Norris Nuts #6 Uncared for pet, viewers who are upset, a family you'll never forget

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As an Australian (one that doesn't live too far from the Norris Nuts, might I add, in case there's a difference based on geographical location), no one ever calls it 'college'. I recently went to the University of Newcastle (Callaghan Campus) for a 'Big Day In' (which was basically people who work in the technology industry talking about ICT careers for 5 hours, but this isn't relevant), and did not hear any of the many teachers/professors or the approximately 500 students (mostly high schoolers and some uni students) call it college. It was mostly 'uni' with some people calling it 'university' for formalities.
Most 17 year olds are either doing or have just finished their final exams or completed the first year course required for their year 12 classes. This conversation should have happened a year ago, not now. Poor Sabre.
Yeah, the Year 11s (the year that Sabre would be in currently) at my school are already being called Year 12s because the actual Year 12s are doing their HSC (that's the Australian equivalent of the SAT/ACT to Americans, GCE to British people, NCEA to Kiwis, you get the idea), then once they're done, a few more formalities and they're out of there. The 'Year 12s' (Year 11s) at my school completed their end-of-course exams last term.
Little extra note about the Sabre-potentially-getting-higher-education fiasco; like @opal73 stated, TAFE would probably benefit her greatly.

Also, another eating challenge? Did they not learn from the backlash garnered from their 'who can gain the most weight' challenge? How these food-centred challenges could cause one or more of the kids to gain a negative relationship with food? Sabre has stated on multiple occasions how she doesn't feel pretty and sometimes mentions her weight. The last thing we want is for her, or any sibling for that matter, to develop a restrictive eating disorder due to the parents borderline forcing their kids to stuff their faces for a stupid vlog, then (probably) outright bodyshame the kids when finding out that binge eating will cause weight gain. We all saw what happened to Justin around 2018, all because he had a dad bod at the time. And hell, I'm saying all of this and I didn't watch the vlog.
But apparently they were discussing getting another dog? It doesn't take a genius to know why that's an awful idea, because besides Winky, the dogs haven't lasted in the home for more than two weeks, tops. Bubba got stepped on 5 days after being adopted, and Demi got given away after 1-2 weeks.

Apologies for the rant(s).
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In the latest NN do stuff vlog, Biggy gets an interesting choice for a haircut. He stated that he got it to "entertain us" for content and then went on to ask people to subscribe. Also Brooke told him he will probably be going bald early so he should try new hairstyles while he could. Why on earth would a parent say that to their teenage child? She keeps planting negative seeds in the kids heads and it will take a toll psychologically.
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I was thinking this! I feel like everything the parents say is so toxic and will really impact the kids mental health, they get enough of that negativity from being online from such a young age! These kids are going to look back and see that they didn’t have a childhood at all, I would of hated to have to film my whole childhood and not really live in the moment.
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Did she mean it as a joke? Or does baldness run in the family and that's why Justin's always in a hat. Either way I agree, she shouldn't have said it. Brooke can be so immature.
They have so much pressure at such a young age to keep making content, it's obviously no longer a fun hobby for them. These kids are full time employees working long weeks to film and edit and they barely have any control over their own channel anymore. They should sue when they're adults for some of the money they've earned - if there even is any left.
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Did she mean it as a joke? Or does baldness run in the family and that's why Justin's always in a hat. Either way I agree, she shouldn't have said it. Brooke can be so immature.
Biggy's hair looks a lot like Justins and there is no sign of baldness from him. Brooke is just a bully to that entire family. She puts them in their place so she can be the queen. Just so mean spirited.
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this tiktok immediately made me think of sabre.. wonder if its her

