Online dating horror stories!

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Dodged a massive bullet there. What a prick.
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I actually went out with a guy for 4 years like that. He even got pissy once when I wore a hoodie furniture shopping. I always had to have fake tan on. Pathetic. Dickheads. All of them.
Reactions: 13
Dodged a massive bullet there. What a prick.
Agreed! I am much happier now, but it took a while to get my confidence back.

I actually went out with a guy for 4 years like that. He even got pissy once when I wore a hoodie furniture shopping. I always had to have fake tan on. Pathetic. Dickheads. All of them.
It must have really ground you down after four years? How did you put up with that?!
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Agreed! I am much happier now, but it took a while to get my confidence back.

It must have really ground you down after four years? How did you put up with that?!
It really did! There was much more to it than that, very complicated relationship with religions etc. It was never going to work. But I wish him well. We weren’t meant to be.
Reactions: 4
A while back, I did an online dating thing; it was my first experience of it all and I met several guys through it. There was one who I met who sounded really interesting. We met up during the daytime at a wine bar. He was okay in the beginning though nothing like his profile pic but within 10 minutes of meeting him; he kept saying how frigid his ex girlfriend was so I was a bit put off to say the least. We stayed for 1 drink and then went for a wander round the local area. More out of politeness than anything i think in both our cases. Anyway, never saw him again. A few months later some serious crimes happened around the area we were both from or near to.

One evening i left work and saw on the billboard that they'd arrested someone in connection with these crimes. Bought the newspaper and it was him. He was convicted and sent to prison. Put me off online dating for life really.

In one other tamer online dating experience, I met a guy who would only correspond via letter. He never wanted to speak on the telephone. We'd either have to arrange dates at the end of a date or wait for me to send a letter or him to me with one of us suggesting where to meet up and then agreeing it though he was alright with a quick call to confirm when we'd been out twice. He was just dead old fashioned. Owned a vintage car too, but I was too impatient for all that. Shame as he was lovely otherwise.

That's so awful. Re the final guy. As others have said, you dodged a bullet but the impact on you must have been difficult. Glad you have your confidence back now.
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It really did! There was much more to it than that, very complicated relationship with religions etc. It was never going to work. But I wish him well. We weren’t meant to be.
I'm glad it sounds like you have moved on now. You deserve someone who treats you well and does not make you feel bad about wearing a hoody or choosing not to wear fake tan.

Thank you. At the time my friends were telling me he was bad news but I was so wrapped up in trying to impress him I did not see it. Only now can I see he was not right for me.
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very complicated relationship with religions etc.
I know it's off topic, sorry, please delete if inappropriate.. I have butted heads with SO many guys I've dated over religion. I'm a DTh with a background in linguistics and literature (wasted a lot of time at uni haha), now atheist/irreligious despite being raised in an NRM. The amount of men who have such misinformed views on philosophy/religion, sociology and psychology "because, science" despite knowing nothing about critical thinking is astounding to me. It's like the edgelord atheists never grow up? Wtf?

Edit: words. Also, to make the above dating-relevant, I've been on a lot of bad dates where when I mention what I do for part of my work, lecturing etc. It's just not a good time lots of men seem to hate it when you point out that disciplines other than the hard sciences are still, you know, informed by science.
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I have many dating stories

Valium dude (as mentioned in Ick) - he was actually quite sexy, local dude, he invited me over to his asked me to make him a brew and emerged topless with a pigeon chest and packs of valium. Suggested we take them all together, I declined my usual dose of 15mg a day does me fine. He then proceeded to scoff the lot with his brew. He must have eaten 150mg valium probably a lot more! I thought he was having an overdose but according to him the right amount to get a "decent buzz". As said in the Icks. He had a tank full of fish, which he spoke to and all had names. The names you would find on people, such as Stephen and Bernadette.

