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Who Knows?WhoCares?

Well-known member
Mine have been awful. Got a referral for an internal scan and been prescribed a pill on top of the implant. There is no way this isn't connected to Covid


VIP Member
Has anyone had changes that have lasted more than two cycles? I finally worked up the courage to talk to my MH nurse about it and she wants me to book a GP appointment but she was very skeptical that they could be linked because it only causes 'short term changes'.


Chatty Member
I had the Pfizer jab two weeks ago and ive felt nauseous since. It feels like I have morning sickness (absolutely not pregnant and just had my period which for some reason was pain free). I just constantly feel like puking up and im annoyed because I'm eating bland carbs to make myself feel better and really dont want to put on weight as ive worked so hard to lose weight over the past 2 years (I was obese and im a few lbs away from healthy weight bracket).

My husband had his first jab 3 weeks ago and it had the same affect on him that you would expect from viagra 😂😂


Chatty Member
I had Pfizer.. periods are so much more painful (they were already very bad due to the copper coil), and they are suddenly shorter. Used to have 3 days of light, 3 days of very heavy then a day of light again. The last couple of times since my second vaccine Iv had 3 days of extremely heavy, then it’s just over 🤷🏻‍♀️


Active member
I’m on the implant and not had a period for 2 1/2 years, 2 weeks after having my 1st jab I had a mini period no more than 3 days, then 4 weeks after that I had quite a heavy period, weird I had no cramps though. Got my 2nd vaccine this Thursday, I can’t be dealing with periods again after so long of not having any 🙈
Weird how the vaccine is having different effects on women’s menstrual cycles.


VIP Member
Got my period after first dose Pfizer! It felt like it was really delayed as I was enjoying 29/30 day cycles and this is 35 (I use the Flo App to track) and being told cycle length is regular.

Normal level cramps but feels heavier.

Either way Covid and the vaccines have seemingly added on a week ish to my cycle


VIP Member
This thread has made me nervous haha. For context, I have PCOS and always had irregular periods so can't say if the vaccine has caused my cycle to change as it's nonexistent! But my first period after the first dose (Pfizer) was fine, no issues at all and was slightly lighter if anything. I had my second dose two weeks ago so will report back on how my next period goes 😬


VIP Member
I take this medication myself and it alone creates large clots
She did message yesterday to say she thought it was working and then passed another large clot.
As I say it could be absolutely unrelated but the clotting issue has certainly been since she had her vaccine


Well-known member
My cycle length is now 31 days as opposed to 28, the first period after the first vax was awful and had to stay off work but the other ones after it have been just normal, manageable pain and slightly less bleeding.


Chatty Member
Has anyone managed to get medical exemption for this? I had the first jab but no more due to the after affects. I’m just worried about being asked and then being judged. it’s not a requirement to be jabbed either


VIP Member
Have any of you suffered hair loss as well? My friend says her hair is falling out and someone else has said their younger family members have said they are experiencing hair loss.

Anything else going on, or is it only your cycle that is affected?


Well-known member
I’ve been breastfeeding since last year so over the time I got my vaccines and booster and only got my period back in June. They have been horrendous, I’m bleeding right through to my clothes while wearing a tampon and period pants! I never felt the need to wear tampons before but I do now, and I hate them. My cramps are so so painful for days and I didn’t suffer with them before. This thread has been so eye opening as I thought it was somehow related to having a section.
So sorry to hear this! How many periods have you had that have been like this?


Chatty Member
I had this, period finally came but the worse pms symptoms ever. Woke up every day with the worse cramps :( periods now last at least 9 days when they used to be 5! Hopefully they start to improve for us all
Do you mind saying how late you were? I’m on day 10. How many periods have you now had that are 9 days. I’m panicking…


VIP Member
I think at this stage she’s being tested for everything. She’s been given medication to stop the bleeding but can only take it for 4 days.

It could be absolutely unrelated, she’s never had regular periods but she’s never ever had anything like this before
I take this medication myself and it alone creates large clots


VIP Member
I knew it wasn’t just me but seeing these comments makes me realise the AZ vaccine messed mine up further! Mine have been a period every 2 weeks since the 1st one but light, although I feel awful. This last one I just had was horrific. Normally last 3 days this was 6 and the heaviest I have ever had and HUGE clots. I’ve never felt so run down in my life I was barley in work last week
I’m usually really regular and I didn’t even notice that it could have been the vaccine that was messing with my cycle until I read up on it online and saw loads of other women had had theirs messed up too. A not very talked about side effect! Luckily mine since have been no heavier/longer but I was so relieved when it finally came as I was starting to worry!


Chatty Member
Is anyone going to have the booster/3rd jab if it gets offered?

I am still on the mini pill to stop my periods but I really don't think I'll have a 3rd jab if it's offered to me. I regret having the first 2 tbh and if I could turn back I wouldn't have had them.


Chatty Member
Hm, very strange.
I would get this checked out, via blood test to test your hormones. Especially as you get sick as well.
Do you know how these pills stop the period?

What vaccine did you get?

I got the Pfizer vaccine, three weeks apart, and the first one after my period so both vaccines were in the same cycle.
I then got my period a week late, after both vaccines, and it lasted for ten days (twice as long as normal) and the pains were really bad, I was actually thinking I had an early miscarriage judging by the cramps and pain.
Apparently they mimick pregnancy in your body by mimicking the progesterone hormone. it is a progesterone only pill.

I got Pfizer. The sickness and diarrhoea only started badly after the vaccine
I wonder if there is any possibility of collating all this information and getting someone to look into it from a medical perspective.

It surely cannot be a coincidence that so many women are affected?

I always had 28 days cycles, the period immediately after the 2nd dose was a) delayed by 10 days, b) I had very heavy cramps for 10 days and c) heavy bleeding for 10 days (normally 5) and d) now my ovulation seems delayed.

None of these things ever happened to me, I had a regular cycle, light cramps on the first day only, moderate bleeding for 5 day and ovulation on day 12 of my cycle.

It scares me.