omg i don't know how to embed tiktoks here but go @caroline_easom on tiktok and find her video "sharing an anonymous letter from a teen from a family vlog channel" its her first pinned video on her profile at the moment
Brooke needs therapy, she is unhinged and offloading all of her issues on to the kids, she drags them in to adult topics almost to force the children to give her comfort and attention, even if that means bullying them. She clearly has quite a few deep insecurities about body image, health anxiety, self esteem and she is projecting it all on to the kids. It was only a small statement but when speaking about her dad she said he died at a young age and then said she is almost that age so she can be with her dad again, she has mentioned previously about her dad dying young and so she will as well, it’s clearly a very raw trauma for her, that she also dumps on the kids. It’s scary because I genuinely think she could be very mentally ill. She also clearly doesn’t want Sabre to go to Uni, she is getting in her head about it, making out like only doctors go to Uni and then in one video it cut to a clip of Brooke and Sockie making fun of Sabre about something saying she can’t even do that so she shouldn’t go to Uni, it’s obvious that Brooke is ganging up with the help of Sockie (being the kid that desperately wants to please Brooke) just like she does when Sabre wants her own room, no doubt its Brooke that put Sabre off of driving by telling her horror stories, everything is about keeping the kids close to her. Therapy could do wonders for them all.
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Hi i am new on here but i felt like i had to say something. First of all this family is screwed. Content and views are drying up and their videos are just plain boring.

  • Naz acts too old for her age, likely a factor of being on the internet from an early age. I don’t think that the way brooke and justin manage it is the right way but it is definitely an issue for me because of the totally different standards for her compared to the other children
  • Secondly sabre is really getting on my nerves. the poor girl really has no idea im sorry but wearing massive heels to go grocery shopping is just ridiculous. Im truly gutted for her. The suggestions for her to start a channel where she could connect with people her own age are a good idea only i really don’t think she would attract many mature viewers as her own maturity level is really so low. I just don’t think people would be able to connect with her, even i (a year or so younger than her) find it hard to watch her sometimes as she really is clueless (no offence).
  • Another thing that irks me is her comments about being a boy not a male. I understand its just a joke but it is likely that biggy is insecure about having not developed much and as someone who had trouble with that you would think that sabre could show a little more compassion.
  • Re the having own rooms i think that both are deserving of their own room, in fact all of them are as they are the ones making the money for the family. Sockie should not have to share with the babies that is a ridiculous stuid idea that sockie most likely goes along with to keep up her ‘golden child’ persona. As for the sabre and biggy situation they both need their own rooms and *unpopular opinion* biggy needs one more. Yes he is still a child but they aren’t going to buy any more houses anytime soon. The idea that he shares with disco who is ten years younger than him is absurd, especially once biggy hits puberty which will happen soon.

  • Sorry for the rant
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Biggy's hair looks a lot like Justins and there is no sign of baldness from him. Brooke is just a bully to that entire family. She puts them in their place so she can be the queen. Just so mean spirited.
Brooke's late father had a receding hairline. So genetically, there's a chance of baldness for Biggy.
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If Sabre doesn’t have her own room at 18 there should be some serious uproar about it, opposite sex siblings going through puberty should not be sharing a room anyway, but regardless of that, Sabre will be an adult sharing with minors, that’s not a safety issue between them of course, but it would be a safety issue if Sabre wanted to bring back other girls and boys her age, then you have possible unrelated adults sleeping in a room with children. Sabre needs her own privacy to become an adult! It’s literally a human right to have privacy, at this point I would be as dramatic to say they are infringing Sabres human rights!
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it seems likely now that they will get a new puppy.sockie may have to win some some stupid challenge
before this happens.
brookes main reason for getting a puppy is probably to create content and and get is a bad reason for getting a puppy, but getting a puppy may still be a good thing.
it would make sockie very happy.
taking care of dogs and training them have become the center of sockies life.
in one her vlogs sockie told us that taking care of dogs and training them is the only thing that distracts her from deep depression.(we learn later that she is worried about the "happy hands " tic and probably about other being on the spectrum problems)
she must have been devastated when they gave up demi.she had started to train demi and had lots of plans for her.
there is nothing else that sockie wants, nothing else you can give to her.
maybe brooke is doing it for sockie as well, but if she thinks sockie should get a new puppy what is she
waiting for?
maybe they had a problem with taking care of a big energetic dog like demi. we still dont know why they gave up demi.
but winky is well taken care of and happy and the new puppy will also be well taken care of.
we can be sure that sockie will take care of the new puppy.
an accident like the one that killed their first puppy is extremely rare.
it could benefit winky as well-when they finally move to sydney winky will not be alone.
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some members of the forum have already written about sabre going to the university.
i want to add one more point-
sabre doesnt have to choose between the university/tafe/other schools or courses and you tube.
she can study part time and continue to do you tube.
success in youtube -especially long term success-is far from certain.
it good that sabre realizes this and is considering alternatives.
it is probably not lost on her that the family channels have far far less views than before
and that they are still losing views.
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These kids/young adults need profressional help!! First Sabre talking about losing weight not too long ago, now Sockie talks about ’deep depression’?

