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Chatty Member
Just had look 👀 definitely think he’s wearing Invisalign. Keeps licking his lips and moves his tongue around his teeth. Why not just say you are. Nadia did when she was wearing them. Instead he pretends to get some food out of his teeth and said he had to rush his tea 😡
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Nitty is going back to waitressing in her dotage because her smart solid guy has spent all her millions on action figures and Nutella, and let’s not forget the Johnny Depp knuckle dusters.
Be honest would you be trust that one with your pension fund.
She’s in for a very rude awakening, plus he won’t be able to bail them out with creating dad dancing videos if TikTok goes AWOL
Nadia Sawalha keeps on keeping on lying to herself about her "smart solid guy" rather than holding her hands up to the fact she married a mistake in haste. :(

A certified idiot could tell you why lazy, smelly, self-absorbed Mark Adderley has no friends but according to Nadia he doesn't connect with people because he has a "super brain". Wow! 😂

Time stamp: 15:20
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Indeed! Notice how Julia posts rarely but does so in a more positive way on the situation in Gaza (certainly attracts more attention) vs their continous posts of misery, horrendous photos of injured children, insults, preaching, telling you who you should watch, emotions vs factual, selfies on march and him still droning on day in day out boring the pants out of the knitting nanas who probably didn’t sign up for this 🙄
Not quite sure how you can be positive about thousands of innocent humans being murdered?
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Vlogmas #16 "The Chalet Nears Completion, Nadia is Against the Christmas Trees and Mark Has Lost Power Cables." Yay, more shenanigans from our favourite fuckwits. :cautious: Gingerbread men.

Him making faces again. In their bedroom with a Xmas tree. He whispers "She can't get into the room." That's because the tree is blocking the way to the bed. Nadia with earbuds and her phone, wearing her pjs, comes in and asks why he is smiling. She says she is sleeping in Nanny Di's room. Off she goes. In the kitchen, Mark is pursing his lips and making kissy sounds. Nadia asks what he is doing. A pop sound and he acts like he has just pulled this Brussel sprouts branch from his arse. "Ah babe, it's been agony for days." Nadia says that's vulgar. She says Dina must be here, as the Brussel sprouts are her's. Mark asks Nadia if she is going to help getting the baubles from upstairs. Nadia is too busy getting a speck of glitter from Mark's inner eye. Nadia says how dangerous last night was, so this is out of sync. This should have been uploaded after #14, as Nadia said tequila happend to Dina last night. Mark brings down the tree, asks Toffee if she is feeling festive and instead of Toffe growling, we get lion roars. "What are you doing?" Mark says bringing the trees down. Nadia isn't pleased as the place is a tip. When isn't it? She tells Mark if he wants to clear up first, fine. Mark is in the walk-in looking for a lumber jacket, brings more tree bits and tells Nadia that she and Dina mixed up the trees.

Mark is in the chalet with a can of fake snow. He thinks it is HILARIOUS to pretend to spray the fake snow in his mouth. :rolleyes: Footage of Toffee in her Santa outfit, including hat, and Mark is laughing his wheezy laugh. For all the pervs, Nadia is swanning around in her bathtowel. She is just out of the shower with last night's make-up still on. "Okay, this is behind the Xmas scenes of the Curly Cooks. Jesus Christ!" 😲 "I got up at 7 and feel like I've achieved nothing!" Nadia puts on some snowflake glasses from Poundland. Nadia made some hazelnut brittle. When she pulled it out of the oven she went and touched it, burning her fingers. Nadia pans the kitchen and says it is "not as carnaged as it usually looks." The chalet looks completed. You know Kiki's friend Sally? When she walked in, she thought she was in the wrong house. "And Maddie's Paddy was like 'Uh, ohhh'." Mark shows up and says "Shut-up about this stupid thing!" Him wearing his antler hat. He says he has some surprises for them and Nadia says she does and says "Dina! He is walking all over the hide with his shoes." Dina is not happy.

