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Chatty Member
Jesus, have they not put 2 + 2 together? That their cess pit shit hole mouse/rat/nit/worm infested house/garden is to blame? Its been obvious for YEARS that they live in squalor, its full of dust, mites and every germ known to man (and animal!), they have and still have no shame, and now they have mange….wouldnt surprise me if they have scabies too, id be mortified, its not funny or something to be proud of, ffs 🤦‍♀️
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She funding all his hobbies... his course, piano lessons, cinema tickets. She goes out to work while his sits there watching movies all day. He won't even lift a finger to tidy-up. The woman is in a dysfunctional marriage but won't accept it.
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Hear we go again with these meals in minutes, how is a toastie a meals in minutes?
So I calculated she added around 100 grams of oil to that plate which is around 900 calories, actually is was more like 1200 calories in oil for the 2 toasted sandwiches.
Then 200 calories for the bread, cheese was about a cup per toastie which is around 400 CALORIES, salami around 200 calories and sauce probably around 40 calories, so that toasted sandwich added up to around 1400 calories nearly your daily calories for the day !
Why is she putting these things on for people to cook , it's so unhealthy, I have never ever seen so much oil on a sandwich it must taste so oily.
I know olive oil is good oil but only in moderation and not with fatty cheese and fatty white bread and fatty salami! I just don't get it
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The smelly unwashed bastard has deleted all the comments on his latest vlog calling him out for his bullish behaviour towards his mother. Obviously he has something to hide.
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I'm bored.

Part 4-Mark breaks his digital detox by doing the Spiderman trailer reaction, Nadia spies on him with loads of whispering. Nadia tells us about Mad's and Pat's horrendous train ride. They went for a picnic, went in the sea for an hour at 8 p.m. loads of laughter. Nadia starts crying because Kiki said she was so happy. Whispering Mark's maudlin monologue about kids getting older, blah, blah. Everyone is still in bed, off to the beach with the dogs. Wasted footage of ChiChi just standing, looking at puddles. Mussels on rocks. Off to Rick Stein's. Slideshow of beach pics. Why has Nanny Di got a purple cardigan sitting on her head? Next morning, Mark lying on wall again, this time in his bare feet looking like a hillbilly. Honestly, what would you think driving around a picturesque village in Cornwall to see some barefoot, middle-aged dipstick lying on a stone wall? Nadia calls it "de-stressing." Mark has had his eyebrows trimmed by Maddie. Back to the beach, Nadia is shocked to see a naked little boy, cue Britain is messed up about nudity from Nadia. Mark says "we have lots of creep in this country...we are known in Europe for having so many creeps." 😧 Mark almost drops the camera. Nadia aching from swimming. Missing kid announcement and Mark says it's a 🦈. Mussels on rocks again, a rock that looks like a rabbit, Toffee swims in a pool by the rocks and she looks so blissful and is the highlight of this vlog at 17:20. Nadia spinning around on the beach like a deranged seawitch.

Back to cottage to take the teen lovebirds back to the station. Mark cuts his chin shaving and has a massive piece of bog roll covering it. Nadia makes packed sandwiches for those two. Another day, another beach and can't figure out how to get to the sea. Get to the sea, Nadia doesn't like it, too much seaweed and those building over there, look industrial (it doesn't). Dude in a shirt and tie wetsuit on the beach taking his paddle board out. Mark laughs and we get a look at his narsty teef. "Can you hear me?" for the 44th time. Two of them fraching over feminism on the beach. Another beach, Mark shoving ice cream in his face. Bitching about beaches and swearing. Someone built Stonehenge on the beach. Sunset, Nanny Di with the purple cardigan on her head, reading the paper. Put a cup in front of her and she could easily come away with 3 quid. Jeez, the cardie has the inside tag showing. Mark annoys his mum and I wish she would brain him with her walking stick. Back to the cottage, Nanny Di can't get out of the SUV. She has her right trackie pant leg up her leg, like some geriatric hip-hop street urchin. Mark blathering his epilogue with another slideshow to finish.
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:coffee:Coffee Moaning for Tuesday. It keeps raining here. :( Still, the temperature has cooled down, but it is still sweater weather. Title today is "Alec Baldwin Developments, CLIMATE HOPES Fade, Bad Breath & Cops & Robbers." Fun times.

