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Chatty Member
Nadia likes to slate previous employers, she has criticised the BBC as well. She remains very tight lipped on ITV though, she knows which side her bread is buttered (with Lurpak, of course).
Surely nadia's bread is buttered on both sides today: it is the weekend after all!

The vlog was insane. I understand why people can't watch; it really is mental illness inducing. The discussion of Kiki like she has a mental illness was dreadful. Aside from issue of privacy surrounding a girl only just in to her teens, she's a perfectly normal kid growing up with two boundaryless, attention whoring parents; that's the problem. As an adult if I was always in their company for any amount of time I would need to go up to my room and paint too; and she has grown up with them. I hate it when parents negatively impact on their children but are so arrogant and lazy to make the adjustments to their own behaviour, to stop them damaging their kids. Seriously they should send her to live with Dina or Lisa and see how she flourishes.
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I also love Nadia trying to really tenuous engagement from her subs. 'I like beans in a bowl... Who likes it in a bowl and who likes in a plate? Put it in the comments!'

I wonder when the beans in a bowl or plate issue will be a topic on loose women?
I wanted to tell her to shove them up her arse, but i think i have been blocked 😭
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A new low point on today's coffee moaning...

"Hit the thumbs up of you want toffee to get better"

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Mark obviously pissed off Nadia - He comes in and takes over her LIVE @ 2:50 - Then she goes off @ 16:50

Thank so much so you have made a way of us seeing all the members stuff for free ... Thank you ❤
I see she is very disrespectful stuffing her face with crisps in front of them. ....So Annoying
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Yes I did mention they think they are patronising us, yet all they are doing is making themselves look even more ridiculous than they already are, and we then have more twisted psychology, desperate media marriage, domestically abusive parenting to dissect.
Got that Nits & Manks? Fill ya boots, whichever way you play, we gotcha!

She seems to use it everywhere, didn't she strap it to her breasts in some desperate attempt to get a Kardashian's attention?

UUrgh, that was really gross watching her Mmm & Aaah over some minging burger which was cooked in a what? What is that thing, don't answer, I don't care, if she's got one I don't want one.
Was she eating the veggie burger? She probably ate both.
The way she eats is absolutely disgusting. Licking her fingers, speaking with her mouth full of food. Not to mention the hair everywhere, scratching, not washing hands properly and the shit tip of a kitchen. She’d put me off burgers for life. Why Ninja use her to promote their brand is beyond me.
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His fake strained high pitched girl laugh is back ffs, screeching all over the place. Had to switch off because the man is so desperate for content now, it's sad to watch his huge red sweaty face panting around looking for something to film in his boring day. He's like an annoying 10 year old shouting "behind you" and "Babe what's that on your face?" he makes me feel really sick.
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The cooked breakfast on the Ninja looked disgusting. As usual Nitty’s hygiene standards are appalling. Does she ever wash her hands? She handles the raw sausages then the hash browns, mushrooms and tomatoes. Then she touches the control panel on the front of the machine. Cannot imagine why Ninja would want to work with her showcasing their product from her midden.

Also why would someone who brags that they are as good as a restaurant chef admit to over cooking salmon and chicken. She contradicts herself constantly
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Grace Kelly

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When he deletes the comments after most of his viewers have read them, it just proves what's said on Tattle is true about him. It really does backfire on him somewhat but the man is so egotistical he doesn't see it.
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They hardly let Nadia say anything today which speaks volumes about what they think of her. I'm glad they are keeping her at home, it's more enjoyable
They have to keep her away from the others to avoid a nit infestation.
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"Programme making"😂😂🤣 your dreams Mark! 😂
For a fella that’s worked every Job and travelled the world has he a hobby, a friend, anything in his life except sitting in a room full of dusty plastic figurines alone with a camera talking to strangers 🙄🙄 Jesus I’d go insane living like that. Get a life
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Chatty Member
My favourite part of the "ad" is where she picks up 4 pieces of bread to put on for toast. Two slices go in first (so far so good), and she soon realises there's not enough space for a third piece of bread. Well, she's started now so might as well finish! She forces it in as if packing clothes into an overfull suitcase. She then seamlessly just shuts the ninja and puts the fourth slice down on the side.