Mark decides to do an impression of someone first entering the house. "I'm gonna do an internal monologue." This is going to be thrilling. :cautious: He enters and says what the fuck? They stand here and go 🤮. "No they don't, that's mean." says Nadia. "Then they pause and then they go 'Better not say anything, They'll have my guts for garters.'" He then walks towards the hide, spreads his legs so he can put his shoe on the black bit. Mark spots drops of water where Nadia has spilled it and says "Your waters have broken!" Dina cackles away. Mark says people are too afraid to say what they think and "Also, I've got a bone to pick with both of you." Mark said some said when do you ever see a tree in a chalet? Dina says use your imagination, "Goodness me, these people!" "As I say to the children, GET IN YOUR IMAGINATION STATIONS!" 🤭 It shouldn't be this hard for Mark. The man does live in a fantasy world. Mark gets Dina to repeat it in his ear. "Oh, I love it when you talk like that." Dancing Santas.

Mark is posing in front of the camera. He has his antler hat on, the Chippendales Santa jumper on, lifts up the jumper and a small Santa hat falls out to dangle on his crotch area. GROSS! Now he is walking around with the mirror ball helmet on. Nadia shoves something in his gob. Mark says Nadia should let him and Di decorate the tree. "Absolutely not!" Nadia says she has not interest and Dina says she has got no interest. Nadia brings up that Di says what's the point of it? Mark says once the trees are up, he is up in the loft and Nadia has not cleared up the spare room. Dina says she can't find the bag with all her paperwork in it and she is fucked. Mark nicks a piece of cake. Dina sorts out the skis and Mark starts his trees. Dina walks past Mark with the skis and he tells her "Enjoy the slopes!" 🤭 Nadia yells at him to pull it away from the plants. Mark goes to watch Dina put the skis up. "Don't men marvel at your multi-limbness?" "He, he, he, they don't get a chance though." Mark said he had no belief and Dina sings "That's because you're a maaaaan, with nooo" "woman" says Mark. "I don't think you're of this earth Dina. Have you heard your laugh?" Mark shouts for Nadia to come see. She thought Dina was going to hang them vertically. 🤪 Nadia tells Mark he is going to put someone's eye out with the ski poles and tells him off for having his shoes on the hide. Mark mentions Dina using her mouth, "I don't know why she hasn't got a man, look at that tongue!" "She doesn't bloody want one, that's why!"

Mark bangs his helmet and says he had a thought "tobogganing!" Nadia says yes, he can do that for the day and that he has to put decorations up, nevermind tobogganing. "I want to be fired from a fucking cannon." I think we can do a whip round to make that happen Mark :p Mark tells Nadia to get rid of the cake, because he wants to eat it. Nadia laments not doing a before and after. Nadia says those cable ties are great. "Told you! I can't live without them, set designer world!" Nadia says alright! She pulls up her pants and says she has the wrong ones on. Mark says he could tell as soon as she walked on camera today. Dina belts out 🎼 The minute you walked in the joint boom, boom. Mark sings I could tell you had the wrong pants on, the really wrong pants on and focuses the camera on Nadia's bum. Nadia has put on a light up "Let it Snow" Santa hat. Mark apologizes for letting one go and Nadia smile gets turned upside down and she walks away. "Maaark. I'm trying to do a nice moment!" Mark said it was an accident and tells her to come back. "No, why should I step into your fart?" :LOL: Nadia la, la, las "Winter Wonderland" as she shows off her hat. Dina asks when he is getting them more logs and Nadia says "Yeah! You're all full of log promise aren't you?" Mark says he saw one in the toilet this morning. :mad:

TIME TO CROCHET SOME KNICKERS. Dancing faerie. Dina's got a deer head coat hook. Mark says they aren't drilling holes as there are live wires in that wall. Nadia manages to fix it to the wall somehow. Mark burps. "People belch in chalets, it's known." Dina says they DO NOT. Nadia says to Dina, you know how sisters have babies for their sisters? Can you have my husband. Dina says NO! "I don't have no one in my hawse! No one in my gaff!" Nadia begs just for a week. No. "I'd give you my womb." Dina laughs her laugh. "Bloody hell! That's how much you want to get rid of me, you'd give her your womb?!" Nadia said she would give her baby if she didn't have one. Fill in your own response here. Nadia goes on to say Dina won't give her 1 week, when she is willing to give her womb for 9 months. Mark says they are going to have a lit tree in seconds. Nadia asks Dina if she believes him. "Look at the great Xmas shot that is." The counter has their Curly Cranks food on it, cake and the Brussels sprouts branch. "Less about the cake and more about my Brussels" says Dina. Mark is screaming that "IT'S IN" and I can imagine his first time was like that with his girlfriend, poor cow. Nadia says they didn't have a problem with it going in, it was with the lights. "Not with this ONE! This tree is swit... oh shit!" "Dad!" "Yes?" Nadia rants about having to complete purchasing some batteries and Mark is trying to distract her with tree. "NO! LET ME FINISH A THOUGHT, BECAUSE I NEVER GET ANYTHING DONE! As soon as I have to do something, I have to do something else." Mark says welcome to my world. Nadia asks the subs if anyone wants Mark for a week? Probably Zoe. :unsure: "Dina won't have him."

