gi Fletcher Podcast all day. She thinks highly of herself 😂
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Can I opt out of the 'teach daughters to twerk against a patio door (or anywhere else)' unit of the Rachel Is A Cool Mum course please..?
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I'm not defending her at all but that lodge is incredible for a weekend away off the grid.
There is no tv, and signal is shit for posting to social media / browsing the net, but she is friends with the people who run it so I wouldn't be surprised if she wasnt watching films with them and using their wifi (which you can't get at the lodge).
The lodge is also anything but damp and dingy.

I am all for everyone voicing their opinion, but not slating the lodge - that's someones business.
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At her for being hypocritical. Nothing to do with you. I wouldn’t allow my underage daughter to have her boyfriend in the shed with her.

I didn’t want to write what she said as it can be picked up. Just mentioning what she said on her Tattle rant that was apparently written here.

Did anyone else pick up on what she said earlier on about the delivery man asking about his name? He asked if they’ve decided on a name and she replied with Wilby. He said something along the lines of I’m sure you’ll pick a name soon. She then said that his name is Wilby and not that they will be picking a name soon. That’s what you get Rach.
She also mentioned that she’d seen the delivery guy a lot and then backtracked saying Josh had seen him 🙄
I just picked up on that; he’s a lovely guy and always asks after the baby. Yet he didn’t know the baby’s sex nor his name today? 😏
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Mrs Spud

Active member
You’re right. As her parent, it’s R’s job to support and encourage her to do the schoolwork. Instead, she seems to just let her do whatever she wants and to hell with the consequences. Then she laughs at and shoots down J for at least trying to put his foot down. She’s like a big fucking kid herself.
Exactly. Both my son and step son are nightmares when it comes to doing their homework, but until they are at an age to choose to be at school, I'm responsible for making sure it's done. She just wants to be friends with B, not a parent, and heaven forbid J tries to parent her.
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How long as she known KDIL? Haven't they only met once at her baby shower? Why would her dad then be messaging R? Is that not a bit odd that your dad's messaging your mate ALL the time?

Does anyone know the story with her real dad?
She’s probably having an affair with KDIL dad, seems to be a normal thing to do in her world.
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If they’re that assed about people who don’t follow them watching their stories they’d just go private 🤷‍♀️ I don’t get the big deal, they have thousands of followers, someone might have just stumbled across them on the explore page or through someone else’s tag.
Ah but a private account means no more #ads so that will never happen
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I hate how Rachel undermines Josh. He was obviously annoyed about the homework situation and she's just cackling in the background.
Isn't B in GCSE year?
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God, he looks even more like the Art Attack head in that first pic.

She wants to get a grip, she comes across very possessive. Once a cheater and all that...

Hahahaha oh my god he does!!! Knew he looked familiar 😂😂😂 ... she seems so pathetic, like she can’t stand to be away from him... not for the fact she loves him, just the fact she clearly can’t fucking trust him at all!!! He doesn’t seem to be as bothered about her though??
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R actually said on one of her posts that so many women are jealous of her landing a hunk like him and that so many of her friends fancy him. Um NO! NO! I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but NO!
I’m sorry but I’d rather chew my own uterus off whilst still attached to me!
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A dog walker??????? Really!!!!
Seriously I’m starting to wonder what this woman actually does for herself or ANYONE!

How the feck does she manage to get people out of violent situations and moved across the country, find accommodation and furnish it but she needs someone to walk her dogs???

Has anyone actually seen her breathe for herself or does someone do that for her as well?
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Well-known member
She only advertises shit she actually wants, can make more money off and show the feck off about!

1. 5 of your kids are at school
2. Your husband’s demanding job, yep answering you and your pathetic make me feel better text messages and pointless phone calls.
3. A house to run??? You couldn’t run a bath let alone a house. Your MIL cooks, does the washing and feck knows what else. You also have a cleaner and don’t forget your dog walker!!!
4. Book edit??? How long does it take for you to come out with bullshit and stick it on your laptop
5. The dog has many times are you giving him drops...YOUR NOT...that will be Josh won’t it???
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Nothing she has ever posted about Betsy gives the impression she would be quietly sobbing all day over picking the wrong GCSE's..
Unless it's bullshit, or I have misjudged Betsy I would be digging a lot deeper into what had my child that distressed

and I wouldn't be posting it online.
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