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Chatty Member
I DON'T KNOW WHY Nadia Sawalha, ex bad actress,part time LW liar and full-time SM whore IS TEFLON COATED !!????!!!
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Worst actress ever !!!!!!
playing to the crowd
Doesn’t know right from wrong
If hancocks daughter was in a dodgy film in underwear and lipsticks in the dark at the age of 7 the whole country would be calling for him to be sacked

The fake deep breathing at the start 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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Does Marks wee Ghostbusters Room give you the heebie jeebies?
no, but a 47 year old man with a room with star wars toys is just euch...... but then again their whole lifestyle and channel is about the accumulation of crap, the speaking of crap, and the eating of crap.....
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The whole pandemic Nadia has been just prancing about in her knickers ...clueless
What has brought on this sudden militant front ?
There must be money to be made
Or like most things it will be forgotten in a day like Xander, Britney and Kim’s divorce to name a few one day wonders 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
She posted an IG story about Teddy, followed by one of her doing NOga for what was probably a total of about 90 seconds.

View attachment 626888View attachment 626889
What a crock of shit,she really gets my goat,all her soppy words,her noga for 365days,plant based this,no alcohol that,loves her body,hates her body,Manky the best dad/husband ever,she has a friend that had that,done that,tasted that,went there arrghhhh!!!!!she needs to just shut up
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It looks like part of her labia is showing in some of those pics! Has nobody told her you can be body confident and have self respect?
She doesn’t know the meaning of the word respect. She’s an attention whore. Absolutely revolting. The way she behaves isn’t funny or clever it’s making a mockery. How her sad subs find her side splitting, wetting themselves, hilariously funny I’ll never know. She’s an abomination
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I dig melanie blake too. she's got a book to sell, and she's doing a load of interviews wherever she can saying as much as she can. I think she'd actually be great on Loose women; definitely more entertaining and outspoken that most of the numpties they now have on there........No wonder Nadia is always advertising she\s part of a gang. LOLOLOLOLOLOL times a million
Ahhhhhhh Naardia and her endless number of imaginary friends🤣🤣 today she actually named one "texted my friend Matty" turns out Matty is Denise's 32y old son 🤣🤣
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I'm sure it has been mentioned on here already but didn't Nadia #bekind stress how worried she was for Matt Hancock's mental health during their "Whine o'clock"... erm...???
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Mark describes the drinking situation between them...

Sobriety over here (meaning Mark)

Batshit crazy alcoholism over there (meaning nadia)..

Nadia replies "Do you know how much gin I've got in there? It's not even a tablespoon!"

It's OBVIOUS Nadia has got more than a tablespoon of gin, look at her glacé eyes for one... She's an absolute liar and protesting way too much!

As for Mark he HAS to keep saying he's sober! Again, me thinks he protesteth too much!

Alcohol is a MASSIVE problem for the Sawalha-Adderleys in my opinion 😉

If your wife only drank a little bit why would you describe her drinking as Batshit Crazy Alcoholism? 🤔

See 30 seconds in...

WOW! Very telling! She may have had a tablespoon in that glass, but she had drunk quite a few before that!

You are SO observant!

They are so irritating the way they comment on '52 thumbs down before we've even started,' yes, and what about the sycophantic 100 something thumbs UP before you even started? Please do explain on your next 6 O'Clock p**s-up what the difference is?

I have a feeling she is going to prefer doing the Pub Slot 🥴, as she had clearly dropped out of CM's.

Clever clever Mark Adderley taking our idea and expanding on it. I must admit, I didn't think about that being the time your wife has to get smashed in order to face you and herself for the rest of the evening. I would give you a thumbs up on here for that, but...I'm not going to. 😜
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Gloria Rostron

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Wow, it wouldn’t surprise me if on hearing someone has interaction with was suicidal that her first thought was to ensure she came out of the situation well. When her first husband killed himself, which from the reports it was inferred, in his mind, was due to her dumping him or the way she treated him….she became frustrated that his family would not discuss it with her. To me that infers that they held her responsible, and that she wanted to declare to them she wasn’t, then be able to publicly tell others that she has been a big support to the family etc
If what I have read is true, she didn't even read the note that he left for her! Kind Nadia is really a heartless, hard faced woman.
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Cowl neck without filters🤣👎
Her neck looks like a foreskin. Not a good look at all.