Leg less wonder - had been dating some dude as a late teen, after my first serious break up. Had only ever seen him in his car, as that is where I got speaking to him outside a DJs vinyl shop I used to hang out at. Often went for drives in his car, got stoned somewhere remote, listen to music, talk loads and share the odd kiss, always very late at night, never went any further, he was OK as a friend but that was it for me. I not once, questioned why he controlled the car like a puppet with this contraption, but decided to ghost him when he put me off, he would speak of devil worship alot, how he is planning to sell his soul and started wanting me to come out for drives every bloody night, despite making me get out and push the car when it got stuck in the mud in a field! I kept ignoring my phone one day, when my sister questioned who it was. I told her, she told me she knew him quite well through the pirate radio scene, he is a bit weird and claims he worships Satan. He also had no legs so drove his car with a contraption and to, as he is known for being quite persistent with people in general. She started winding me up, how I didnt notice he had no legs. I had dozens and dozens of missed calls. She said he would crawl on his arms and turn up at my dads door to see me. I shat myself. Thankfully he didn't.
Reactions: 17
Some years ago I met a man through a local newspaper advertisement. He was lovely, we were getting on well so instead of just a drink he suggested a meal. He went away on business the following week but telephoned me daily. He was a widower with a small son. He wanted me to meet his friends at a bbq at the weekend and most were fine and polite although some of the women were a little quiet with me. All was going well, I went to his house and met his son. I'd never had anyone who telephoned when they said they were going to or be so attentive to me. I was playing with the son in the garden when the neighbour spoke to me. It seems when he met up with me for the first time, on a Thursday, he'd buried his wife on the previous Friday. His reasoning over this was she wasn't coming back. So he must have placed the ad before the funeral. I really liked him and he talked of a future together, offered to take me to a USA holiday for 2 weeks to show he was serious about me but I couldn't take it, it was just wrong so I ended it. I later found out that he was also seeing another woman from his original ad and had since married her.
Reactions: 19
I lived on a huge run down estate for a while a few years ago... think Shameless to get an idea of social situations...

One lad, he didnt live on the estate but was always hanging out there, usually selling weed. Including mine sometimes. He was gorgeous! Extremely good looking. Got chatting and more, as you do and after about a month he kept spending time in my block, especially the people directly below who would let anyone in their flat. Would declare how exclusive he was to me and try to spend more and more time at mine. I was sat discussing him with a friend of mine in the same block and we decided to google him. He was on the run for doing a hit and run where someone was seriously injured. In a coma.

Another one was from the same estate, he was extremely boring, a painter and decorator, he spoke about his job and I was literally hearing about paint dry. It gave me that ick! I could also catch whiffs of his breath sometimes and it was horrid. He was very insecure and was very full on, so I passed him on to a more willing mate of mine. She loves sex, proudly declares how much she loves sex and would shag anything with a cock and pulse. I give her my props as she took one for the team, now he had slept with my mate it gave me the perfect opportunity to fuck him off. Which I did. My mate got left with him discussing plans for him, his daughter and her to live a happy family life with him. She only had sex with him once. She then blocked him. Savage.
Reactions: 8
First guy I ever met from a dating site.
Turned out he had a pink spare bedroom he let escorts work from. (I never went to his flat).
Messaged me on Facebook from a fake account, pretending to be his ex, telling me that "she" made a mistake in letting him go as he was wonderful. I later found out from the real ex that he had got her into porn and owed her several hundred £.

I fucked him off quite quickly. Years later, he made the national news for shoplifting from supermarkets. I remembered that he would come to mine in a taxi from the supermarket with loads of random I wonder how much of it he had stolen.
Reactions: 9
Met some bizarre guys internet dating.
I work in the medical profession so people often feel the need to discuss their ailments with me but the worst was one bloke, who, on our first and only date told me that he had Peyronie’s disease.

