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Well I've just woken up to all of this and can't find any words to put in a coherent sentence 😬
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Well, there’s something called niomiforniomi worldwide. Not really similar, except for Niomi.


Indeed 😁
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Yeah, I'm sure the people of Ukraine are also devastated about Niomi's loss of suitcase, it is indeed heart-breaking. She's such an infuriating, stupid, spoiled waste of space, really.
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He's not upset about his previous relationship not working out, ha! Two delusional narcissists couldn't make it work, shocker.

At least he finally stopped tagging her in all his comments.
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I'm gping to DM her some info about what she's caught up in and how cults prey on people, she might read it and it could spark something. I'm not sure what else to do to help her
She will probably block you.

Hopefully someone who actually cares about her will read this thread so at least they know what this guy is like and the sort of people he associates with. I can't see how anyone who really cares about her wellbeing could turn a blind eye to this. It could turn into a really bad situation for her.
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whatsever you

VIP Member
Thanks for the goss!!
Does anyone remember the heart to heart niomi did in the field, said one day she collapsed into her step dads arms a few days after it happened. She could’ve been sent a text then about him cheating, or maybe Joe said ‘yes there is someone else’.
Actually feel so sad for her if this is true. I had a feeling he’d done something shitty.
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Like someone else said before, different guy, same mistakes.

Joe really had this "I'm kinda done here" look in his eyes that last year and would try to avoid being on camera. I also wonder what he did that was so bad, was it just talking to other girls, maybe Anna, like emotional cheating? I've been sucked into this thread today like nothing else lol, it feels like a psychology class every time I refresh the tab.

He really seemed like a normal, quiet guy but then again it's not like you open a dictionary and there's a photo of what a cheater looks like, right.. Personally I think if you no longer want to be with someone it's not a crime, it can be a painful decision that can takes years to voice, and if it's not mutual tho that fracking sucks but please end the relationship first and with class and dignity, not "married but looking" type of behavior.

I usually read horror or fantasy on my little breaks of time from taking care of the baby and my freelancing but here I am instead :p
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What the actual....This has to be a joke, right?

Imagine she returned from Bali and went to meet her family with this guy as her new husband. Surprise! Haha! Maybe she is just one of his many wives - like that other guy he hangs out with, the dude with the crazy cult leader vibes.
If this is a joke it will be a mean joke. Because marriage is such a sensitive thing for Niomi. I dont understand why he replied to me, dont give personal information about your partner to online viewers.
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
She wouldn’t have been at peace with Joe either. She would’ve continued in her delusion of having a pahfect relationship, all while not ever learning how to sort out her own storage unit. She has absolutely no personality to begin with.
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She is going to Bali for work guys... it's serious business :rolleyes: She is becoming the yoga teacher her followers begged for.

"Yoga for anxiety" ? who the f is she kidding ?? what does she know about anxiety? she has always lived in a privileged bubble. If there is anything in her life that gives her anxiety she got a facial or a presstrip in some spa and that's it.
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Honestly, no. She cannot take criticism, she never has been able to, and years of being a YouTuber have just cemented her opinion than any kind of constructive criticism or negative comment= hate from a hater.

She went hard down the route of "some people can't handle your thunder" and other cheesy quotes which absolve her of all responsibility for the end of the relationship. Her friends and family seem scared to do anything but placate her. She needs yes men around her.

I think any chat with Joe would have fallen on deaf ears. This girl is completely spoiled, selfish and narcissistic- incapable of thinking she can do any wrong. We've seen it time and time again- her true colours have really come out with her grandfather's death and her attitude to everything during the pandemic, including Joe's suffering losing his dream job. I think she wouldn't have allowed herself to get closure because she cannot accept she had ever been anything but perfect.
Agreed, she’d rather maintain her fantasy that she was the perfect girlfriend and that Joe practically deceived her. She herself stated that she completely idolized and put him on a pedestal. She’s trying to convince herself that he wasn’t so dreamy after all, even comparing the break up (in one of her many podcasts) to mourning a death - because: “that person wasn’t who [she] thought he was”.

Edit: I listened to her episode on Caggie’s podcast again today, where she again admits to having turned a blind eye to anything that didn’t fit the mold of that perfect relationship, and that they both were in denial of any issues. This is also the podcast in which she claims the proposal wasn’t as magical as she initially thought. I’m actually baffled by the lack of communication between these two - what did they talk about all the time? How could you possibly not address major problems and just carry them with you?

Then again, this is all from Dimbob’s perspective, so perhaps Joe did attempt to voice criticism and she simply ignored it.
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"Bali adventures" Adventures? What adventures? All she does in Bali is take photos, yoga, lounge around the pool and take more photos.

She is so boring.
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VIP Member
Do you guys think Niomi will still be there in September? By the way, do we know how long she’s staying in Bali?

On another note, he’s just as dumb as her to tell on social media he’s not gonna be in London for a few weeks. Hello empty apartment!


So weird he’s been planning to go to Bali knowing his ex is going there too. Looks like he wants to draw her attention.
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Idk if I'm being too ~ armchair psychologist or reading too much into things here but I feel like she looked okay after the break up because it was so fresh she thought in time she really would be over it. Now, I feel like she's given up ever feeling okay about it. She looks depressed constantly and flitting from one loser to another. When she posted Vienna by Billy Joel recently and said she related to it, she didn't mean it this way, but I was thinking there's that part 'you can get what you want or you can just get old'. And I kind of get the feeling she's internalised the idea that she will never get over Joe now, so she can either just get old on her own, or she can find whatever loser will have her to settle down with and have the kids and Mummy lifestyle that she wants. I do really wish for her sake she would seek therapy and just accept being single until she's in a better place. I don't think any relationship will last with this foundation either.
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It’s also incredibly sad that the most interesting thing about her are her ex and current boyfriends.

imagine having the social media following that she has and creating nothing of value as content
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i have never been there either but I’m sure there is other stuff to do/look at. But that’s niomi, she has no interest in anything.
I have been to Bali and there is definitely more to do! Apart from relaxing at the pool or beach you can visit temples, waterfalls, rice terraces, markets. We always had a private driver (that is basically like taxis there) to drive us to these sights and also explained a lot about Bali culture. Like the meaning of all those little flower shrines / flower offerings that can be found on the side of the streets. We would stop to buy exotic fruit from locals and tried different dishes that are typical for Bali.
But we never went to the gym.. not only because it was hot and humid but I could also do it at home...
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Bali also offer a “digital nomad visa” so people can work from Bali - TAX FREE…. I’m sure this is something Dimbobs is interested in
Versus giving their own citizens a break, nice. (n) Its painful to see a grifter like her getting perks like this.
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I think the part about Women for Women and about the circular fashion economy are much more offensive than the part about encouriging people to look their best.
Who wrote this? This is filled with lies. She's been trying to sell us fast fashion items more times than we can count.

And what about Women for Women?
Bringing their work to the forefront? When has she ever done such a thing? All we ever see is Niomi for Niomi.

You know what? I have been so extremely pissed off about Niomi using WfW to look better herself without doing anything in return: I'm going to email them tomorrow to make a complaint.
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