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Gloria Rostron

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Do you know how annoying it is when people ask you where you're from, and then say "but where are you REALLY from?"... They are basically asking you why are you black. I'm mixed race, black dad, white mom & I get it ALL the damn time, especially on dating apps and such and its's fucking rude & annoying. Why does someone need to know where I'm from? Even worse when they try to guess your race. Someone asked me if I was Nigerian. I'm not. Oh and we also can't say anything because then we get called "angry black women with a chip on our shoulder".
I can see how that would be annoying. If someone asked me something I didn't want to answer, I would say, I don't want to talk about it, but everyone is different and as you say, you worry about being perceived as hostile if you say something.

That said, I don't think we should ban or make it illegal to ask where someone's ancestry is from (I know L Hussey didn't word it that way). Freedom is important and that includes freedom of speech, as long as it's not extreme, harmful speech.
England is not ready for the conversation that is racism. It's been proven that the system is racist, they do a couple stories and it's never heard from again.
There have been many conversations about race, especially black race and people of mixed race recently.

Such as this:

And this:

Racism does exist, and racism towards people of black ethnictity, be it fully or mixed is a particular problem with the police force, the stop and searches and the aggressive manner in which some black people are treated. Everyone, black, white, Chinese should have an equal opportunity to lead a thriving life without discrimination.

Racism also exists towards white people. Several times this year, I have been called a white .... and I know people who have applied for senior roles and been told they will not be considered, because they are white!

Twitter is full of racial slurs towards white people, yet this does not get called out. I was banned from a forum for criticising a post which promotes discrimination against white people.

Personally, I think (my opinion), that Ngozi Fulani has bigotry towards white people and people with white ethnicity genes. A woman on Twitter claims that she wad refused help by Fulani because she is mixed race and has white genes. I find it hard to believe someone would lie about something as serious as domestic violence.

What the actual racist fuck is the majority of this thread?? Calling Ms Felani a 'bitch', a 'crook', a 'pathological fraudster'
That's not racist. She is suspected of fraud. And BTW, you may wish to get the lady's name right, who you are heroically defending, it's Fulani.
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Everything about this post is SOLID GOLD.

There is no racism to white people. You may experience prejudice- that is not the same. I don’t thnk the posters on this thread want to learn about racism 😟

There is no racism directed at white people?! If you actually think that then you are very, very naive.
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Old Harold

@Eltonjohnsflorist that is not what I said and you know it. And I'm Irish, so my country was colonised for many hundreds of years. My ancestors had their land, culture and language stolen from them and they were punished for practising their religion. So don't you lecture me about "colonials" and how dare you extrapolate from my post that I want to "use the n word".
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This woman is a fraud. I knew it as soon as I saw her FAKE name. Read up on the Biafra war and genocide.
To break it down for you its like a jewish person being called:
“Insert Jewish first name here” followed by the surname Hitler!

Stupid uneducated woman. You have had your 5 minutes now
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She says she has to "profile a particular way". Now this is not that she feels obligated by society to look a particular way, as she is dressed in very different clothes at the beginning. This sounds to me like a woman in an agenda who is adopting a "profile" to cause ruption.
I’d assume if people are dressed in full ethnic/ tribal attire it means they’re very proud of their heritage and would expect to be asked questions if they’ve made an effort to stand out or why go to the bother? there were other black women there dressed in normal UK attire that the old woman never looked twice at but made a beeline for Ngozi.
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This is just hog wash. Ms fulani isn’t a trustee or the charities finance director so what does any of this have to do with her? (if even true, I’m inclined to believe the people making accusation just don’t know what they’re talking about and have little familiarity with charities or accounting)

the lengths people will go to to destroy a black woman who called out racism.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
A rather prescient review from 8 months ago

View attachment 1803536

There's also a video doing the rounds on Twitter where she says she only wears the traditional African clothing when the narrative suits, and that it's not what she normally wears.
And that was written 8 months ago, before this Palace row started, so it can't be said there is clouded judgement!
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This woman has apparently exploited domestic abuse survivors, defrauded taxpayers via blatant nepotism, been a vexatious litigant against a council already underfunded, and taken funds that could have benefitted actual useful charities, and people want to talk about race instead of her seemingly shameful actions? Wow...
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
But what happens if someone doesn't want you to talk about their ancestry, or thinks it's none of your business, and that you're being rude? What if someone is estranged from most of their birth family, and you mentioning their ancestry is in fact painful for them? What is someone was adopted into a family of a different ethnic origin to them, and they don't know much about their ancestry?
Ngozi is on video, giving a public speech and asking the audience where they think she is from. I don't for one second believe she was distressed by such a question.

She chose to wear a traditional dress that reflects her ancestors' origin before they moved to the Caribbean. Why would she attend the event in heritage attire if she didn't want to draw attention to it?
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This thread would have been so much more interesting if it moved away from constant back and forth of race and focussed on the grifting.
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Chatty Member
I'm with Ricky Gervais. Just because your offended doesn't make you right. An elderly lady asking someone where they are from, while said lady is CLEARLY wearing an outfit in a somewhat confused attempt to reflect her ancestry is not unreasonable at all. I'm sorry it's just not. Clothing and jewellery has been used since the dawn of time to identify your tribe, place of birth, profession, class, age and status. I doubt the old girl would have bothered asking if that woman had been wearing a Next trouser suit.
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At first I agreed with you but Lady Hussey's job is to find out some facts about people in order to introduce them to the Queen Consort (and previously the Queen) so they can have some talking points.