* Essentially a curved penis
Reactions: 12
I met a guy when I was out with friends one night in a (heavy metal/rock/emo) club and we were a dressed as such. For context I was only 19/20 at the time so none of us really had proper jobs yet. Same went for him.
Anyways after that night he friended me on Facebook, got chatting and planned a daytime date to the cinema. It was the middle of summer so I just threw t-shirt and jeans on.
He met me in the middle of a busy city centre in a fucking pin-striped suit and shiny shoes I was mortified when I saw him walking toward me. He was also shorter than me (I'm 5'2), and still had spiky black emo hair, which made it weirder.
Out of politeness I went into the film with him but I was so put off by the suit I left pretty sharpish afterwards.
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I hate it when the bill comes over after dinner and they sit in silence and don’t offer to contribute. I’m more than happy to pay but at least offer. Never see those ones again and I’ve learnt to speak up if anyone tries that now. Usually boring bastards.
Reactions: 6
Met a guy online go to pub he chose which one and his ex turns up. He runs outside she starts beeping her horn and waving like mad. I walk off and he runs out after me. Needless to say it didn’t go any further lol.
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I’ve literally decided if it all goes tits up with my current boyfriend I’m never dating again
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I’ve literally decided if it all goes tits up with my current boyfriend I’m never dating again
totally agree! I am 33 now and cannot (be bothered) to date again. I will get some more cats and just leave it

Met a guy online go to pub he chose which one and his ex turns up. He runs outside she starts beeping her horn and waving like mad. I walk off and he runs out after me. Needless to say it didn’t go any further lol.
100% he had told her. jesus wtf is wrong with people (men). I am interested, all the accounts here seem to be (more or lesss) straight women, is it any easier to be lesbian?!
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I'm 31 and was on the verge of re-dowloading Tinder/Bumble etc until reading "the Ick" thread and this one

One of my lesbian friends (lol, why does this reek of "I can't be racist, I have black friends? Sorry. ) told me that women are no better. She often found herself dating women who were exploring their sexuality and has been on the receiving end of a lot of breakdowns, sometimes even on a first date. Luckily she's married now, so she doesn't have to deal with that anymore. One of the main stories that sticks with me is that she hit it off with this girl, they went back to this girl's flat and then halfway through foreplay, this girl was like "I can't do this" and proceeded with a huge monologue about her confused feelings about her sexuality. I get it, it's hard to figure that shit out sometimes, but I always think it's cruel to basically straight up experiment with people. Idk.

People be crazy.
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Gosh. I feel like the worst is when I’ve been on a date and they list everyone they’ve been with mostly mutual or who I know (small town I am from doesn’t really help) also first and last time I did online dating first was so awkward i thought I had never felt so uncomfortable in All My life. And second he wanted to me to meet the family at a family birthday again only chatted briefly online and how he was online was not at all his personality in real life. Nothing to do with First date. Then it was my birthday approaching he asked me what I was up to (thought it was just for conversation) he asked if he could come along and I kind of knew at this point I wouldn’t want to see him
I didn’t want to be mean but I replied aw sorry my friends had set up what we were doing. I only knew the area I was going to whcih my bad I shouldn’t have said. He then text on my birthday saying how he was at said Location and would look out for me. Then I text saying sorry it wasn’t for me wanting to see him. No reply no Problem. Then out the blue maybe a year and a half later I get a text and it was longer then my comment here. Saying how he was sorry that he didn’t text and his actions on not bothering me as if I was let down and as if I really wanted to see him
And all this bunny boiler crap.
At that point I knew I dodged a bullet and that online dating wasn’t and still today isn’t for me.
Stayed single not bothered for trying or dates last Encounter I had was last summer (haha I know!!) drunken night out didn’t even know I’ve given my number out, gets a text the next day asking if i wanted to go for food Said no & got a message back full of abuse!!!
Not as bad as others but my own experiences majorly put me off even bothering at this point
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quite a few of my mates are lesbians and girls aren't icky as such but from the stories they've told me they come with a lot of drama (from their experience. Not slagging off women here. Girl power and all that!)
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