Also, the subs's comments all about how gross those sausages are. None of the super subs are even defending it! Is this an ad, or Ninja's competitors paying her to put people off getting a Ninja?

Love how she keeps dragging Lisa into it too. 'Oh yes, I cooked toast for Lisa on this last week', 'Oh yes, Lisa's buying one', 'Oh, Lisa just begged us to make a video'. None of that happened, Nadia.
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Chatty Member
Mark obviously pissed off Nadia - He comes in and takes over her LIVE @ 2:50 - Then she goes off @ 16:50

Poor Nanny Di. Nitty wasn’t going to invite her to be in the live was she? After Manky invited her in N just looked peed off.
N was her usual attention seeking self. Walking from the sofa area to the kitchen door but going behind them so that she’s be in shot 🙄.
Also, what was she doing at the cupboard by the kitchen door? She certainly wasn’t tidying up. She knew her reflection would be visible in the glass doors didn’t she?

N's body language is so negative towards Di. Every time M. asks Di something N. ignores her or changes the subject back to her or her family. It's so obvious and I've seen her do this a lot. She really does not want Di to be the centre of attention. Hence the walking away when M. asks the subs to ask Di a question. The singing in the background is also passive aggressive. Di looks really uncomfortable. That whole vlog is just weird and the crisp eating is gross😕
Oh you’re so right about her being passive aggressive. She absolutely is. What a horrible person.
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Mark is not some frustrated genius whose mental health is holding him back from living a fulfilling life.

He is a nearly 50 year old unemployed man, who lives in his toy cave and lives off his Z list celebrity wife. He has preyed on vulnerable people and persuaded them to feel sorry for him, and to part with their money in order to fund his layabout lifestyle. Anyone who does not feed his ego or buy into his self proclaimed victimhood is muted, deleted, blocked or branded a Troll.

He is totally self absorbed and only interested in himself. He is not deeply kind, if he was deeply kind he would not have treated his previous partners and children the way he did. He is a selfish ego maniac who is a legend in his own lunchtime.

How can you tell if someone is an egomaniac?
Here Are the Signs You May Be an Egomaniac
  • They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. ...
  • Egomaniacs exploit others for their own benefit. ...
  • They have a huge sense of entitlement. ...
  • Egomaniacs are often addicted to social media. ...
  • They have no regard for others. ...
  • Egomaniacs are attracted to jobs in politics and entertainment. ...
  • They love excess and extremes.
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Chatty Member
Going back to this post then reading the ones that followed where you claim to be Holly, for a supposedly intelligent person I find it quite disturbing. No-one was talking about holly and imo if holly exists you are not her but someone doing a little bit of shit stirring, trying to cause confusion all a bit of a waste of time in fact.
Yes, it does seem rather odd that someone would come here and bring themselves up, and then jump on anything vaguely negative, trying to frame us as the bad guys.
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I think neither of them have ever had any boundaries set throughout their relationship. It's glaringly obvious they've not set any boundaries with their children either.

To me boundaries are fundamental to the success of healthy relationships.

Their relationships with themselves, with others and with their children are so challenging due to the complete lack of boundaries.

When Nadia discusses her family's past re huge arguments over the partners the sisters have had its clear there were no boundaries established, if there had been a simple "mind your own business this is my relationship" rule established it would have stopped any lines being crossed and stopped the years of stress and conflict.

I think it’s almost impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who has nonexistent boundaries. This is why their relationship always has been and always will be deeply flawed.

I genuinely believe there has been so much conflict in both of their lives due to the lack of boundaries.

