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It’s utter bullshit. I received that email and was confused as I had been banned a while back. When I was banned and didn’t know how it worked and tried to sign up again with the same email address I was getting error messages so emailed them and asked why/what was going on etc. They emailed me back saying they had no record of the email address I was emailing from and perhaps I had signed up to netmums by mistake? (Yes, this is actually what they said to me). And now, 16 months later, I get the spammy email to the address they said they had no record of. Liars.
Reactions: 13
I think Mumsnet have lied about so many things about this latest fuck up. Many things don't add up.

I chatted to a friend last night who works for an online shop in marketing sending out their newsletters. She said even for the most incompetent company it's unfathomable that they accidently send it out to everyone and not just a small segment. Apparently you get to preview lots before actually sending, it'll show the number of people it sends to and then if it's being sent to millions it would take many hours to complete and could be cancelled.

It suits Mumsnet that this cash begging email went out to every email address they've ever harvested. I think they did it on purpose with the plan to then call it an accident when a few complain.

Probably a last minute cash grab plan before people feel spent in January. Makes no sense they'd beg new users for donations.
Reactions: 6

This thread has absolutely boiled my piss this morning. To summarise a young woman in her early 20’s with ADHD was assaulted by her mother for being messy (being messy and being disorganised is a common symptom of ADHD). The mother grabbed the daughter by the throat and pulled her hair, a pretty serious assault by anyone’s reckoning. In response OP has been told by multiple posters that’s it’s her own fault for being messy, that she needs to grow up, move out etc. A few loan voices have pointed out that she was assaulted and that some of the comments are disgraceful, but the general opinion is that it’s the OP’s is responsible for what happened to her.

Its a common theme on Mumsnet that violence and abuse perpetrated by women is acceptable and always excused in some way, the other week there was a thread by a woman who admitted she’d screamed and thrown things at her boyfriend because he’d spilled something on the bed and had slammed a door so hard she’d broken the plaster around the door frame. Imagine for one moment a man had done that to a female partner, there would have been cries of ‘LTB’, ‘are you safe’, ‘call women’s aid’ etc and rightly so, but the number of comments saying he’d driven her to do it was so shocking and then when these posters were pulled up for it and told they were condoning violence and abuse they started harping on about how most victims of domestic abuse are women, men are stronger etc. There is overriding view over there that women can do no wrong, men are evil etc. Except if they are the ‘OW’ then they are the devil incarnate and it’s never the husbands fault for having an affair. But then quite frankly seeing the way they women are I can hardly blame their husbands for straying sometimes.

The place makes me sick.
Reactions: 11
They do seem to like to pull the “Oh we’re so sorry, it was a mistake, we’re just a small site of mums trying our best...” act a lot. Which is confusing when they’re then asking people to pay for the site.

What did everyone think of Justine’s claims of being swatted after the hack? I thought it was very very convenient timing for it to happen...
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I used to go on MN but came to realise it's full of snotty, stuck up women in an echo chamber.
The only forum I went on was the baby names to get an idea of how to narrow down our name choices and it is a nasty, snobby place! Im definitely too common judging by my tastes.
I am not making this up. There would be names mentioned and the legit responses mentioned were 'chavy' or 'council estate' or 'down market' all legit responses as if that was ok. I find the whole forum all about class and showing off how middle class you are. All about image with little substance.
Reactions: 12
It's very much cake and eat it.

Justine goes off swanning around with her media career giving speeches as she's apparently one of the most successful business women in Europe

But whenever anything goes wrong they're very unprofessional and act like it's a few clueless people volunteering to run a charity bake sale.

That pure online business is fucking cheeky trying to grab cash when there's so many businesses that are run well and are genuinely struggling through no fault of their own.