Mark starts looking shifty and Nadia says that's the wrong one. "It's not." The camera is put down and we see a nice view out of the skylight of a nice blue sky, with Nadia bitching about the tree. "No Nads, its the right tree, it's just in the wrong house." :ROFLMAO: Nadia says its the wrong bit for the wrong tree. You know, packing things and labelling are amazing things to do especially in that household. A label maker is a great Xmas gift. 🎁 Dad dancing snowman. Mark looks at the camera, then the camera at that sisters who are well-ensconced on the sofa by the patio doors, sitting like 2 bookends with their festive headgear, on their phones. Mark takes off the helment and says "Look at my hair!" The whole front of his hair is wet and plastered to his scalp. :sick: The sisters are laughing. Nadia says he looks like a Playmobile figure. Mark says he looks like Ken. Mark says he has some news to break to her and she says, you have thrown away the wrong part of the tree. He says he has not, but "We have a problem." Nadia is losing the will to live for the 5th time today. She says they need to just have the ski lodge this year. CHALET! :rolleyes: "You are fucking not! I'm not having it!" He reminds us that they put the plugs in the drawers, Kiki now has the drawers, but where did they put the stuff that they emptied out of the drawers. Did you ask Kiki if she might know? "You start with WE and you're going to be in massive trouble." Nadia says she put the stuff in a box and she told him he needed to take what he wants and keep the plugs safe Mark wants to know where the box is. "You took it, to the dump." "WHAT!?!" "Once you took out the bits you needed, including the plugs" says Nadia. She tells him to go into his room and not come out until he has the plugs.

Mark is in his hovel swearing. There is barely any floor available in that room. He is asking for Toffee and Nanny Elf, he needs his wingmen. "If it's not here..." He finds some cables with plugs and come out his den with Rudolph on his head. He approaches the sisters and Dina says "What the fuck is that?" Mark says Xmas is saved. Nadia says he has to plug them in "because these can seem like an answer and they're not." Mark slinks away, dragging his cables behind him and Dina laughs. Extra long photo montage. That's it. 🎄
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I'm also unvaccinated too. Mother in law said I couldn't visit until I had been done, win win for me. She's had 8.
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Zoe is a super fan who will post about everything related to Nadia or Mark. For example, if Nadia posts about being hangover, Zoe will post about also being hungover, when they are ill Zoe is suddenly also ill, if Nadia makes roast potatoes, Zoe needs to cook them too. She also over compliments Mark and strokes his ego.

Dina doesn’t have any academic qualifications so she can’t be a teacher - she’s more class assistant.
Can I ask - was she at the party and does she live near them then?
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Telly Fanatic

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Marks probably deep down loving what's happening, as it's content.

and if smelly old Teddy was Jewish he would be supporting them.
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YouTube is a joke at this point. The first segment of HT is one big ad for some ‘Gut Guru’. I reported it but nothing relating to non declaration of an Ad
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VIP Member
Is he wearing Invisalign- why is he lisping? Around 5 minutes in…

I really thought he was pissed 🥂 he even looked it ! It was indeed very strange and didn’t think about Invisalign 🤔 maybe just maybe he’s finally sorting his rat teeth out 😏
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Not harsh at all, you made a hideous generalisation. For the record, I think they are both foul, but I hate this perception of menopausal women being sexless dried up hags.
that’s your perception.I’m merely commenting on what I gleen from watching their interaction. Also I’m menopausal so there’s that.
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I'm confused by the, "Thank you. Thank you ... I'm weeping at this sight ... " 😡

Is Nadia Sawalha now the self-appointed spokeswoman for the Palestinians, sending them more empty platitudes and 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉s than their poor souls can handle from the comfort of a gastropub she'll be rolling out of at the end of this wet January afternoon? :sneaky:
💯 % my thoughts @missmickey!
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