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also note how miss body confidence or whatever she is calling it this week, doesn't go anywhere near the pool.......

plus she is doing that, oh I am so glad I did it and it's now behind me..... if you don't like exercising, don't do it. her messaging is so negative. she thinks she is sunshine and smiles, but she's not.......she's a sulky petulant teenager brat with a stage school veneer.
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"What do you get in the Member's area you ask? Well, we do apologise that we've been incredibly lax with the Member's Lives - so Nadia's doing one this afternoon"

Timestamp: 4:11

Interesting though that you've never once been "incredibly lax" with charging the monthly payment taken from those Members.

dd4e3bd5-c976-42d3-87bd-acc1ea54fe25_text (1).gif
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If your mum was acting this way, you would be beside yourself with embarrassment
Does she seriously put her ego before the feelings of her family ?
Yes she jolly well does, and worse still it is for his titillation, because he can’t be bothered with her in normal circumstances 😩
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@Waffle3 you are far from thick. 😉 Mark is an earache with legs. :cautious:

Watching this HomeTime and they are off to a gallery, don't tell us where and we get to see Nadia fill her gob. Two minutes in an ad for SkyTv and we get Mark doing charades of the films featured. The first word looks like he is jacking off. An ad for Kayak comes up and it is more entertaining. These charades are just an excuse for Mark to make his stupid faces. Nadia is useless. Mark has a real coughing fit and it's a shame it does stop this nonsense. He is doing his stupid dancing. Nadia doesn't know who Denis Villeneuve is and think John Lennon's son directed Dune. :rolleyes: Eleven minutes, ONZE MINUTES this bloody AD was! :mad: Oh look, they are in the park and just when you think this regular vlog shite, NO THERE IS THE AD THINGY ON THE SCREEN. They are talking about Dune and Nadia says it took her to her bedouin roots. Just had a thought. If Nadia was a bedouin, she would be easily traceable. I imagine her leaving a trail of crap where she went in the desert. Talk about Mark's man crushes in the film. So the AD was actually 14 mins long! Kim Kardashian hazard tape nonsense. Nadia wants to put the tape on her bare skin. Fifteen minutes of that crap. Just another day of quality programming from the Sadderleys.
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Someone asking what exactly you get for your membership 🤔🤷‍♀️
What's the point in dropping an old NNSS, that only benefits non members surely 🤨

Ps it's a poor screen shot but you get the gist
How the hell do you get exhausted from doing nothing, even if he hasn't slept he didn't do anything yesterday or the days before which would have worn him out. He just just downright lazy.
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Did you watch the film Personal Services ? Edna in Corrie was in it wearing a rubber suit and a g mask. 😄 (still OT)
Yes, i saw it. :LOL:

Like everyone else, i was shocked by the state of Di's flat. The problem is that she has to want the help with sorting it out and he has to want to help her. I don't think that either of those things apply to this situation. 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Are we really meant to believe that Nadia’s parents traipse in from next door, to request a go on their ‘cinema-like’ sky tv…in order to watch films of Nadia’s recipes and of Teddy’s own ‘talks’….because that is the kind of CONTENT her parents NEED to see in ultra HD cinema style (well, it’s probably just a normal television actually) with Dolby audio for those elderly ears?

Yet, they didn’t ask to come over to watch Julia on the great British menu in magically wonderful COLOUR?

Even when they are detailing the benefits of owning a smart tv they make it sound unconvincing.
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Chatty Member
I think it’s very wrong that Nadia appears to have no communication channel with Julia of any kind.

Firstly, Julia’s concerns about Kiki on SM. She clearly made reference to additional accounts and that she thought that Nadia was not aware of all of the accounts. No matter what has gone on between the sisters…Julia should ALWAYS be able to raise a safeguarding concern, she had a close family relationship with them at one point and there is no reason to assume that if she points out a safety concern…that it isn’t just genuine because she is concerned for safety. If Julia had been able to send Nadia a direct message, with links to the SM pages and lost her concerns…all Nadia would need to do in response to her estranged sister is acknowledge the message had been read and noted. It would then be for Nadia as a parent to decide how to proceed or whether to ignore the concern of her sister. Julia still cares for her nieces, so some factual one-way information such as when something significant happens, such as for example if Maddie and Patrick were to get engaged…should come from Nadia (or Maddie herself) not a third party or seeing the news on SM.

Secondly, and this is a much bigger issue.Their parents are elderly and their father has obvious health issues. They should be able to communicate on the facts of this. If for example one parent is hospitalised, Nadia should able to send Julia a text stating the facts of why and how she can visit. It is selfish of Nadia to force Dina or the other parent to be the only ones who can communicate, at times of stress, or when they are dealing with an emergency…it is not much to ask for her to keep a factual dialogue going if it’s needed. What happens if a parent is in hospital…does Dina need to act as negotiator because her other 2 sisters can’t communicate on agreeing which visiting times they want? It’s pathetic. What happens when one of the parents die? Again is it down to Dina to be the go-between on top of everything else she will be lumbered with doing, does the remaining parent have to walk on eggshells with rowing daughters even at a funeral and wake?

