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Just started the AKL video, hyped for the burp but no one warned me about the room tour complete with toilet full of piss and loo roll! Literally 2 minutes in. FLUSH THE TOILET YOU DISGUSTING CUNTS! Fucking grim! Who doesn’t flush the toilet after use and then does a room tour showing it?!

Never even saw that. Christ, they are fucking grim.
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Guys.. in their newest video ‘A great day at Magic Kingdom, dinner at Whispering Canyon’ please skip to 21:28 for a laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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VIP Member
Confused why they’d arrive in Victoria then walk 30mins to Shrek?
If they arrived at Waterloo it’s only a 5min walk?
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I think in total they did 4 nights at different resorts; Bay Lake, Poly, Grand Floridian and AK.

I realised the other day but totally forgot to post in here, he says they rented DVC points for these stays but the only Club Level you can do on DVC is AK. We have DVC but have no interest in Club Level because we plan to be in the parks or the pool, not eating cheap snacks in a room, so I’d never looked into it to know about what you can book. So if BLT and AK was DVC and I’ll assume Poly was too due to him asking about upgrading, that means they paid cash for one night Club Level at GF. Where has that money come from?!
Yeah in the poly vlog they get upgraded to club level for the morning they check out because of their complaining.

AKL wasn’t in their original plans, was just bay lake, poly, GF… so when do they add AKL?! No idea how they can afford this!


VIP Member
They will definitely be bankrupt.

Probably gone all out on the credit card to afford a month long stay at WDW and eat like kings.

My guess is they are relying on their Klarna for the next trip.

I will be surprised if they go on any future trips.
Don’t they have NY coming up? And they were hoping to do Australia too?


VIP Member
I realised the other day they call her that because her initials are MRS. Another classic safeguarding fail from the pair who think showing the kid in her full netball kit, school logo and all, is a good idea.


VIP Member
I see they now have ‘11 nights on the Disney dream’ as an upcoming trip. Is that a new one they’ve booked? The cruises aren’t cheap! Can just imagine them now moaning to be upgraded to concierge.


New member
Just watching the travel day to london one, why doesn’t she stop talking when she’s yawning??!!! She just carries on and you can barely understand her! I really do not understand why these guys.


VIP Member
Yes, it’s telecoms 😜 He is customer experience lead though, not customer service lead. So I think he could be around £40k+…. so let’s say £50k-£70k household income. Not a huge amount to afford their lifestyle, I know, but looking at the state of them, it’s much more than I would have guessed.
If you stick his job title and company name into glass door it should throw up the salary 😃


VIP Member
Picked out a random one from the eleventy billion Alton Towers ones. Chose first day one. They never ever stop moaning! She got herself an ECV and some disabled passes and STILL moaned about lining up for 20 minutes. Bit of advice grifters - you wanna skip lines at Alton Towers buy the FastTrack passes.

It was only £34. Fair enough if you had paid a fortune for it, you might expect a bit more. They have no shame filter, do they?
They are unbelievable. I’ve never ever seen anyone quite as bad as them even in real life and they are putting all of this out there … she was expecting the staff to bow down to her and basically let them eat as much as they like. 🤣🤣

You are right they have zero shame filter

The steakhouse one where they slag off the restaurant, to be fair it didn’t look great but I was more shocked at the state of them, he looked like he crawled off the sofa

I hate saying it but the child is starting to moan and critique as well
Which one is that I need to watch it 🤣


I've never heard of these morons until I saw this thread.

Currently watching the review of Grand Floridian while reading some of your comments to my wife. We're curious, did they get a free upgrade to this room because of their incessant moaning?
I've just watched Mr Fuckface reveal to Mrs Fuckface that they will be staying in Bay Lake Tower, The Poly and the Grand Floridian Club Level for a night each. Mrs Fuckface is crying and saying "there can't be anything else, we've got no money"

What a great way to live your lives.
Which vlog was that in? Absolutely insane, and to film it too!!


VIP Member
Massive moan fest again. Mr and Mrs Fuckface distraught that their child would not be able to purchase a pair of ears on the last day of the trip. Why would you even want them? Maybe they can write to Josh D'amaro again and get a pair flown over to Warrington first class. They just have spent thousands of pounds on Universal and Disney tat whilst they were there. Again, where is the money coming from?
Given his job and her job - only fans or drug dealing 🤣🤣 a whole month in Florida, trip to NYC, all the Alton Towers, Disney show, tat buying etc …. Nah not on their salaries. I smell a big rat!


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Think you have to be signed in to see anything so don’t want to risk outing myself 😂

Just had a look at their Insta. They follow the Lodge Cunts and PAYG friends Mark and Hannah. All cut from the same cloth.
You can view his whole profile without being logged in.