Narcissistic and toxic parents #2

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mine is definitely the façade. They want to play happy families with the extended family but I’m not playing ball. I’d rather sit here on my own than that. So far I’ve had a lovely Xmas eve. McDonald’s followed by some of the snacks I bought for the week, a fruit salad and I’ve been watching shit tele. Pure bliss and absolutely solidified my decision to stay by myself
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I can relate. After years of financial abuse from my parents, but especially my Father, I have cut them off and have never felt better.
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She’s not working and has decided we should have a meal together 🫠🫠

Can’t wait to listen to 30 mins of how shit other people are and how she’s not at all like them
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I've had my narcissistic parent telling my young children what a awful and anxious child I was at their age. I don't know what they are trying to achieve by this, but it's making me so cross. I think my narc parent is just jealous I'm able to offer my kids a better life than they could offer me.
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Sounds like a tactic to get your kids on side by simultaneously praising them and undermining you. Double whammy.
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Definitely jealous and probably wants to weaponise your kids against you.

if you can and feel comfortable could you sit your child down and explain to them that you were a bit unhappy as a kid of their age and you want them to know that if they ever feel that way they can talk to you and they don’t need to feel ashamed? Is that an option? Hopefully that might counter the narc parent getting in their head about that being something bad when there is nothing wrong with being anxious. It’s insane what kids latch onto.
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I'm nothing to be admired about, it's taken me years to be where I am now, my regret, not doing it sooner.
I had an angry wobble yesterday, I still live with the memories, they'll never go away, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it.
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New to this thread but I guess wanted to get opinions/ideas on parents keeping in contact with their children. I got to a point where I realised that it is very toxic for parents to say “phones are a two way street”. I have also realised that if I didn’t contact one of my parents I’d never hear from them. The other didn’t message me for Christmas until 8pm, same deal last year. I didn’t spend Christmas with this parent last year due to covid restrictions and this year because I was finally able to go interstate to where my other parent lives. I’ve kinda just given up / realised that I do not have to be the child maintaining contact and feeling guilty if I don’t call over the last 5 or so years.

For some context I live in the same state as the parent who didn’t contact me for Christmas and have for almost 3 years. They have never ever come to visit me at my house, only if they were in the area to visit their partners children. I also went through a break up in the depths of covid lockdowns and they did not visit (I thought understandably due to restrictions) but then they broke lockdown rules to help their partners family move house but didn’t come and visit to make sure I was ok.

I have alot of friends with very healthy family dynamics and beautiful relationships with their parents so these things are hard to discuss with them and get their thoughts on what could be considered “normal”.
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I'm nothing to be admired about, it's taken me years to be where I am now, my regret, not doing it sooner.
I had an angry wobble yesterday, I still live with the memories, they'll never go away, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it.
I'm happy you did what's best for you. There are going to be bad days just don't beat yourself up to much, it
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I spoke to my mother today on the phone. After fifty minutes of talking, she casually mentions that she heard on the radio I will be losing my healthcare coverage in April. This is totally new information to me. She said she wasn’t going to mention it and when I asked her why she said it’s because she did not want to have the bad news coming from her She should never have been allowed to have kids ISWTG.

I always forget what she is like
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I’ve got to attend a funeral tomorrow and really don’t want to go as I’m estranged from so-called ‘family’. I went on a wild goose chase to get flowers today and finally secured some to collect tomorrow. Really annoys me how my mum is all “I’ll bring flowers” without having the means to source them. I paid half and will have to collect but she acts all competent to others when she might as well be like “what’s a flower?” to me. Learned helplessness and covert narcs. And the woe is me act over Christmas because my GC brother hasn’t spoken to her in years has worn thin. I’ll be glad once NY is out the way, she’s hinting at that but no thanks.
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Almost 2 years since I went no contact with my dad. Except I'm realising that I never actually went no contact with him, all I did was never message or call him again and he has never been in touch!
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parents.. and people in general.. who don’t make an effort to be in your life, don’t want to be in your life.

harsh, but usually true, with the rare exception.

there’s a ton of reasons why a parent might not want to be in their child’s life - not all parents love their children, not all parents like their children. Some parents/narcs are so bad at parenting that they hate to be reminded of it in the form of their offspring. The list of possibilities is endless.

