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Chatty Member
Jumpscare 😂 tell me you are begging from a freebie without telling me you are begging for a freebie ….
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Caroline's back its official 🇬🇧 sitting in her mums like Beggy Mitchell!

Caroline's finally here in Surrey, without her husband, she was in such a hurry!
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She’s going to be going to home bargains etc when she’s back isn’t she, filling her trolley aggressively to the max, bleating on about how cheap it is here, and doing stupid Cockney rhyming slang with it.

Ironic that this was the gal a mere few months ago who watched a Netflix doc on chicken farming (can’t remember the name of it) and vowed never to eat chick fil a again, yet she sure doesn’t care about welfare anymore when she’s loading that trader Joe’s junk in her trolley!
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Chatty Member
We’re members at David Lloyd and our crèche is £7 an hour. So even if she pays the huge family membership fee and manages to get Sophie booked into one of the kids classes (oh yes you have to be ready and waiting to book that class 9 days in advance) she’s going to also be paying £14 an hour for Charlie and Olivia to be in the crèche. She has her priorities soooo wrong with this move.
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How has she got a place at any school when they don’t live here? Guess using her mums address. Go in the waiting list and hope and wait. But she could have found that out by look at her LA website.
And as for the ring. Didn’t she have to return some headphones a few weeks ago because they’d just got another medical bill and were skint?
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The reason Kyle will have to come over to uk in June is because you only have 3 months from date of receiving spouse visa to enter the country and collect your biometric resident permit. So I don't understand why she couldn't wait until then and all fly over together?
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How much more shameless could she be about the begging, she might as well write “if you’re going to gift me the double buggy I’ve been shamelessly begging for then make sure it’s this exact one because I won’t accept any others”. if they gift her one it will actually infuriate me. The amount she brags about their earnings and the expensive things she buys just order one you tight bitch.
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Chatty Member
She's always banging on in the comments about how dangerous her Boston neighborhood was - bit of a weird thing to do when you're about to try and sell your home
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I don’t think she realises how shit the UK has got since she left? 🤣 She really does think it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows here instantly on arrival. She’s already said her mum won’t help out, her sister works, I imagine her mummy friends will be too busy to “help” if they have their own kids and possibly their own jobs.

What about poor Kyle? Does he just have to suffer missing his own family, the grandparents not seeing the 3 kids for how long as I don’t imagine Caroline will be hurrying back to visit.

I don’t agree with showing kids on social media already but she’s taking the piss, having videos out the same day she gave birth is utterly mad. I didn’t tell anyone I had gave birth for about 4-5 days besides my partners parents, siblings and my own dad because we were enjoying the newborn bubble.

She’ll be even more insufferable if she moves back to the UK, I’ve had to unfollow her as she’s been driving me up the wall with all her baby posts. Poor kid is basically a content baby and the other 2 are cast aside.

I’ve had PND but I really don’t understand why she thinks being in the UK would make a difference? I’m in the UK and I got PND so it can’t be that good here 🤣 My PND also wasn’t taken seriously as I gave birth during Covid, myself and baby almost died, not one doctor took me seriously and due to the mistreatment during my unsupervised pregnancy I have long standing medical conditions that affect my daily life even now years later. She really does think moving back here is going to save her but it’s not, she’ll be bored shitless within a few months and I think it’ll be the end of her marriage too.

Complaining about paying for health care but she literally made that decision to live there? Plus the treatment she got is way better than we’d get here unless we paid for private. The NHS is crumbling so I hope she’s not going to have more babies here as she’ll be in for a shock. She doesn’t seem short on cash but tries to paint the picture that they are, it’s really odd.
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Her latest GRWM- so many points to go over. Firstly, her saying moving is the right choice because they have nothing to do on their last Saturday? Sounds like you’ve isolated yourself. I was an au pair in the outskirts of Boston and there’s so much to do!! It’s such a beautiful city. You couldn’t spend that time with Kyle’s parents doing something outside by the water, or go to the museum? So weird.
also the comments about how the location doesn’t matter, she just needs to be with her family? Listen, I totally get that but also, she’s never spoken about her family like her support system prior?

