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I’ve got 100000 of those reports having a 12 yr old complex needs kid. It’s a report saying it needs investigating it’s not a diagnosis, just that he *may* have it. And again, she states she foolishly over shared then goes to overshare his medical report. Wtf is wrong with this girl
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I can’t describe how much it fills my heart to hear people say that they don’t agree with parents of sen children sharing there children’s lives and struggles on social media. I’ve got a child on the spectrum well teenanger now and he would be mortified if I put his struggles out on my socials. I’m sick of this sen mummy hun club, there just exploiting there kids and the majority are fucking obnoxious. I’ve had some tough times with my son , but I have a little cry and carry on. Social media is a curse
100%. While I sympathise/empathise with the struggles of SEN parents, it's not the role of a child to be exploited as inspirational/relatable/informative content, even if it's well intended and makes their parents or others feel better. They can't consent and as parents in today's world we have to be mindful of the digital footprints we're creating for them. There are ways to create SEN content without monetising children.
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My daughter has autism and is nonverbal and I don’t know anyone with a child like mine. When she was first diagnosed I felt so alone for this reason. I find parents on TikTok that talk about the struggles of having a Sen child and I feel like I can relate and I’m not the only mother in the world trying to navigate life with a special needs child. If it wasn’t for parents like Shannon (And many others on TikTok) who share their experiences, I would probably still be in the lonely hole I was in when we first got my daughter diagnosed. I think spreading awareness is and information is important to help others. Still don’t like her smugness something tho lol.
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Credit where credit is due she is a great cook and seems to have a natural flair for it. I could use the same recipe and not get the results she does.
Saying that I feel she puts a lot of pressure on herself to do everything in the house as well as looking after 3 small children, mainly alone. If she’s happy fine but it wouldn’t be for me at all. Not sure why all these influencers think anyone who posts in here is automatically living a sad life themselves and are jealous.
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But you’re acting like it’s your business ? That’s her kid, I highly doubt she’s giving him 12 kinder bars everyday, she posted a video the other day saying she was speaking to GP about how she can up his calories, she’s trying and your all judging her, acting like your perfect mothers, come on, she feeds her family very well, one of her children struggles with food and your saying it’s neglect, that’s nasty.
Oh and sorry is that the tattle rules 😂 well I’ve commented on this one so….?
Sorry but it is neglect she’s not trying to see to his needs adequately. If he has ARFID then He has an eating disorder, all the money she spends on the crap she has she could put towards a dietician and even an OT. It’s about priorities, there’s plenty of free resources online if she can spend the time clapping back on tt after plastering her kids without their consent and making money from them to do so - then she sure has hell can spend the time researching in ways to do best by her kid. Giving a child his age a baby bottle full of custard is disgusting and lazy. There’s better ways to up calories even with an ARFID child. And they’re always on their devices, for someone who has sensory issues shoving him on that 24/7 isn’t doing any good.
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she is unbelievably lazy with her parenting .She should try taking her son to toddler groups ,the park,library,getting him to mix with other children his age .Does he go to nursery? Does she ever do any 1 to 1 activities with him at home? or read to him? She says she shows her children online because its 'her life' but all we ever see is her getting her questionable tits out or being a smart arse so Im going to assume she doesnt do much with him because why not show it ?
I have an autistic child and I can not stand the way some parents are just labelling their child when really they are basing their diagnosis on nothing credable and have had no or little imput from professionals

anytime ive seen the wee boy hes head first in a ipad
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Chatty Member
Telling people to mind their business because they’re asking where her husband/ kids father is is laughable when she shares every other part of her life on tik tok. There never seems to be any sign it him anywhere around the house.
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Chatty Member
I think you’re all being mega judgemental on here… what the heck, she cooks different things all the time! I wouldn’t call her a lazy parent, it’s not her fault her kid won’t eat a lot… my 2 year old is the exact same as she describes Billy, and it’s hard, I feel for her, she clearly tries her best, she adores her kids you can see that. Some of these comments Jesus Christ !
I’ve 2 ASD boys one with Arfid one whose shit with food. I do not put sugar in a bottle, lock em in the lounge with an iPad and post his medical docs online. It’s gross, it’s neglect and IT IS LAZY. I don’t think she’s a lazy girl but I think she puts her energy where it’s not as important. That kid needs support from professionals not just a diagnosis to hang over peoples heads when they comment on her parenting.
My son is under consultants, ED team, soon to be under portage and OT and we have contacted early help to have a plan for his behaviour that’s how you parent a SEN kid and not just allow them being SEN be an excuse for shit parenting xx
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Also, she’s bragging about buying a mixer cos she “can” as she’s got a load of disposable income BUT puts plastic over a sofa to keep it new? Hun enjoy your sofa instead of sticking to it and replace every few years if you’ve got so much disposable income.
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I reckon the clapping back she does is just for engagement, she gets way more positive comments but picks out the few negative ones to reply to, I see loads on tiktok do the same. She definitely gives me mean girl/school bully vibes though.
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Chatty Member
She wants the baby out yesterday and be on the treadmill the same day she leaves the hospital 🤣🤣🤣 she should put her man on it because he's some size !
You know, I’ve seen you comment on a few travellers threads on here, usually about how they look. You’re coming across almost fatphobic 🤔
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Chatty Member
Really gone off her after her earthquake video.
First of all saying she has nothing to do with her Turkish family and doesn’t know them, then I saw a comment on Dilek Rebkes video on cooking saying her nanny made these all the time for her.. which one is it Shannon? Saying she wasn’t educated enough to raise awareness… it’s an earthquake where 40,000 of our people (her included as she wants to claim her Turkish origin) have been killed and she ‘doesn’t know enough’ to speak??

sorry rant over, been a tough few weeks😥
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i think she is a good cook, got to give it to her that she looks after those 3 young kids all day, keeps the house spotless and cooks proper meals. id be shattered
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Here for the gos!

Chatty Member
Loads of kids are picky eaters mine included! She’s just food obsessed so it probley annoys her that he won’t eat her food. I don’t agree with her talking about the kids needs all the time it’s just for views! I don’t know why there hasn’t been laws brought in by now about exploiting young children on the internet for your own financial gain!
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Chatty Member
She’s mad thinking she’ll cope in Florida with the kids. She said they did nothing but boot off in Paris Florida is a 8 hour flight then 2 weeks in the busiest place. I won’t take my autistic kids because the accessibility in Florida is disgusting and often not accepted for ASD alone. she lives in fantasy land istg
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She might have put on weight, I reckon she’s gone from a size 8 to a 12 (that third baby’ll do it to ya) but she’s still slim and she knows it. It’s a strange thing to talk about, I find it quite impolite to talk about weight, size etc so much. It makes me uncomfortable. Maybe that’s just me.
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Shannon is a pure example of what’s wrong with the traveller community. Think that are all high and mighty and can do nothing wrong but really they are arseholes. Pretending they are salt of the earth and don’t dare question them!
theres a few showing themselves up at the moment .Shannon,that bridgey woman and cuzinsuzy.
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