It was obvious Fulani was being deliberately obtuse because she had an agenda.

anyway, her takedown was as swift as I suspected it would be. It doesn’t surprise me she was in charge of another dodgy charity she had vibes of that other fraudster Camila Batmanghelidjh.
I agree she was probably being deliberately obtuse but as a lady In Waiting of so many years standing, surely Hussey was capable of using a bit of charm in this situation eg admiring Fulani's dress, asking for background about the charity and why it was set up rather than demanding the same information in what sounds like a belligerent way.
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Baby Giraffe

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No one got Susan's recollection of the conversation. Marlene is a verified fraudster outside of this event, and the sad state of affairs is anyone believing anything a pathological fraudster has to say without questioning it, all in the name of wokery.

How could she have memorised that conversation word for word if it was completely unexpected? She got the question and began immediately acting obtuse to corner an octogenarian and launch a scam. It's disgusting. Soon people will stop believing reports of racist abuse altogether when we've got crap like this clogging up the channels.

Marlene was there to play pin the tail on the racist, so the "initial assumption" here is fundamental.
Lad Hussey’s age is irrelevant, if she’s too old to be respectful she shouldn’t have been there plus there were other witnesses to the conversation. How anybody could scam somebody by making them ask you questions is beyond me. Regardless of if she is or isn’t a fraudster outside of these events, she wasn’t treated respectfully.
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And how does NF/Sistah Space being dodgy change the fact that LH was rude and racist in her questioning?

Asking someone where they're from is completely fine. Asking them again and again when they've already answered is rude. Using the phrase "really from" indicates the person is lying and doesn't belong to where they've claimed.

LH's "people" (to use her phrasing) are "really from" Germany but I bet no one asks her that question 12 times.

I bet when LH or any member of the royal family describes themselves as English or British no one accuses them of not being proud of their German roots.

I'm also waiting for the posts mocking the GERMAN royal family for adopting English names or laughing at them for wearing English clothing.
Im mixed race,i live in the UK and my last name sounds different. I LOVE it when people ask me where im from. Its not rude its curious. I like the fact people are actually interested.
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Chatty Member
As a keen amateur genealogist if I met someone whose surname I knew was prevalent in a particular area of this country, I'd be asking them where they are from.

Well I probably wont now because its yet another thing you cant talk about.
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I think the fact Hussey apologised in person to Fulani showed she accepted she made a mistake and wanted to put that right.

On the wider discussion, I'm white and have never experienced racism in the UK. It would be impossible for me to, because white people have been the majority in this country for countless years and hence things are rigged in our favour. Have I ever been followed around a shop? Nope. Have I ever been stopped and searched? Nope. Have I ever had racial slurs directed at me? Nope. And so on.

I accept that white people can sometimes experience prejudice directed towards them because of the colour of their skin, but it's not correct to call that racism because racism has a systemic relationship to power. Something white people have historically had in this country for eons.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
It gets worse! They sell donated items to service users. Imagine this. You donate a pair of shoes to Sistah Space, thinking that it will be used to help someone in need, instead, it's sold to the person in need! Considering how interwoven the family seem to be with the charity, and what happened with The Captain Tom foundation (the daughter using the charity to generate work for her private business), this does not seem ethical or transparent towards people who donate to the charity in good faith.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
*I thought it is time this madam had her own thread.
Ngozi Fulani (Formerly Marlene Headley)

Ngozi Fulani came to public attention after claiming through the guise of her charity Sistah Space's Twitter that she was the victim of racist "abuse" by Lady Susan Hussey at a Royal event. Allegedly, Lady Hussey asked where she is from. Ngozi, dressed in traditional African attire replied "Hackney". Lady Hussey allegedly continued to ask where she is "really from". Finally, Fulani said that her ancestors were from the Caribbean and Africa. When a transcript of the conversation was posted on Twitter, a public debate began. The Royal Family quickly dismissed Lady Hussey of her duties and Ngozi Fulani set about giving television interviews, saying she felt abused by the questioning.

It is argued that asking where someone is from is not racist. Some say it was simply that the wording was wrong. Others say there is nothing wrong at all. Nana Akua, a journalist of African descent and presenter, criticised Ngozi Fulani's accusations. A woman on Twitter, said she was refused help from domestic violence charity Sistah Space, as Ngozi said she is mixed race and that means she has privileges. Some say this itself is discrimination.

Now, Sistah Space is under further questioning, after it was revealed that the bookkeeping raises concerns, as does the way donations are spent.

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Knew this bitch was a crook from day 1 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I agree. Remember Blind Date with Cilla Black all those years ago, everyone she introduced was met with 'what’s your name and where do you come from'.

How times change in such short time.
And they'd respond with the city they live in.

Cilla wouldn't then say, "No, but where are you REALLY from??"
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