-There are no boundaries re the way Mark speaks to his mother.
-There are no boundaries re the way the children speak to their mother.
-There are no boundaries the way they speak to and behave towards each other.
-There are no family boundaries re simple home hygiene, it's just gets messier and messier as no boundaries were never established.
-There are no boundaries re their addiction to social media, as a consequence they are both addicted and everything comes second to social media.
-There were no boundaries set re homeschooling their children.
-There are no boundaries regarding what time they and their children go to bed or get up 7 days a week.
-There are no boundaries regarding what age appropriate films their children watched.
-There are no boundaries regarding their personal hygiene most of the time.
-There are no boundaries re their chronic oversharing of theirs, their families lives and their children's lives. They must cause arguments with family members with what they over share (julia argument a case in point)
-There are no boundaries in ANY aspect of their lives that I can think of.

In failing to establish boundaries with their children they are passing the potential for more conflict onto them in their adult lives.

It's a fundamental issue they both completely fail to acknowledge or address. All of the hours and hours they discuss how to stay married are absolutely pointless. The lack of boundaries issues is like a house with no foundations. You can keep papering over the cracks but it's going to fall down. Guaranteed.
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What a creep. Shudder. 🤮
Exactly!! It shows you his priorities doesn,t it? Looking good (in his own mind) being a desirable sex object and having a love life!!
Nevermind being a decent parent or your daughters education!!!
Its all about him and if he can get any attention from the opposite sex!!:confused:.
So selfish and juvenile i,m sorry but the little imput that he,s had in those girls lives has probably been detrimental (except he is too vain to see it) and the mothers have had their work cut out i think in damage limitation nothing more nothing less.
I wish them well having a narc as a father is one of the worse things that can happen to a girl or women.
The problem is survivors often have over compensated by having very strong defence mechanisms put in place and to all intents and purposes seem wise (and strong) beyond their years.
It can take decades in some cases to unravel the knot of narcisisstic abuse/abandonment and in fact does not really reveal itself in some cases till something life changing triggers it.
For example giving birth (i still think this is one of the reasons behind pnd) or a divorce or bereavement.So thats some legacy isn,t it? How he dares to berate his own mother when if anything he,s just as bad (if not worse because she still is trying to make amends and certainly has more maturity)
Lets hope that he,s still around to pick up the pieces if they ever struggle in life?
Instead of posing in front of people trying to catch a glimpse of his misspent youth when in his own head he was a lover lover man!!
P.s Mark if you read this no one (apart from yourself) gives a rats arse if you were or ever have been good looking or hot?
Thats not the bloody point if you had some desirable features (thanks to diane adderley genes!) that does not give you the right to pout or sulk or be manipulative or expect a free lunch or get out of jail free card!!
You used that to the max .A teenager can get away with that shit a grown man can,t!!
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They have posted similar videos for the last couple of years. He says he will go and seek help, he goes, a couple of weeks in he will say that the meds aren't helping, and then round and round and round we go again.

He needs therapy, and lots of it, in my opinion. The trouble is, they haven't spent any time together as a couple when he has been sober and also mentally well. I'm not sure how their relationship will work out if he manages to finally address all of his problems, as there is a huge amount of codependency going on.
Has he ever spoken about being in therapy? Because I certainly haven't heard him say it and god knows he bangs on and on and on about his problems. Going to the doctor and getting medicated is only one small part of looking after your mental health. You also have to put in time, effort and do the work. My guess is he has now become so accustomed to being mentally fragile (and let's face it he has now monetised it) that he has no interest in facing his problems head on. He would have to own up to some bleak home truths - he is an addict with a string of broken relationships, unemployed and unemployable, living off of his wife and trying to make money off of her reputation. Nothing suggests he is any way ready to face up to that or else he would have been in intensive therapy years ago. I am sick of him droning on about mental health when he point blank refuses to do anything about it.

Professional Victim..Professional Rescuer...she is not very good at rescuing him.. I think they really cant stand each other and are only together for the sake of the Girls. Once they girls are grown up and fled the nest these two will end up murdering each other.
She is horribly co-dependent though so no matter how bad his behaviour is, she isn't going anywhere. If she would only be honest with herself she would realise she is enabling him and his awful behaviour.
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