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Chatty Member
Her brother looked so scared and uncomfortable that I can’t even bear to take the piss out of him. If he was a woodland creature he’d be tiny little nervous shrew. Kev would be a wild boar. I wonder what the dynamics were growing up in that house.
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Lizzie Mintdrop

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You'd think with over 100k in the bank you'd book into a hotel, especially in off season. I think the apartment looks fine but it is basic and it's a 1000 times better than the muck hole she lives in.

Poor Dave, sat up straight on that hard little couch watching British TV in Spain, does he even know he's abroad? Can he remember being on the plane?
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Gramper Div chugging a pint at 9am 😂 - I would need to be wankered at 9am too if I had to sit next to Kev for three hours on a plane while he’s deep throating food from 1963 he has snuck in his hand luggage.
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She is nowhere near as intelligent as she thinks she is which absolutely kills her. And I will bet a six figure amount that she absolutely has had Covid but because she’s such a ‘trooper’ just went about her day anyway.
She was exposed to covid, but I’ve heard Covid is isolating for 2 weeks
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Yes...Bevs Mum seemed honest and humble...She said she would like to travel abroad once before she passed....Bev said never....We don't need to go away....Sadly Mum passed and guess what????...Bevs travelled abroad ever since....Nasty,controlling bitch.Bless Bevs Mum.xxxxxxx.

That poor girl looks so embarrassed. Leave her alone Kev....She's going to get soooooo bullied because of you.And probably is right now....😪😪😪😪
It didn’t half upset me that with her mum. All she wanted was to go abroad. She’d brought those kids up on her own, worked her absolute arse off for her babies and didn’t even have her own room until the little old cunt had found someone to impregnate it, yet all she wanted was an holiday abroad and the evil old mandrake refused to set foot out the country until her mum had passed away
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I just hate the thought of being tied to certain meals through the week. Sometimes I can’t be arsed cooking, sometimes we decide to eat out last minute. Can’t be arsed with these planned menus with Ingredients measured down to last grain of smoked paprika 🙄
I don’t like being told what to do at the best of times but a shitey company telling me how many chips I can have at dinner? Pissssss offf
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If I took my 20 year old on a day out that included a greggs on a bench in 2 degree weather followed by a trip to an old folks home, he’d be signing me up for a room there.

Not that there’s anything wrong with visiting care homes, but she’s making out that this is some kind of treat day and the best this “six figure” bank account can manage is a bowl of pasta from Wetherspoons.

I hate the way she films that poor old lady too, seeing vulnerable people on tiktok for other’s engagement tends to make my skin crawl in general though.
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It’s not often I have the need or energy to hate someone I don’t know but I genuinely hate this horrid little skid mark with every single fibre of my being. Bev is genuinely the most evil, nasty, poisonous, hate-filled woman I’ve ever come across. She spews acrid bile everywhere she goes, both in real life and online and it must be such a miserable existence for her and those around her.

As for the 62 year old Bev picking on a 16 year old lad, it disgusts me. She is always banging on about how wise she is with everything she has lived through in her life and surely that will have taught her that you don’t behave that way towards a literal child, a lad the age of her own grandchildren. Also, to go after a young lad in the way that she did, with the “following” that she has could have created a bit of a witch-hunt towards the lad and it’s well known that these type of things can have absolutely tragic consequences for the person being targeted. Thankfully her “following” have a collective IQ of 34 and didn’t get involved but the potential for something like this happening is very real.
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She reminds me so much of a woman I used to work with when I was in my early 20s. She was the oldest and thought that made her the unofficial boss. She would always say how she liked to “say it like it is” but couldn’t take it if anyone did the same with her. She made a remark to me one day about how I didn’t suit my newly coloured hair and I told her she didn’t suit her moustache. She was livid and followed me to my car after work and tried to intimidate me, she was swiftly told to get fucked.

She too got pregnant very young and had a shotgun wedding. She wasn’t very attractive, even in makeup and when she’d have a drink would do anything to get male attention under the guise of just having a laugh. She would be all over the men from work and would regularly sleep around while her husband was at home. I get absolutely the same sleazy when drunk vibes from Bev the bone sucker.
“I told her she didnt suit her moustache” hahahahahahahaahhaahaha
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Chatty Member
Bev has booked a cruise. Imagine getting stuck out at sea with her, grandpa Dave and her camera phone. Man overboard…
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She's actually trying to say that lad said something to her first.

Fuck off Kev, no he didn't and you are a poison dwarf
Even if he did, you'd think at her big age she would know better than to respond to a bitchy comment from a child. By clapping back she just looks petty and immature.

tbh I wouldn't expect anything less from the sad little meatball.
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What an assault to the senses her and that thing she calls Dave are. She's like an ugly version of Danny DeVito and he's a walking beetroot. He speaks in grunts and she does racist accents. He almost definitely smells like boiled eggs & gone off ale. She just... smells. In general.

Also... that son. You know the one. Pickled onion looking motherfucker.
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As if her Muslim neighbours, who have been cooking their traditional, culture and food for years would eat Beverley’s curry out her minging kitchen 🤣🤣🤣 she cooks pork etc in the same utensils. She’s honestly thick as mince and as mentioned above is now using the old ‘halal’ card to crawl out this bullying joke she got herself in.
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Lizzie Mintdrop

VIP Member
I don’t have close friends or family despite being nice and trying to make an effort with people, how does this nasty bastard?!
Her kids and Dave are trauma bonded to her, I think, due to her narc ways. I think her friends pity her a bit because she's got such a sad life.

It's really hard to make friends as an adult, friendship bonds are already set for a lot of people. I lost most of my school friends when I stopped drinking and moved in with my boyfriend and I've struggled to make new ones. I have one good friend who I've persisted with and I'm trying to develop bonds with a couple of others but it's hard, especially when fear of rejection sets in. I hope you keep on trying.
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