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Restless Native

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It was ridiculous.

Why are these adaptations of Harlan Coben so shite?

The best one I've seen is the French adaptation of Tell No One
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It was pathetic. I cannot get my head around why people are raving about it. The acting was really dreadful. The guy who played the police officer was awful, so it must have been the script/editing/direction because he was in Utopia and he was great in that
Must just be me -- I think Adeel is a lousy actor. Hated him in everything & I couldn't stand his "I'm on to you" face in FMO, it's all very drama school.
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Thankyou for your reply I won't bother investing in one then 🙂
I've read a few of his books as undemanding beach-holiday escapism, and I've watched a few of the adaptations; overall, the books work a bit better as they're all set in the USA so the 'Hollywood' suspension of disbelief works in the same way that you can, for example, buy into Diehard whilst acknowledging that it's ludicrously implausible. Oddly, transferring them to an undefined English county doesn't work quite as well (especially given the plot reliance on guns, remote woodlands, etc.)

Each time I start one of these books or series, I get hooked by the deliciously intriguing premise (which almost always involves someone dead/missing potentially reappearing), then I start to find all the diversions and red herrings a bit tedious, but I keep going in the hope that it will all come together with a satisfying finale, then there's a bullshit ending and I get very annoyed and vow 'never again!' Until the next one sucks me in and I think 'well, it can't be as bad a the last one ...’ 🙄
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I’ve not read the whole thread, I finished this the other night and the plot holes just killed me!! Joanna Lumley was vile, but I love the detective, and I liked his sidekick too. They were actually fun to watch.the chugging down pills was a bit obvious that they were making him ill, I must say, twigged that right away, don’t get why army guy was in her house and setting her car alarm off, among other weirdness
Ohh I love Adeel - he always looks so weary and fed up with the world bless him, I was surprised he's only 43!! I first saw him in Four Lions when he played a dim terrorist who covered his beard with his hands to pretend to be a woman, and am always happy to spot him in stuff since then!
I like him too but was also seriously shocked when I looked how old he was!! I figured he was nearing old enough to be my dad, and I’m older than him. He’s clearly fitter than me though, all that running he did! I’d have died.
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The worst bit for me was when she was flying the helicopter, looked down and saw the car that was following her straight away and landed it in a random field. Like, how close to the ground was she flying to be able to see that it was that car?! I know there was a tracker but still.
Maybe it annoyed me more than it should have but after that bit I was out.
I wanted to see the consequences of leaving the poor student unattended for what seemed like a while.
Surely she would have been sacked, and the story would have made the news, so why was there no focus on any of this!
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
I've read a few of his books as undemanding beach-holiday escapism, and I've watched a few of the adaptations; overall, the books work a bit better as they're all set in the USA so the 'Hollywood' suspension of disbelief works in the same way that you can, for example, buy into Diehard whilst acknowledging that it's ludicrously implausible. Oddly, transferring them to an undefined English county doesn't work quite as well (especially given the plot reliance on guns, remote woodlands, etc.)

Each time I start one of these books or series, I get hooked by the deliciously intriguing premise (which almost always involves someone dead/missing potentially reappearing), then I start to find all the diversions and red herrings a bit tedious, but I keep going in the hope that it will all come together with a satisfying finale, then there's a bullshit ending and I get very annoyed and vow 'never again!' Until the next one sucks me in and I think 'well, it can't be as bad a the last one ...’ 🙄
I'm only just getting in to the crime thriller and murder mystery genre as it's always been horror for me so I've watched a couple of the netflix adaptations as they were an easy watch to get in to they do always sound better than they turn out to be though 🙄
I'm a book worm so I wondered maybe If the books were worth reading instead but maybe not 🤣 will have to keep looking for some better ones 😉
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Yep. These things are always like eating a shitload of junk food: seems like a good idea at the time, but afterwards you feel a bit ‘bluergh’ and irritated at yourself for being so weak and not seeking out a better use of your time.
I kept thinking ffs those hours I lost, how I can make it up (as if 've got a magical time travel machine to cancel my lost hours 😆
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I didn't rate this, but it just about managed to hold me for the duration (just) - It was about 7 episodes too long (y)
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I’ve just watched 25 mins of safe it’s very similar to fool me once they all must be the sameish
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I have 2 episodes left to go. The first episode was really good. After that it got ridiculous, but still enjoying how trash it is.

It feels a little overstuffed with plots. I feel like ITV could have done a version of this story in less episodes, by cutting out some of plot threads.

I honestly don't believe Michelle as ex military. Her entire look, makeup, hair, the work she has done on her face, just doesn't seem to fit that. Would expect someone who is used to the discipline of military life, and actually being sent on missions, but have a more practical look.

I don't watch Coronation Street, but I catch bits of it as my family are fans so i end up seeing random episodes Sometimes. Part way though watching I said that Michelle looked more like someone who would own a buisness on Coronation Street, like the knicker factory or the pub or something, because that was hoe she was styled. And my mum just laughed and said well she was in it...

I was suprised to see The Arcade Club in Bury being used as 'Arcade One'. I have been a few times. It is actually a really cool place if you like games. It is absolutely huge and has multiple floors. You pay a fee on entry and all the games are set as free to play. Irl it does not have dark and creepy mood lighting, but it does tend to get very hot and sweaty.
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Chatty Member
I seen a video on TikTok of people asking various questions. One was asking why Maya’s LG stands in the bushes and shouts “dad”. I never even thought about it until I saw the video.

Anyway, someone commented and suggested that most of the “unanswered” questions are explained in the book. Had anyone read the book?
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
Has anyone read any of his books? If so are they better than this adaptations
Haven't had chance to watch this series yet going to start after work today
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Didn't mind it, was easy to binge although could have been done in fewer episodes and storylines like the half brother felt pointless in the end! Are any of the other Coben adaptations worth a watch?
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Just finished this last night and it proper annoyed me.

If she knew the whole time that Joe killed her sister and why… what was the whole point of being lead on a merry goose chase about it for 7 episodes?!
She knew he'd killed her but not why, so she played the grieving widow in front of the police/family while she tried to work out what her sister had found out to make her husband kill her (presumably to get answers but also to work out how far-reaching it was and who else was dangerous). Unfortunately most of this happened in a farcical way with poor acting 😅 but the basic premise made sense to me!
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Finished it last night. What a waste of Richard Armitage!
The medication Sami was taking- who prescribed it and for what symptoms? Dod he just buy it online?
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Another Harlan Corben adaptation that has been released today.

Main cast:
Michelle Keegan
Richard Armitage
Adeel Akhtar
Joanna Lumley
Emmett J. Scanlan
Dino Fetscher

I've just started it so no thoughts so far but hoping Michelle's acting is better than her performance in the BBC show she was in 2023.
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