Think i might start referring to her as PB. Penis Bonce

Another day same story another pity show for saddo Mark Adderley.
She is a complete fool 😡 a cost to himself!!! Would she prefer the cost of him losing his entire family 😡should the 50 year old man child father of 4 not be dealing / taking ownership of his issues ???😡😡😡
Oh do piss off with your Arty Farty B/W pics. Your pity parties are boring me shitless.
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This FUCKER! 😤 When did Mr. Almost Ph.D get his medical license and specialize in psychiatric drugs? Lithium is the best drug there is right now to deal with mania. I had a family member on that and it kept them out of the hospital. It is so infuriating how he throws this uninformed opinions out there. You are not in the pub spouting out shit, you are on the internet preaching. STFU!

I saw his post and 😵. He can feel the meds jostling in his brain? I don't know about you, but don't pills go down your throat, absorbed in the stomach and released? He really is his illness when he asks what part of his illness makes him him. Jackass. :rolleyes:
I’d like to know how they found his brain? As small as his cocktail sausage! I’ve got a dear friend on lithium, clozapine and a multitude of other drugs because she does have bi polar, attachment disorder, anorexia and depression (I’m seeing her tonight and she really struggles with life) but she tries so hard every bloody minute of the day! She doesn’t have any of the things in life that she has.

We live in a small town in the Cotswolds which is beautiful and I’m very grateful for my life but for my friend who is so poorly it’s a nightmare. No car, money to splash, large home, family there all the time, playroom for of toys, a city full of places to explore etc etc. He truly needs to give his head a wobble and appreciate what he has.

I should add to my post above ^^^ that my friend was sectioned for 5 years of her life! Now that to me shows someone who has been extremely poorly and still tries her hardest every day.
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Hometime30...the woman is unhinged...walking around half naked in her filthy hovel, doors, cupboards, drawers, dishwasher open, Mark perving, Kiki laughing, they are all living like pigs in shit
Absolutely horrendous. She spent all that time making a complete fool of herself in the sh1t tip she never cleans. She’s definitely reached a new low. Sadly her family don’t seem to mind and actually encourage her. Especially her disgusting husband. Everyone leaving comments saying they are crying laughing. Except one who gets a very nasty reply.


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What a drip! Get a grip! Get a life Mark Adderley
He really makes my blood boil 😡 and his bloody followers sending him ❤❤❤ and hugs and he Is so awesome so courageous so brave🤮

Is this the beginning of a way out message on his treatment🤔🤨😡 I am sure he will never pursue it … “time after time”. I am really sorry as I do personally know what mental health issues are but I believe he really needs a kick up the a***. He can not play the victim all his life and personally having lived much trauma I really do not understand his🤔 I am sure we have all lived difficult life situations but strive for progress not perfection.
He is 50 years old for bloody sake with 4 children!!! Also I believe Nitty is really fed up with his woe is me and have you noticed that he seems only to mention it now on solo lives!! (versus in every single sentence a week ago)🤨

Oh and last rant! How on earth can he become a counsellor??? I would certainly research mine beforehand and SM data would put my right off him! I would certainly never engage with this twat! So is he going to use his vulnerable submissives?? 🙁😳


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PS... I love what you did in your comment @chipmunk "Nadia Sawalha’s third husband, Mark Adderley", mentioning their names n 3rd marriage etc... Getting them higher up the Google pages 😂 👏
Learning all the time!
The Google Naming and Shaming has actually taken over from the the 👎 down for me, though of course I will always turn up for duty there.😉

However, please do understand Tattlers (as @notSUBmissive has,) that quite often through htis thread, I will leave at the end of my post a 'LogLine.' Purely for the search engines to pick up.

So when you see them, scroll on by my lovelies, they are there to serve a wider purpose, and thank you @notSUBmissive for enlightening me regarding this.


"Nadia Sawalha and third husband Mark Adderley, declare themselves as experts in HomeSchooling. Serious Mental Halth Issues, Experts in Yoga and their love of Cornwall on their youtube channel, read here to find out the TRUTH."

'Who knows what will become of this heart stopping comedy/reality /drama? Tune for only £1.99 to see a married couple who pretend they love each other and all of those around them..and watch the tragedy unfold.'
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Nitty with her striped top and dungarees she looks like she's on day release from Holloway prison.

Funny of the week for me manky got papped at the Cannes film festival with a woman he was having an affair with and the pic got sent to his then girlfriend. He so loves to big himself up, as if any paps would even know who he was, no chance of that he might just as well have been a bar man from one of the hotels. People only know who he is now because he's married to her off the telly and has got a naff YT channel, is only noticed if he's out with her and not many people seem to recognise her either. Such a huge ego that man has.
They have absolutely no moral high ground when it comes to affairs. The absolutely bare neck cheek of them.
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head over to latest CM and hit the thumbs up (or down) guys
👎mine was first, I’m obsessed 😂

Just MARK ADDERLEY this morning sat there on his own chatting absolute shite to 300 people, just the sight of the great unwashed pillock was enough for me 👎
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