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wondering if anyone can give me some advice - so I take Cerelle which is a pill that you take everyday with no break. According to the Dr, it's suppose to stop my period completely. I've been taking it for the last 5 months no problems. I have never missed a day in all the time I've been taking it. I came on my period today. Properly as well, pains and everything not just spotting which is normal for this pill. This is an actual period.

Has anyone experienced this before? I thought about ringing the drs again tomorrow but they always fob me off so I'd rather not if I can help it
Did this happen shortly after the vaccine? I would call the doctors, they should not fob you off. Maybe also speak to your GP if it is from the vaccine.

I had the strongest, most painful and heaviest period of my life after the vaccines.


VIP Member
My periods were messed up for a while after my second vaccine (AstraZeneca)

I had a period in April, and my second vaccine in May, 2 days before my next period was due. Never arrived, didn’t get a period then until mid July.

Luckily I think they’re starting to get back to normal but I was scared because I’d always been pretty regular. No heavier or lighter than usual though!


VIP Member
Second period since I got my second shot late August. For the second time in a row, my period lasted 2 days instead of four. My period has always lasted 4 days since I got my first period at 14. For 16 years, the duration of my period was exactly the same and suddenly, after the vaccine, it became shorter. The flow is heavier than normal though. I get four days of flow in two. I'm monitoring this for the next four months and if nothing changes, I'll see a doctor and highlight it's definitely linked to the vaccine. No way it's not especially as my diet is quite strict (no meat, no dairy, no alcohol, no smoking) and I'm not taking any medicine. I'm utterly confused and hope it will revert back to normal because periods lasting 2 days is abnormal.

I had some clots, but nothing alarming or out of the ordinary.


VIP Member
Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 but so far my period is not as painful and this is my second since my second covid jab. It also seems to be back to normal flow with no clotting.
but we will see, I won’t be having the booster jab, that’s for sure!
I’m TTC and my periods are usually spot on 26 days. This month I was 4 days late and honestly got my hopes up I was pregnant. I’m convinced this bloody jab has fucked up my period. Sorry for swearing, I’m really worried it has messed up my fertility
I feel really sorry for those TTC. My cycles have been later ever since the vaccine and I can only imagine how disappointing it must be if you're actively trying.
Fingers crossed they settle down soon. We have all been assured that fertility isn't affected, so I really hope that's the case.

Lola UK

VIP Member
I’m meant to for work (I work in healthcare) I feel like I’ll get judged if I don’t get it 😖😬 or atleast a lot of rolly eyes


Active member
I’m unvaccinated but I’ve had Covid a couple of weeks ago and was due my period last week, my partner has had the snip and I’m not on any contraception. Has anyone else experienced a late period after having Covid?
Yes, my period was really late after COVID and I skipped a month, but they’ve normalised now.


VIP Member
For the first time since I got my jab in July I haven’t had horrific low moods before my period. Never had anything like them until I had my vaccines, I hope they stay away.


VIP Member
I’m unvaccinated but I’ve had Covid a couple of weeks ago and was due my period last week, my partner has had the snip and I’m not on any contraception. Has anyone else experienced a late period after having Covid?
Were you quite ill with covid? Any virus can cause problems afterwards, so it's probably down to you having been ill.


Chatty Member
Whilst I can't prove it my periods were affected after I had the vaccine, in that they were delayed massively. By 60 days, and that is very unusual for me. I'm 45 and had regular heavy periods previously. Spoke to doctor and was told that I was probably menopausal and am now on HRT. Haven't had a period now since August. I think i'll probably not have one now. Could the vaccine of brought on menopause??


VIP Member
I got my first Pfizer shot on July 28th and got my period 2 days early on Aug. 11th. It's not unusual for me at all as my period comes early quite often.

I normally don't experience any cramping or pain unless I eat dairy or drink fizzy drinks during the week leading to my period. When my period started, there was no cramping initially. I went for a run roughly an hour after my period started and I can say, it triggered and exacerbated cramps. By the time I got home, I had some real cramping. However, I can't say the cramping is 100% related to the vaccine as I drank quite a lot of fizzy drinks the days prior, so I'd say it's probably related to that as well from past experience. I had a Nurofen as soon as I got home and the cramping disappeared within 15 minutes. So, the cramping lasted probably 2 hours in total.

Flow wise, my period seemed a bit lighter than normal though. My period lasts four days exactly, but on day 4, the flow ceased completely whereas normally, day 4 I'd still bleed but the flow would be far lighter than the 3 previous days. The color was also a bit lighter than normal.

From a PMS standpoint, my symptoms were surprisingly OK. Bloating would normally be my biggest issue, but not this month. My anxiety was a bit more intense than normal and I was exhausted, but it's not unusual for me.

I'm meant to be getting the second shot on Sunday, so there's a good gap between the second shot and my next period. Hopefully, it won't impact it.
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It was raining blood and clots after Pfizer revaccination. I was scared shitless.
I have so much going on and hopefully the next one will be better, otherwise don't know how I'll leave the house for work etc
Please contact your GP - I am there this morning because I had massive clots in period during my last one and they wanted to see me.


VIP Member
This thread has made me nervous haha. For context, I have PCOS and always had irregular periods so can't say if the vaccine has caused my cycle to change as it's nonexistent! But my first period after the first dose (Pfizer) was fine, no issues at all and was slightly lighter if anything. I had my second dose two weeks ago so will report back on how my next period goes 😬
I've now had my first period since the second vaccine - it was totally fine. It was exactly 4 weeks since the vaccine, not sure if that's a coincidence or not (I'm also not regular due to PCOS) but thought it was worth mentioning. I noticed a few more premenstrual symptoms than usual (sore boobs, headache, trouble sleeping, and a few spots) around 4-5 days before my period started which I can deal with, but those things don't usually happen until around 2 days before. Seems ok though so I'm feeling relieved.


VIP Member
I’m sorry to jump in - I will go back and read the thread this evening but I just wanted to share my experience to see if anyone else has had the same changes.

Before my vaccine I never experienced more than half a day of PMS. Now I’m having at least two weeks of incredibly low moods, almost feeling depressed before my period, the days before are horrific. I’ve searched for other reasons as to why I feel like this but I can’t find any, I’m happy with my life and it shifts once my period is here. This month my boobs were incredibly sore too, a symptom I haven’t had for years.
You're not alone at all!


Well-known member
I think for me this is the major issue. It’s totally ignored. If they acknowledged it and said yes, your cycle may change but our research has shown this is temporary and not affecting fertility etc then people would be happier. But it’s totally ignored. It’s this going to cause people long term health issues? We just don’t know and as ever, women and periods seem to be an ignored topic.
Exactly 100%, ive seen insta doctors do vids promoting the vax saying 'its perfectly safe' but not going into detail or addressing anyone's legitimate concerns ☹