Must be run in a total echo chamber to think a message board begging on Christmas Eve was ever a good idea.
Reactions: 9
No wonder they are nick named mumsnet mafia. The baby names thread is brutal. One pregnant woman said her husband didn't like her name preferences - jaden, beau, sienna, ava, and riley. She got laid into and was told they were 'too council'. Another woman said she had three boys barney, bertie, and baxter and was looking for a B name for a daughter she was expecting. A lot of them were mocking her sons names saying 'why have they got dogs names' and 'why don't you call her blossom or bella to carry on the pet name theme'.
The utter snobbery is beyond belief. Its also true what gym and tonic says above. If someones husband is having an affair they question the wife in a wsy that suggests it might be her fault 'did u take your eye off the ball' and ' have u let yourself go' or the oyher woman gets slated. They never blame the man.
Reactions: 9
This is exactly on point made me feel really crappy for asking baby name help esp as one of our names we like is I said I'm VERY common . The point is if you ask "which one of my choices would you choose?" why respond at all if they're not your style and you don't like any of them. MN seriously are vultures on there to make themselves feel better. Most the responses were
...I wouldnt choose any, your choices are down-market, really common etc
I found another baby name forum (not MN) who were lovely with great feedback and no one was rude for the sake of it.
Reactions: 5
When I gave birth back in Feb I joined Mumsnet as a place i thought I could get advice from other Mums

We were put in lockdown not long after I gave birth, my fella was working 12 hour days so if I had a problem I'd ask Mumsnet. I'm only 25, first baby, tired, just needing a bit of advice. I'd just ask about naps and his sleep etc really

Then one day I had a massive argument with my Mum over a footie shirt. Long story short- my Mum supports Liverpool, so do I, my fella supports Man United. Im not bothered about footie though and for my fellas first Fathers day I wanted to get him and the baby a matching top each. It werent really a present for the baby more for my fella. We had both even said to each other he can decide what team he likes when hes older, if he even likes football. So my Mum had a proper meltdown and told me she doesn't want to speak to me or the baby again if I got the shirt.

Anyway, I was upset after the argument and just wanted to vent. So I went on the "am I being unreasonable..." section.
Fuck me... I got some HORRIBLE answers. Telling me im council estate trash for wanting to get a football son for my child. Telling me I was after a story in the DM??? Telling me I shouldn't force a football team on my kid
Just basically ripping me a new arsehole for wanting to just do something nice for my fella
And other people were just calling me a liar. Saying I had made the entire thing up!?


Anyway it all ended up in me getting BANNED. I emailed them curious as to why, my response was that an Admin had read my thread and she thought it 'didn't sound true' ok then

Foul place, glad I found Tattle
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Reactions: 23
But you didn’t honestly expect to take him into Waitrose in those rags, did you?!

Joined for all of a week, and then couldn’t be hooped with the place. The snobbery and folk trying to pretend they’re something they aren’t did my tits in and the holier than thou parenting...

I nearly got banned for ‘trolling’ because I baited a thread about dinners and told them I’d just served McDonalds to my 6 month old as his first weaning food. Chips are just potatoes, right? Didn’t go down well... or did, depending on what you were looking for
Reactions: 13
My health visitor told me stories of a client whizzing up a McDonalds with a hand blender to give to their baby.

I’ve said it before but Mumsnet use is a form of self abuse. The amount of jealousy on there is staggering.

The people I can’t stand most are the ones who post on threads where a mum is suffering abuse at the hands her partner and needs advice. Someone always posts “What were you doing having kids with that man?”. Judgemental and spectacularly unhelpful unless the OP has a working time machine at her disposal.
Reactions: 11
I really hate the cliché of women dragging other women down but MN seems a hive of jealous, unhappy women wanting to tear other women down.

This is so sad but I can only imagine the judgement you'd get.

