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While his wife was off working earning a living , knobhead was at home kneeling up on a kitchen table trying to do tricks. 😂😂😂😂 thank yourself she’s married to him and no one else will have to bother with this clown.
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Fair play to the tits woman (the rough looking blonde) she managed to get through two minutes on the telly without using the f word. Nitty with her besties on LW made her day, yuk!
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Chatty Member
Their view is valid."one eyed view" The massacres if Palestinian civilians has superseded the 1200 Israel civilians murdered multiple times. Try saying something like what you stated above except in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict#17 thread here on Tattle and see how far you,ll go ......
I don't believe your second statement. Citation needed.
How about no, I'm not going onto other threads. This is about the SWS and as for citation it was as clear as day on his stories. I'm not derailing this thread anymore with you.
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Grace Kelly

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I’ve noticed that so many of us just can’t even be bothered with them anymore (myself absolutely included) and wondered what particular thing they have done to make you bow out? I have been watching over the last few years to literally catch them out on the lies but I can’t even be bothered to do that anymore and only check on here occasionally.

Is it possibly because some of our stalwarts on here have given up? Maybe you just can’t manage them anymore? Is it because we think they will never get called out?

For me, I think it’s a combination of the above along with their desire to ruin everything they get their grubby mitts on and the continuous swapping and changing of their ideas.
I find Mark incredibly boring. His vlogging hasn’t improved in five years, we could watch a vlog from five years ago and it’s the same content he’s pushing out today… there’s only so many times I can watch videos featuring dull stills from an art gallery. Mark is a very emotionally stunted person and it’s probably why he can’t get work and hasn’t been able to form friendships. If anyone likes travel vlogs check out: walk with me Tim…now he knows how to keep an audience engaged and has the views to prove it.
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The odd thing is Mark tuned in to watch while he was in New York. I also noticed that during his own live he got a notification for their doorbell, so he is watching what they’re all doing while he isn’t there…he comes across as so controlling.
Yes he does indeed come across as very controlling
When a woman goes out of her way to emphasise how “wonderful” how “amazing” how “loving” their partner is, it is almost always a sign of being controlled.
He speaks down to her constantly and he is probably so much worse in private.
She should’ve bought him a one way ticket to America
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What a cheek! How entitled does she sound. They are both so grabby, want everything for nothing. Get a job Mark and then you might be able to treat your wife once in a while.
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How many times has he talked about role playing in the past🤔 … whatever turns them on but why share🤢 oh because it’s another vlog/podcast desperately seeking views/likes … sad pair … don’t forget to join her new IG channel 🤣
It’s clear to everyone but her that he’s a condescending manipulative creep
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During their recent wine o’clock posted yesterday, they featured a clip from Misen Harriman - I don’t think Mark had viewed the entire clip prior to uploading to their livestream because partway during the clip Misen Harriman talks about performative jesters regarding people who only post about the Israel Gaza war on their instagram stories, where it vanish after 24 hours as opposed to posting on their instagram grids where it stays! Both Mark and Nadia squirmed and laughed uncomfortably knowing this is them all over.
That indeed made me laugh 😏 plus this comment !


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He has set himself up recently to be some sort of activist, why hasn’t he flown to Gaza and participated in real life matters, instead of make believe stuff?
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And all he does is insult her appearance. He will look back on his footage and regret the constant insults, he makes out it’s banter but it’s not it’s spiteful. In one of the vlogs she opened her fridge and there was nothing in it, why don’t they get her a home delivery? They would if it was Nadia’s parents.
It's all so sad. I used to like watching Diane in their early vlogs; the highlight being the time she backed Kiki, who announced she didn't want to feature on the Sawalha-Adderley's failing family Youtube channel any longer. However, the abusive premise of GFH got too much for me, along with the failed cake 'celebrity cook' Nadia presented her mother-in-law with on her 70th and the way Mark Adderley used the infestation of mice in Diane's flat for content. :mad:

Whilst Mark Adderley is quick to put his mother down and Nadia Sawalha is not proficient enough an actress to disguise her hatred, Diane is the only adult in that house who has ever done an honest day's work. Numerous purposeful jobs in the social care arena, which would not have been well paid. I respect that. In my opinion, she's also the only member of the Popcorn Junkies capable of reviewing films, books, art in an authentic (not clickbaity, emotive or lifted from other reviewers) and informed manner. She must be so embarrassed of her son. :(
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So they are promoting Jeremy Corbyn but not Nadia's own cousin who is running for MP. They really have fallen out with a lot of Nadia's family haven't they?
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The last paragraph of the first maddie maddie quote would worry me if I was her parent. Do they ever read what she writes or just skim through it and take no notice?
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People can mock Mark all they like but his constant negative posts about Keir Starmer are really making a difference because, check notes, oh! Biggest Labour landslide since 1924. Maybe not then...
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I can’t watch their YouTube videos they are so annoying,
But has nitty not mentioned about her cousin going into politics
Surely this is news worthy on her make believe news channel?
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So Mark Adderley has a white board again (can anyone read it??) 😂
Does this explain why his schedule is again under control 🤔🤣

4 days ago they promised a “Gaza” separate recording, did not happen,
3 days ago no CM no notification,
Today no Curly Cooks (they said they were prerecording it Tuesday evening🤔),
No Saturday morning papers,
1 members live in 3 months,
1 live NNSS put together last Monday
Another live NNSS tomorrow????

But 3 reviews of Joker folie ADO trailers and still 1 more to come… to catch up on views of course 😡

Hurry up and buy your husband his walking desk Nadia, he really needs it with all that editing 😡 👏

And who believes that the Stacey Sub really gifts memberships nearly every week ???? To watch what ????


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Why is he doing that stupid pouty face?. His lips look weird and nothing like they used to. Does he think he’s a young lass on Instagram or something?
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Brown nosing Amanda Holden now who is wearing a denim dress with the front zip open showing her under boob - LW star N S said - gorgeous woman inside and out, funny as fuck and a damn fine woman.
What is she after ?
She latches on to anyone and everyone to try to get likes and follows, it never seems to work
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He’s mocking the prime minister‘s eye conditions despite having a child of his own with crooked eyes. How despicable. He’s the nastiest troll and should be ashamed of his making fun out of anyone, celeb or politician or anyone. She’s just as bad laughing and condoning his behaviour.
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