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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Just been reading the, "what are you wearing on Christmas Day" thread. Lots of people in Jean's and a comfy top, a few suitably seasonal outfits (whatever they are) and someone wearing a dress worh cardigan and boots.

One person in pjs.

I will also be in my new pjs and love how mumsnet seem to loath people who wear pjs during the day and not get dressed to sit round the house
Suitably seasonal outfits? Dresses with Santa on? I can’t even think about Christmas until Halloween and Bonfire Night are done.
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The U.K. isn’t perfect but It’s not that bad. We are a far more tolerant society than some would have us believe. The racism in parts of Europe has to be seen to be believed and many of the countries treat disabled people like shit as well. France, where they all seem to holiday and are desperate to move to is one of the absolute worst for this. Hell you only to look at how close they’ve come to electing a far right President twice over the last decade to see that. I once started a thread over there saying I thought Paris was a shit hole and was almost lynched, but while maybe calling it a shit hole was probably a bit of an overreaction it is massively overrated IMO it’s not a patch on London or indeed Rome which is far more beautiful.

Ive always harboured a dream of moving to Spain and settling in somewhere like Fuengerola, but they’d almost certainly sneer at that 😂
That coastal area around Fuengirola is a fabulous part of Spain to live. Do it. :)
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We haven't got a tumble dryer but that's because we prioritised a dishwasher over one. We do have two of those Lakeland heated dryers in the dining room though so it's a art studio/gym/laundry hybrid room now.
My tumble dryer is on its second cycle today as I type. My smart meter is glowing a rather angry red in the corner of the room. Many fucks are not given.
I go on holiday next week and I’m not pissing about with washing lines.
colour me classless 😂
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I must admit, I know everyone thinks MNetters are obsessive about cleanliness, I often find them quite the opposite!
Well, there's a large cohort that obsess over how it is only working class people who are obsessed with cleanliness. Oddballs.
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I bloody LOVE being a tourist! No interest whatsoever in pretending to be a 'local', I'll do my please and thank you in the language and have a stab at a few other phrases - but it's always clear to everyone, whether you're German, American or Brit, what nationality you are. Why pretend?
For having the reputation of being quintessentially English and middle class, mnetters show a real disdain for being British. It’s actually quite embarrassing. Like you said, and Italian or French person will never mistake you for one of them no matter how hard you try.
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And I’ll bet my life that none of the “trimmings” included a calorific dressing!

Has to be Crumbs 🤣
I don’t know how that woman keeps returning under different names. I was sure she had been banned over the past few months as all was quiet but sure enough, up she pops again using a new name.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
'She also called me out and said that I didn’t given her a lift for 5 years. We didn’t go during lockdown! Unbelievable!'

Yes, it is. Unbelievable 🤣
She's right though, the lift cadger, it's not 5 years of free lifts, more like 2/3. Lockdown was on and off for almost 2 years with various restrictions in place all over the place. Why the fuck she didn't ask for petrol money right from the start makes no sense at all. I think it's probably mostly true, she gives a lift, and never gets thanked or reimbursed, but the rest is 100% over exaggerated bollocks.
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Fledgling Psycho

VIP Member
Halloween must be their favourite time of the month on Mumsnet. So many spiteful women openly out on their broomsticks. It is entertaining though, all the "I'm considerably richer than you" brigade.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I'd have thought, with the cost of running the things, that owning a tumble dryer signified that you're rich? 😆 in the winter when it takes 5 working days for clothes to dry inside, I could sure use one lol
So having a tumble drier is working class?????
The poster sounds like a grade A twat, instead of getting on with her work, she's looking down her nose at her sugary tea drinking lower class colleagues. She sounds insufferable.
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Chatty Member
Yes, I saw some of it. It was a begging thread extraordinaire but nobody fell for it.

Nobody offered to pay the vet bill or send the (very precisely priced by the OP) toy to the child for Christmas. That's probably a first for Mumsnet 😂
Hahaha it was mentioning how much the toy was (RRP £209.99) that really pushed people over the edge I think
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Yes. I often find myself repeating the fact that Halloween celebrations were taken to the US by Scots and Irish (who’ve always continued to celebrate) and it’s just the modern version of trick and treating that seems a bit invasive. We’ve always called it guising.
My Glaswegian brother in law says the same.
Mumsnet know nowt about history unless it’s London based.
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Chatty Member
I think they're turtles? Tbh, while I wouldn't wear that skirt myself her outfit is overall infinitely better than the shapeless floral bin bag dresses that seem to be the height of middle class fashion at the moment.
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Very strane the xenia is on the what can't you afford thread? And giving advice.
At has sadly turned into an echo chamber of people saying anyone can get cheap glasses no matter their prescription and people replying with why they can't.
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You can guarantee that whenever a thread about Dr Martens appears someone will post about how Solovair are much nicer and more comfy and ethical etc etc. So I googled and they are as ugly as sin. Like something a clown would wear. I’m sure there is some kind of deal in place that whenever DM’s are mentioned someone has to post promoting solovair as an alternative. DM’s are timeless for a reason. I’ve had mine for about six years and they’ve only now started to get scuffed on the toes, they’re worth every Penny and so comfy when broken in properly. But noooo in MN land Solovair are so much better (but uglier).
I’ve noticed the Solovair thing recently as well. I looked on their website and there’s definitely a ‘brogue-ish’ air about them. I too love DM’s, but they don’t love me unfortunately but I still wouldn’t get a pair of Solovairs.
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The one about the boyfriend bring cheap for only booking a premier Inn?

As long as I've got a bed for the night, I'm generally not fussed where I stay. Mostly book with Premier Inn.
yeh that’s the one 🤣

i love a premier inn, they have the best beds!

Found the thread, sorry can’t take this person seriously 🤣

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Well-known member
Customer service has legit gone to pot since covid and most companies don’t give a shiny shite. I’ve had the wrong item sent before and they couldn’t have given less of a shit if they tried. I can’t stand the holier than thou crowd that come out on threads like that. I say keep the fuckers.
This 100%
We live in a rural area and I’ve been sent duplicate packages several times because they think they have got lost because it takes so long to get to us.
I just give the stuff to my sister and friends
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VIP Member
God I’ve just read the ‘planning for power outages this winter’ discussion. Why do they get so hysterical over everything? There’s no harm in being prepared but a lot of it is just common sense. One poster even asks if she needs to get a diesel generator to keep her freezer running😂 Your freezer should be fine for three hours love! They must be those lucky people who never have power cuts ever, where I live they’re fairly common and in bad weather we’ve had no power for up twelve hours at a time in the not too distant past! Guess what we survived. It was more boring sitting in the dark than anything else. This lot are never happy unless they’re blowing everything out of proportion.
I once had all my electricity go. (can't remember why) My freezer and food was fine. It was far more than 3 hours.
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