The harsh truth is.. fighting to keep them in your life is a waste of time and energy. It’s better to accept the reality as it is (even if it’s hugely painful) and learn to accept the situation for what it is. Trying to “pretend” and play happy families with Narcs will only continue to hurt you and reinforce generational trauma.

accepting that your parents don’t really care is awful, truly awful. But when you face that truth, you also face the reality of who they are as people, and learn to accept that it was never a problem with you as a person, it’s them who are lacking.

as for that guilt? It’s likely reinforced by 2 things; societal expectations and the common narc tactic of using guilt and shame to control those around them.

I haven’t seen my narc parents in two years, and I feel a huge amount of shame and embarrassment when people ask me about it and judge (I have a very low tolerance for people who say things like “that’s so odd” and “but family is so important” very low.) I feel loneliness and sadness every day because of it, because I’ve faced the reality that i was never loved the way I deserve to be and I’ll never experience that relationship.

but equally, I’m much more at peace now.
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Thank you and thank you for sharing your own personal experiences. I have been NC with my (what I believe to be) narc sister for many many years. It was surprisingly easy to cut her off after being treated so badly by her and watching her treat my family badly. I know one of my parents has cut her off, the other only speaks to her because of her child and wanting to be a grandparent. For some reason it feels harder to do that with parents who are otherwise “ok”. I feel the same though with the shame and guilt associated with telling people about the family dynamic. My partner has a very different family, super close and very strong bonds even with separated parents so it’s tough but it is what it is I guess. Thank you again
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I used to get blamed for things that she thought I should know how to deal with that were hypothetical - well you should know how to do that, it's really not good enough. She also would ask me how to say fix her Apple Mac computer, when I have a PC, over the phone, and assumed I would instantly know what was wrong to fixing it (my brother that's king of the Macs and golden child would do nothing). She also wanted the names, addresses, email address and phone numbers of all my friends (I was 36 at the time), just so she could contact them encase I didn't reply to her messages/calls! That was after a breakdown and suicide attempt, caused by her narcissistic abuse.
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I think my mother has it in her head I am some kind of abusive or neglectful parent as she always asks my daughter if she's 'OK at home' and if she is sure she wants to go home when she's been out with her. Making me feel so paranoid and is distressing for my daughter. My daughter is 16 and I'm pretty sure I'd know if she was unhappy! I've sent her a polite text to ask her to stop saying it as it's not nice for anyone. She'll probably full on fall out with me now though. She's so under my skin I'm questioning my every move in front of her!
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Just had a screaming phone call shattering my peace as my mother can't do things and thought I would be the best person to scream at.

I don't want to travel today, I have other plans. It takes over an hour each way.
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On a video call to my mum, my toddler got a tissue and started wiping the table as she had spilled some milk.

My mum made a comment that my daughter is clean unlike her mum who is dirty?!

Growing up our house was filthy. I was too embarrassed to ever invite friends over. As a result, I am a bit of a clean freak. For her to make a comment like that is outrageous and really hurtful.
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Wow, so sorry for you all struggling at the moment with narc parents. Hugs for those who need it today. Be kind to yourselves and remember, although it's hard, the person attacking you does not like themselves very much.

As predicted my own narc mum has completely lost her s*** with me for politely asking her not to make my daughter uncomfortable with interrogations every time they are alone (sometimes when they aren't too). I am now being accused of keeping my daughter from her. She saw her yesterday. She then starts dragging up allsorts of untrue accusations from years back. I'm also just back from the emergency Dr's as got bacterial sinusitis and gone deaf in one ear. she knows I'm unwell. Now my daughter keeps apologising for bringing up the fact she felt awkward with all the questioning and she feels terrible about it. I'm exhausted
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First time poster but after Xmas my head is.
Does anyone else bite their tongue so much out of knowing nothing good will come from expressing your feelings and only one person (me!!) will end up upset?!
I truly feel like it’s time to step away from my entire immediate family (parents and brother) after years of emotional torment but it is just so so hard.
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