I did post on MN about lock down and getting married. We've had to postpone 3 times, there are much worse things going on in the world. However I wanted to get objective yes/no about my wedding going ahead next year as I'm going to have to once again postpone/cancel/do some admin
The shit I got in response has really really upset me. Telling me to get married asap which I said legally we did this year with 2 guests and it was a celebration as I've been very unwell, finally out of hospital. After disclosing that I got legally married
I got a barrage of crap from multiple responses telling me I was weird and completely out of order for wanting my original wedding and if they were a guest they wouldn't come to my wedding as it was an "anticlimax". I was shocked because seriously friends and family just want a happy celebration and the pandemic has made life pretty strange. Lost of responses putting me in my place and telling me off and also fucking virtue signaling saying how expensive their wedding was so don't bother so they get their wedding but I'm not allowed to
I only went on to ask if ppl thought the wedding would go ahead instead I was torn apart because I got legally married.
I can't face looking at all the responses but it feels like a real mean girl culture.
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My friend’s mother was too ill to attend her wedding so they did the legal bit anyway on their own and had the postponed big day they planned 3 months later when her mum was able to go. Most guests didn’t even know the wedding we went to wasn’t the original.

It happens and it’s not weird to want it xx
Reactions: 7
When I was at my booking in appointment the midwife warned me never to look at MN. It’s all bullshit. I did enjoy snapped and farted though.
Reactions: 17
Mumsnet isn't a supportive site for parents at all, despite their claims. People who have the audacity to rent, earn minimum wage, not go to university, have a child in their teens - all are castigated by the mafiosi on there. There's nearly always a twatty thread about class too, as if anyone these days gives a toss. But the Waitrose shopping, Boden wearing, bean to cup coffee drinkers do like to exert their pathetic superiority over those of us, who, in their eyes, are working class. The ridiculous bragging about income, size of property, amount of savings - it's laughable. I sometimes wonder if certain posters ever interact in real life with other human beings.
Reactions: 19
God yes the potential horrors of mumsnet and what lurks beneath the surface.
You have to tread so carefully there its like a minefield!
Say the wrong thing (as deemed by them) or have the wrong opinion (so you cannot be an individual but you have to follow the collective narrative?) and depending on how they are feeling on any given moment you can expect to be bullied verbally abused gaslighted or ignored!
The thing is though its all your own fault because how can such a group of woke faux feminist entitled keyboard warriers ever be wrong?
What makes me laugh is that they all bang on about diversity and equality as if their lives depended on it!
While in reality they are frankly sanctimonious hypocrites venting the frustration of their own sad little bitter existence at anyone foolhardy enough to expect to have the right to an opinion.
No only the choosen few are allowed to do that!! The arrogance?
It just seems to me a hierarchy of narcisissists nothing equal diverse or humane about it at all.
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Is that a tinkly laugh or normal?
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They are all feminists aren’t they? Until someone starts a thread about her husband having an affair and then the other woman is automatically the devil incarnate. It’s never the husbands fault, he obviously has no free will and the other woman forced him to have an affair with her. That’s not a very feminist is it? They have a very black and white mindset with regards to marriage and relationships, but no one is perfect, marriages are complicated. People are complicated. Also people happy in their relationships don’t have affairs, there is usually something missing somewhere.
Reactions: 4
I read one the other day that really annoyed me. A mum was saying that her usual non drinker husband had stayed on a zoom call all night over new year to his brother just having a few drinks and having a laugh. She was fuming as it was her turn to have a lie in (they alternated each day.) .. by her own admission it was a total one off and he's been really helpful over lockdown. All the comments were about how selfish he was drinking when he knew it was her turn for a lie in. Usual ott man bashing. I thought fucking hell give the bloke a break! We're all under enormous strain atm and he's had a few drinks on a zoom call! I'm as feminist as they come but men cannot catch a break on that site, not one post considered that he also has feelings too and probably needed to let off a bit of steam.
Reactions: 10
They really, really hate men don’t they? It’s disturbing in fact. I can only assume that most of them have been really unlucky and been badly treated by men an/or had poor male role models growing up, but to tar all men with the same brush because of their own bad experiences is just stupid. So many of them could do with a load of psychotherapy to deal with their issues. Yes, some men are twats, but so are some women, not that you’d know from reading there.
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Thread locked. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread.