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Ladies I moved my 5 month old into kendamil milk about 2 weeks ago. So far she is much happier and eating better however she has barely pooed since Saturday and when she does it’s a very dark green and doesn’t have that sweet sickly smell of baby poo. Do you think I should be concerned? Has anyone had similar experience?
I moved my little one onto kendamil too, it’s sooooo much better! He had dark green poos for a couple of weeks. I wouldn’t worry, your baby will just be getting used to it 😊

I’ve just discovered this thread, pleeeeeeeease can I ask some advice? My daughter is 2 days old and will only sleep on me or my partner, she usually falls asleep whilst breastfeeding and then I try and put her down in her next to me really slow and softly and she instantly wakes and cries so I cuddle her. We’re taking it in turns to have 2 hour sleeps whilst the other holds her but we’re both very tired and I’m petrified of one of us falling asleep with her in our arms😫
Contratulations! It’s more than likely because she’s so used to being inside you all warm and cosy. Can you wear a sling in the day? At night time, I’m not sure... could you try swaddling her? I’ve seen people put hot water bottles in cots and then remove it shortly before baby is put down so it feels a bit warmer for them x
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I remember with our second he cried all the time, and me in bed sitting up holding him all night, because my husband was worried about bed sharing. On night 3 I got rid of the husband (just from the bed 😹) and we never looked back. Bed sharing with no2,3 & 4 has been one of the best decisions we’ve made, I get so much more sleep 🙌🏻
Haha we managed to do it without booting him out, the three of us in a king size bed. It got to the point though where it wasn't getting me, or baby, any sleep as he is such a wriggly sleeper, rolling all over the place. Months 1-4.5 he was in our bed every night from about 4am though :ROFLMAO: Used to get us sleep until 7. Some nights he came in earlier, especially during that awful, awful 4 month regression or on nights when he wasn't feeling good, he'd be in from the start.

He never ever falls asleep on me now, I miss those sleepy cuddles.
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@littlepup ah sounds like you have plenty of support in your bubble! I ended up contact napping so as my daughter got older and had longer but less frequent naps it meant she’d come back to me 🥰
Sorry forgot to add the video
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Ladies who have toddlers and a newborn, what do you about naps?

i know they are meant to be in the same room as you until 6 months so can’t put her in the nursery, so have my little one napping in her basket in the lounge but she keeps waking up thanks to the chaos my older daughter makes, i mean she isn’t extremely loud, normal toddler level, its just frustrating as it takes me ages to get her down thanks to the reflux and she wakes up constantly 😩
I’m having this exact problem too! I don’t know 😩 I just wing it every day really, we’ll go outside and she’ll sleep in the baby carrier or in her nest on the sofa and I’ll put a film on tv for the toddler hoping she’ll keep quiet, or sometimes take toddler to the park so baby can have an hours peace and quiet in the pram. It’s hard though isn’t it 🙈
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I do bedshare on the very difficult nights - it used to buy me some extra time and he would wake less but now he seems to wake up just the same amount! It's tricky as he recently learned to roll and now prefers to sleep on his front, which is fine by us, but he takes ages to get comfortable and ends up crying before he gets there. If we roll him back, he rolls to his front within seconds. It's like this phase he needs to get over!

I'm not gonna lie, I really can't have this until he's that age! I naively thought that at 5 months next week we'd be in a better position than calling a night with 4/5 wake ups "a good night!!"
The good news is you get used to the lack of sleep 😬😬😬 None of mine have been good sleepers, so I’ve not had a full night since my eldest was born (she’s 8) and you definitely do get used to it and learn to function. Not that that is ideal at all.
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I use the Aldi “premium” ones, are they the ones you mean? Maybe I’ve just had bad luck the last few nights cause when I go to change him his nappy isn’t completely Saturated 😬🙈 just leaks out the edges oops
I'm sure you do already but I would just make sure he's pointing down x
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12 hours post jabs and we’ve had a lot of sleeping and a some very dramatic crying but nothing too bad 🥵

Does anyone else’s babies bloody love calpol!? My little ones face lit up when she had her first taste today… 😂
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Unrelated to the current topic, but a quick question — I’m approaching my 30’s & would like to have my first child soon, however, my work is pretty hectic (I work 6 days a week, which includes the weekend). And this will not change for the next couple of years. Also, I doubt I’d be able to take months off from work. I was wondering, if anyone’s in a similar situation and also raising children? How do you handle it? I don’t really want to put off having children & wait until I’m 40 (not that there’s anything wrong with having kids at 40), but if my current situation really isn’t ideal for child raising, I guess I’ll have to postpone having kids. Thank you.
I really think it depends on your own situation. My sister works long hours in her job, but she scaled back to 4days, her husband took flexi hours so starts very early to finish by 3pm, and our parents look after her child 2 days per week, so he is at nursery for 2, and still gets plenty of family time.

She held off having kids for a long time as she always said what’s the point if you never get to see them.
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So 2 month old has been up since 7, refuses to nap no matter what 🥴 surely this isnt normal?

she seems ok, not moany etc
My little one was the same, he would go all day without sleeping but we would usually end up with a screaming baby by 6/7pm!
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The thing I think most people should be aware of when they have a c-section, as I wasn’t aware of this at all is that you may have to inject yourself with blood thinners for 10 days afterwards and you might have to wear compression stockings for a while after as well. I’m very squeamish so my partner did the injections for me. I had an emergency c-section but it was still very calm. I was very well looked after. At hospital they encourage you to get up and walk around after about 12 hours. I’ve had a vaginal birth and a c-section and although I was sore after the c-section it was never unmanageable and at least it didn’t sting everytime I went to the toilet!
I also had these, think because it was baby number 3. I couldn’t inject myself 😬
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I have a bit of a sensitive issue and don’t really know where appropriate to ask but you guys always give the best advice so apologies it’s not new baby related but toddler related..
my son is 2.5 and keeps waking up from his nap distraught and pulling at his nappy because he has an erection. I’ve tried taking the nappy off thinking it was painful against it but then he wanted it back on and was even more upset I took it off. At the moment I’m just letting him cry it out as I don’t know what to do. Has anyone else had experience with this? It’s just the last 2 weeks but I feel a bit useless
Bless him, no direct experience but my friend said her son was uncomfortable with his penis. The doctor confirmed that he did have a large penis for his age and his foreskin was very tight which was causing him pain. That’s all I can remember for now so maybe take him to the doctors? X
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I remember in the newborn stages, the health visitor kept telling me he "should" be sleeping 16-17 hours a day. He was doing 9-11! always been a tricky sleeper from the minute he was born.
I’ve never had good night sleepers (although this latest addition actually sleeps quite well, probably best we’ve had!) but they’ve always loved a day time nap! My eldest two were 3+ when they stopped napping, my 2.5yo loves her nap, and the baby sleeps all day. Apparently I’m shite company 🤣🤣 (except at night when they can’t get enough of me!)
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Hmm maybe I’m overthinking it a bit then 🙈 plus his”routine” he’s in at the minute is bound to change by tomorrow judging on how unpredictable babies are 😆
I don’t really have a routine tbh, she only has a bedtime routine but I don’t put pressure on myself either to have one everyday as they are so unpredictable, I just go with the flow and whatever happens that day happens
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I’ve just discovered this thread, pleeeeeeeease can I ask some advice? My daughter is 2 days old and will only sleep on me or my partner, she usually falls asleep whilst breastfeeding and then I try and put her down in her next to me really slow and softly and she instantly wakes and cries so I cuddle her. We’re taking it in turns to have 2 hour sleeps whilst the other holds her but we’re both very tired and I’m petrified of one of us falling asleep with her in our arms😫
Totally normal, we had this for a couple of weeks. The next to me is huge for them at the beginning, they're used to being in such a tight space! Like others, I'd recommend swaddling and a sling for the day time. It does get easier! They're just figuring out this big world after being inside you for 9 months. I remember doing shifts like that! What are your thoughts on co-sleeping? Not for everyone but got me some extra sleep in the early days.
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I got the baby blues on day 3 the same day I got my milk through, the hormones must go crazy around then. I was crying at the tiniest things, totally sleep deprived, shouting at my 3 year old and then crying because I felt like the worst mum and had a big row with my husband and told him I don’t even know if I want to be with him anymore. I’m 15 days post birth now and the hormones have settled down and I feel more tired than bursting into tears, that first week was really hard and I don’t remember feeling it the baby blues that badly with my first. I hope it settles for you soon but you are not alone, it is really hard and I agree with other posters men do not understand at all ❤
Thank you so much!! I'm 11 days PP now and hoping it'll ease pretty soon. I'm just such an over thinker and so worried when my partner needs to return to work and I'm at home with the 2 kids and worried how i'll cope. I'm definitely gonna be reaching out to family for help I think and try not feel guilty for doing so! Hope you're feeling better ❣
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Okay so mum tums, how do I dress it? Really struggling to find clothes that suit. It was winter last time I had my son I could wear big jumpers but it’s too hot now, also struggling to find dresses with buttons for breastfeeding
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