I do think it’s great people are talking about mental health more and removing the stigma. But this is incredibly worrying
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I saw that TikTok! For those who haven't, the teen is condemning family channels, and here's a transcript I spent ages writing.

"To any parents that are considering starting a family vlog or monetizing your children's lives on the public internet, here is my advice: You shouldn't do it.
Any money you get will be greatly overshadowed by years of suffering, and very hard work for you and your child to keep up with trends and media, and if you do manage to do it, your child will never be normal. You will be their boss, and they will be your employee, which is a horrible relationship to have with your kid.
It'll be hard for them to go out in public without them getting noticed, you'll constantly be harassed by brands online, and networks, and worst of all, your children will be sent inappropriate messages and videos. If they have over 100K subscribers, there will be some sick guy or girl out there who puts weird comments there. I know because it happens to me all the time. My parents show me these messages, some of them, but most of the time, I find them on my own, and I have to sigh, screenshot them, report them and turn off my phone.
Because I'm in too deep, there's no going back now and I never consented to being online. I wouldn't have been able to anyway; I was two or three when I went viral for the first time, and now there's things I just can't do. There are several things about me and my identity that the world isn't allowed to know, because I don't choose what content my parents post.
The channel isn't mine. Again, they're the boss, and I'm the employee. I never signed a contract, but for some reason, through some stupid legal loopholes, this is legal, and I can't escape. No, I've never been hit, but my childhood came with its own trauma. I've been an employee since I was 5, and I hate it, so don't do it. If you don't regret it, then your kids will.
To any kids out there struggling like I am, hold on, keep pushing for getting off YouTube, never look up your name on any site, never look at comments, and if all else fails, perfect your thumbnail face and fake smile, and start counting down the days until you leave. And to my parents, if they so happen to be out there and recognise me, I'm not sorry. I think I have the right to complain on the internet after you took my childhood away from me.
Love, your lovely child."
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2 reliable norris nuts fan channels( we are the #legends, NNT) reported that the brooke and justin just bought a house in has 6 bedrooms and it may have cost 15-16 million.
they got the information from a reliable writer on luxury property.
check it out and decide if it seems reliable to you.
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guessing the bought the second house they looked at in their recent vlog. 6 bedrooms. I did like the idea of them getting units and sabre and sockie sharing one, would be good for sabre to get some independence since she’s basically an adult now.
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I think it’s time to start looking at Disco and Charm because I’m slightly concerned by some things Brooke said in the newest video. For starters she started talking about them taking up surfing like the others and I just know they will film every moment. The little kids are noticably more in the blogs anyway but have not really had blogs made about them.

another thing was a comment Brooke made as Justin was walking towards her with the kids saying they were the kids ‘he didn’t want but that he needed’ which they would have heard
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They've officially gone stagnant. Look at how many new views/subs they had 2 years ago compared to now

Also not sure if this has been mentioned already, but does anyone else find it crazy that they have a full on gym in their house? I get they're a big family, Sabre and Justin are really into fitness but they legit have enough equipment to literally be charging people and running their own gym it is insane. I think appearances matter to them a lot more than they let on in their videos and I wouldn't be surprised if Brooke makes them all exercise for a certain amount of time everyday.
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They've officially gone stagnant. Look at how many new views/subs they had 2 years ago compared to now
would explain why they seem so desperate for views lately.. practically begging for subscribers every video and doing “share” competitions… so much for we’re not like that and we don’t clickbait …

Does anyone find their latest Norris nuts do stuff video so distasteful… like especially these days there are so many people struggling with cost of living and can’t afford food ans they just brought $500 worth of McDonald’s to waste it… I get they wanted the tickets but they could’ve done something good with this like give out the food abs just keep the tickets.. they didn’t even end up winning everything so $500 down the drain
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