she’s not lived in the U.K. for nearly 11 years (all her adult life pretty much.) I think she’s in for a rude awakening!!
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Chatty Member
Her going on about how light the evenings are 🤣 it’s exactly the same as Boston, sunrise and sunset literally at the same time! We’ll see how she feels in the depths of miserable winter where we’re lucky to get 6 hours of daylight per day and the sun doesn’t come out for weeks at a time. I don’t begrudge the seasons of the U.K. as I think the winter helps us to appreciate the better weather but it’s a rough 6 months.
The way the sun has only JUST come out here the last few weeks too, we’ve had so much rain this year and the winter felt so long and grey up until the start of May! I think the weather being so nice for her return is giving her a false sense of the uk at the moment 🤣
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I get 20 days holiday a year- I’ve just had to carry 5 days over and take 2/3 days in the last few weeks because they’d only let me carry over 5. The 2/3 I took I managed to get about an hour to myself. So I managed 10 days holiday in a year - a week away with my family. My mum died and I had one day off for the funeral. So yes I make good money but it comes with a lot of crap. My mortgage isn’t that much, I have a Volvo x40, we don’t save much, we did have David Lloyd (£300) and we just cancelled it because we can’t afford it! We spend about £150 a week on food - so it boggles my mind to figure out how Caroline thinks she’s going to live this life that she’s talking about? Nursery is £1000 a month……Am I doing something wrong? How is she living this life?
I’ll give it a year, maybe 18 months maximum, before she starts talking about they’re thinking of moving to Dubai. I don’t know why they don’t just move there now to be honest. I lived there for ten years and was there the same time Caroline was there. A live in maid and tax free salary and maybe she will finally be happy?! 🤣
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Where is all their money coming from? Are they hoping they get a fat profit out the house in the USA?
Not a chance. If anything, they’re going to break even or more likely lose money on that sale due to the taxes. They need to wait until 2 years after purchase on the dot to sell which is why Kyle is still out there and the house isn’t on the market yet and is still saying ‘coming soon’. They’ll be lucky if they break even.

House prices in Surrey are absolutely huge and they’ll have no/poor credit so a large mortgage won’t be on the cards without a huge deposit. Caroline is probably going to just hope her mum signs the house over to her.
When she said her parents used to cook a roast at home but she’s got three kids babz so shes not doing that. Her Mum had three kids and did it?? I like Kyle but I don’t feel sorry for him he does what she tells him all the time. Who are these women who can manipulate their husband into doing exactly what they want? I need to find said husband because mine has a mind of his own!!! And she’s looking even tougher since she got to the uk!! Her looks she brags about are fading
She always complains about having three kids but like, she HAD three kids? Nobody asked her to have a third. She could barely keep up with two but now it plays right into her lazy lifestyle because three kids is hard work babezzzz
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Well-known member
What happens if she moves S to the school with her friends kids (again disrupting her learning) and S and the other kids don’t like each other 🤨🤨
Because I can say just because parents might be friends doesn’t mean kids have to / will like each other 🫣

honestly mind blowing. Most schools are so over subscribed she’s lucky she’s even been given a place tbh seeing as she’s not even in the UK yet.
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New member
Called it. THIS is why she wanted to move. Not that there is anything wrong with having a meal and drink at the pub with friends. She just doesn’t want to deal with her kids.
The culture is so not like that anymore!

When I was a kid, yes... You'd be there til you were falling asleep parents all having a great time. My kids have been to a pub maybe 3 or 4 times, usually coinciding with a meal, a little play if they have a playground then we leave. It's not an all-day affair where we get pissed. Who can even afford it any more?
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She just wants a fancy bracelet. If she wanted something to commemorate her time in America (which she shits on constantly) wouldn't she get something local and actually sentimental from Boston or Virginia - you know, in AMERICA???
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