We have the two of them, Mark is still wearing his jacket and Nadia is sticking out her red coloured tongue. "Does anyone want to guess" as she shows us her teeth. I'll give it a go, plaque tablets. Someone says it is a cold foggy day in France. Cue the French language getting mangled and Nadia wanting to go. Nadia wants a big buttery croissant, of course. Nadia says she used to watch French films all the time when she was young. Topic is now Nadia's hair, it looks very curly today. She says she left conditioner in her hair, wrapped it in a t-shirt and woke-up like that. They went to see a film called "Antlers" and there was a camera set-up. Cameraman say you have to turn to your left a look scared of the monster. So it's him and Maddie, Maddie does her scared face and he looks like he is getting his passport photo taken. :rolleyes: They had a second go and well Maddie is loads better still, she make an effort. Review is coming up later this week.

(Warning Mark being gross.) Back to Nadia's tongue and Mark says it's because she has been licked the devil's anus. :sick: Elsa says Nadia looks 10 days younger. Her hair look good and she looks like she had some sleep. Stop flattering her. Like I said, the tongue is from disclosure tablets. Wooo, Nadia brushed her teeth. Mark is saying everything about her is different. "It's almost like you're a plastic action figure." She says it's because she has lost weight. Nadia models her waist is back thing. Mark says he is going into a big body dysmorphic tailspin, because he hasn't worked out in 4 days. Boo bloody hoo! Mark says remember about the time I put bipolar in the title of GFH and trolls came out saying they were "concerned" about Nanny Di. He starts shifting around in his seat like annoying 10-year-old boy. They were concerned with him being a little bit brisk with her. I think they meant you were being a disrespective asshole towards her as per. :mad: Mark says as in the AXA AD you can see she can be cheeky. Whatever, she ain't your peer douchebag! "I HAVE DYSMORPHIA, they adjusted my drugs because of my dysmorphia, so there you go." :cautious: Now it is his turn to model his slimmer frame. "You've lost loads of weight" says Nadia. 16/8, 16/8, 16/8. o_O Nadia says she really wants to films some recipes for people to do on it this week. She has been doing it for 8 weeks now. Her jeans were tight and now they are not. "What do they call it when you get a know when things get a bit tight." Mark is giggling to himself, the filthy perv. Nadia is oblivious to his nonsense. Nadia wants to do weights, but she hates them. Do bands, they are just as good if not better for some people. Rachel says camel's foot to Mark. Cameltoe, back in the 70s it was walrus lips, gross either way.

Nadia says if there were people coming in and seeing this CM, they would think to themselves "Who the fuck are these people and what the hell are they talking about." I have been watching this drivel for ages and I still say that to myself. :p Mark says it is "a lot more fucking interesting than GMB at times." Someone thinks highly of themselves. God they swear a lot. Mark says the first time he heard the term cameltoe as a child he says :sneaky:, he felt sorry for the person it was referring to. "Are talking about people's vaginas" asks Nads. "I've lost the whole middle of the story." Cesar says a cameltoe is better than a moose knuckle. Laughs all around. 😑 "Any man who thinks showing his moose knuckle is going to further any of his endeavours in his day in any way whatsoever, you might get attention, but it is not the attention you want. We don't want to see it." I don't find myself looking at people's crotches and don't what other people are doing. Richard Maddely is on GMB today and Lisa does his make-up, says how jolly and nice he is. Mark talks about watching This Morning as a student and Friends, Neighbours and found that he was a bit of a bully with Judy. Nadia says Judy could hold her own.