I can see that the sisters aren’t likely to ever kiss and make up…they are incompatible…and to an extent that is okay, if you can’t stand someone that applies whether you are related to them or not. What the real problem is that it appears that Nadia cannot differentiate a falling out you have with a friend that you never need to deal with again, and a sister who is connected to you for life. By not allowing any factual exchanges of information, such politely reading and acknowledging each other’s communication, but not entering into arguments or even responses about it, they are denying each other important communication about the loved ones they have in common.

If Julia had been able to voice her concern directly and privately to Nadia, and received a polite acknowledgment that she would think about and look and the accounts and decide whether to speak to her daughters privately and not enter into a debate on the matter directly with her sister…even if Nadia then decided not to take any action…Julia would have said her piece and likely thought that is the best she can do.

Yet by denying her a channel of communication…Julia had to go direct to the girls, who also didn’t acknowledge her or say they considered her points but are happy with their choices so won’t be acting on her advice…they blocked her. Julia then had to go more widely public to get her point accross.

Nadia hates it when Julia speaks out publicly…but I actually think she gives her no other way to get an acknowledgment from Nadia that she has been heard. So Nadia causes it to have to happen that way and then acts like the victim. It seems to me that Julia in general can’t be mentioned in the S-A household…which may include by Dina and the parents, plus Nadia runs away to hotel if there is even the chance that Julia could be near enough to knock on her door…so how does Nadia expect Julia to deal with real-time problems that she feels she needs to communicate to her.
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Did you know Mr. Almost PhD NEARLY went to a prestigious American university?

He uses the mass shooting in the USA to let us know that he nearly went to college in Buffalo because he APPLIED for a ‘Fulbright award’.

First off, it’s actually called a Fulbright scholarship which is very prestigious. Secondly, anyone can put in an application… I think the difficulty lies in getting accepted!

Also, does anyone know what the big announcement was?
Sadly he didn’t win the Fulbright and will forever go through life not knowing the difference between “inferred” and “implied.” 😉

Maybe they’re adding a “Counseling Corner” to the NNSS once Manky finishes his online course.
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LW, Compare Kay to Nadia, Kay looks about 10 years younger than nitty, Kay’s looks clean, pretty, groomed, looks like she smells lovely, nitty’s hair always looks matted, the make up artist can’t do anything for her and she definitely doesn’t look like she smells nice, rough as a badgers arse
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OHMYGOD. I watched the timestamps @Waffle3. the bit where stupidfuckwitnannydi says "the subs do understand we are not just being gratuitously cruel to these creatures?", having already detailed spraying the mice with bleach. I hate these cunts. they are just beyond awful.

The thirst thing is how certain mouse baits work unfortunately.

He needs to check his facts about humane traps though. He states in the comments that rentokill don't recommend humane traps. Well someone better tell them then because they are selling them on their website. More likely they aren't suitable for her.
well imagine what the rentokill man thought after visitng her flat...... what a crank, what a shithole, what a dump- and they expect me deal with a mouse infestation? the infestation is the human that lives there........

I doubt they can be treated in a humane way because of the number and the absolute squalor she lives in..... I'm sure the rentokill person made a judgement based on the resemblance to a tip, amount of mouseshit around, battiness of the anxious trembling thing with a tea towel or whatever on her head.
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Surprise Surprise Manky now comparing himself to Johnny Depp! As for that stupid beanie hat he looks like a struck match.... when he was actually going for the pirate look.
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Gloria Rostron

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So filthy grandma has mice! Wow. It looks like the sort of place that would have mice but I am surprised they climbed that far up to her flat. That would be my worst nightmare. In her bedroom too! Omg I'd be a nervous wreck. Why doesn't Nitty use one of her bi-weekly £3k pay checks to get the fumigation team in? They might be able to clean up her nether regions while they are at it. Surely it's dangerous to have a poison box on the same table as a food preperation surface. The mice have been running around where her food it, by all her pots and pans! 😱😱😱I couldn't cope with that. I'd rather live in the Sadderley's slum than live with that.
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Velvet Veil

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For me it's the indignity of him showing the world the squalor his elderly mum lives in..... and for entertainment 😔 You can be absolutely sure Betty wouldn't appreciate or allow him going through her dirty cupboards or vlogging any infestations. It's just not right! He needs to have some respect
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Velvet Veil

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Happy Sunday to all! Wonder what the big announcement will be today?🤔
Your guesses?
Let us know in any case if you have access to the No Name Shit Show😏
My guess is;

A competition where Nadia 'promises' to come round to your house to make a lasagne toastie(spoiler- she won't come!), runners up gets a toastie in the post 3- 6 months later once Mark learns the alphabet 🙌
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He needs to get over himself & get a life
Write this shit in your diary and piss off! Isn't he lucky he doesn't have to get up in the morning, get out the door and off to work for shit pay, worrying about the other shoe about to drop. You would think with his background he would have more gratitude (yes that word always comes up for me with these two). He comes off so self-indulgent and self-pitying that he needs a slap.

"I refuse to shave as a bizarre act of defiance." So you are intentionally doing it; not out of exhaustion or malaise, but just being wilfully petulant. Gotcha. :rolleyes: Like @diamondtext said, get cleaning. Would it kill him to unload and load a dishwasher, tidy the kitchen? He sounds like he needs to read a Jordan Peterson book. :p
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