Chatters are asking about 16/8, where to find the videos on it. Mark pisses off to get another coffee. Chat about 16/8. Someone is listening to them walking home from the garage. Nadia thinks it is a club. What clubs are open on a Monday night? 🤣 Coffee machine whirling. Nadia's Invisalign is working really well and she can't believe it. Most people pay good money to have that straighten system, unlike Nadia I love a Freebie Sawalha. She can't but her Invisalign back on because she is going to have pink teeth. :rolleyes: "Anyone got any ideas how I can get this pink dye off my tongue?" "I have to brush it off?!?" Mark asks if we remember in the 70s flouride treatments and muses if it had lead in them. Yes, really. :rolleyes: "I never brush my tongue. Do you brush your tongue?" Mark says yes all the time. Duh Nadia. Tim gave Mark a chip (AA thingy) and Nadia said Mark cried when he got the chip. Back to garage/Garage question. Cloddagh was dropping her car at the garage in case you want to know the details. "Oh maybe she was having a service" says Nadia and Mark says he needs one. 😖

Talk about suggestions for Vlogmas. Mark says there is a book about a man who makes decisions based on the roll of a dice and some show he did back in the 20th Century. Mark is going to let the viewers to make choices on Vlogmas. "Your radio controlled muppets." A tiff about Squid Game being reviewed and Mark tells Nadia to calm down. Sunday Show Nadia is doing Halloween recipes (she did a column in the Mirror remember?). This seems a little too late, as Halloween is on Sunday. 😒 Did you know, when Nadia had that column, she did the food and Mark took the pics and "they are rather beautiful." Mark blowing his own trumpet. Allison apologizes for being late.

Alec Baldwin shooting more info. AD who handed him the gun, was sacked from a 2019 film for a similar incident. 😱 Mark has a problem with the story. He is surprised how individual names are in the press. Talk about the levels of responsibility. Members of the crew using the props for shooting practice off set. Film is about a boy who accidentally shoots a man and is on the run. The irony of it all. Alec's stunt double had a gun go off. (I don't if this might sound mean, but Alec Baldwin has a reputation for being nasty to members of the general public. Maybe this incident will humble his stuck up arse.) Apparently crew went on strike and they brought in non-union people that same day. Yeah, this sounds like a lawsuit. Chat about making films and Mark "Remember when I had to fire that cameraman in Madrid?" La-dee-dah 🤭 Says there is a part of the industry that feels nothing matters more than showbusiness and corners are cut. Well, it is showBUSINESS. Nadia talks about being in a film with a 4 hour turnaround and mistakes being made when people are exhausted. Talk about the AD's being bastards, it is expected. Zoe says she can't believe real guns are on set. Nadia mentions how Alec Baldwin is a big antigun campaigner and he ends up shooting people. Nadia gushes over DOPs. "They are quite uncle-like or aunty-like."

Climate talks and Nadia says Bojo looks like a broken man. Mark says he is worried we can't join the dots, game of chicken socioeconomically. Talk about China and Extinction Rebellion. Nadia wanted to talk about bad breath and no time to chat about cops and robbers. Well if you didn't mess about with plaque tablets, 18/6, look how slim we are, body dysmorphia and cameltoe, you could have. They have to film stuff before the builders get to their place Welcome Julia and happy birthday to Ali. GUYS PLEASE HIT THE THUMBS UP, ONLY 124? YOU'RE RUBBISH. STAY TILL THE END OF TOMORROW'S CM, WHEN NADIA STRIPS OFF. Does Mark really think this is a selling point? 😵 "I doubt if I'll be here, I've got a photo shoot tomorrow." HIT THE LIKE BUTTON AND WHAT WAS I GOING TO .... feed cuts here. Later all! 🤪
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Mark creeps me out with the obsession he seems to have with his old photos. I can just imaging him sitting there for hours on his own, crying into a glass of vodka while deliberating on which old photos to post on instagram.
Even weird loners have one or two friends but he has zero friends . That says an awful lot about what he’s like that people steer clear of him despite him bleating on and on about all his acquaintances and work 🙄🙄🙄 To not have even one friend out of all those years speaks volumes.
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Chatty Member
How come whenever she goes away he just can’t leave her be to have fun 😡 He prematurely started CM today and cut off after 2 seconds saying he just had to text Nads, why leave that in! Then he posts yet another old holiday photo and tags her in with a direct question, no doubt so that she gets a notification whilst trying to have fun with friends. He can’t stand the fact that she has friends and he doesn’t. Sad sad man 🥺
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Aren't ice creams around £3.50 from a bog standard ice cream van now? The ones they got came with toppings and as you say, it is a London tourist spot. Nadia seems to complain every time she has to pay for something.
She complains so much about prices yet most of the things they buy go down as 'business costs' for their 'reality show'.
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Velvet Veil

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Why does Mark think people want to waste their time watching his dogs walking around the filthy kitchen....every....single...vlog. :sleep::sleep::sleep:
More padding, just like the slo mo reaction repeaters he puts throughout. It's so lazy. He spreads dull content across multiple vlogs padded out with shite that you get to see 2 months later just in time to be completely irrelevant. It's really shows contempt for his audience. They only seem to focus when they have something to advertise or when they're begging for freebies.
I follow many YouTubers who have children and full time jobs that put out better content!
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So he sits there telling us that he has lost weight but with a shirt much too small looking like a real prat ! Made me have a good laugh 🤣🤣🤣 thank you Manky 👋👋👋

Well, if he has lost some weight he certainly hasn't lost it from his moobs. What a twat you are, Manky
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Chatty Member
So they have both been extremely ill (apparently 🤔) but it was ok to have her elderly, vulnerable parents come over today 😳
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The subs have made a depressing poem, with depressing music... If that doesn't send mental marky over the edge I don't know what will!!!!!! 😦

They have created a cult of absolute misery. I don't think the SA's realise just how dangerous they are. :mad:

Nadia... Inspirational????! 😲
Holy Moly, I'm speechless 😶
Were bleedin' doomed if that's the case. Good lord!

I'm sorry Ashley, i don't aspire to get my tits out and roll around on a dirty floor, not at my age.
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I think she's envious of Kay's slender figure. I remember the vlog where they went away to a villa together and Kay wore a bikini by the pool, Nadia didn't stop putting her down, she even told Kay her bikini was horrible. Kay looked great.
I think she's envious of every single part of Kaye's life. Kaye has a partner who is successful, a nice tidy home, children that appear to actually like her and to top it all off, an IQ that is bigger than her bra size.

Nastia is one jealous bitch, and sadly it shows.
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Guess what peeps. :cautious:

"So - for a change today we are going do something called AFTERNOON TEA … at 4pm … we will set up the thumbnail earlier so everyone can have a matter and a catch up … Bring your Biccies!!!"

Yeah, cuz no one has anything better to do on their Saturday afternoon. :rolleyes:
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One of them this morning said they were scared and never felt so bad and constantly had very dark thoughts. The only reply from one of the others said hang in there it will pass. And that was it, no kind words from either of them.
And this is why I feel it’s so dangerous. They do not care.
But THEY have created this unhealthy community, so they have a duty to either give the attention (which probably wouldn’t be a good thing because it’ll only encourage it more), or put a stop to it before something terrible happens.
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I cannot tell you how much this makes me cringe

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Just watched some of the second Cornwall vlog
I'm sorry but who goes away on holiday when they haven't even got their dogs medication for something so serious? Then to blame the vet that actually saved chi chis life!!
If that were me I would delay driving to Cornwall by a day and make sure I had that medication my dog depends on!

I actually feel sorry for nanny di in this vlog too, she can't do anything right and nitty and mank are constantly moaning at her!
Used to enjoy their vlogs but once my eyes were opened to how despicable they are I absolutely hate it!

Also the "digital detox" they apparently did, yet constantly on phones etc. Mank having a go at nitty for listening to the radio! Whilst having his camera out filming her! Hes such a hypocrite!
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