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A thread about Shannon is fine because she puts herself out there. Mocking her husband, though? Not so much. He doesn't feature on her TikToks apart from the odd pic in montages, & she's made it clear he has no interest in social media, much like my own husband. Creating imagery in the mind that he's fat by calling him big boy is sour. He's a big built man but is tall and well proportioned. He's also actually quite handsome. She's already feeling fragile after giving birth, but maybe this thread will make her reel her judgey ways in a bit. Just leave her husband out of it, yeah?...
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Also, she’s bragging about buying a mixer cos she “can” as she’s got a load of disposable income BUT puts plastic over a sofa to keep it new? Hun enjoy your sofa instead of sticking to it and replace every few years if you’ve got so much disposable income.
All travellers cover their sofas in plastic its a part of our culture its not the point of replacing it we like to look after our things. I would be very shocked walking into another travellers home and seeing a sofa without plastic. Not defending shannon but these ignorant comments rile me when shes also repeatedly said its part of our culture.
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Aye Shannon, I wouldn’t let my kids play with your kids either because some of your beliefs & traditions don’t align with mine! I want my two daughters to grow up knowing that they are worth just as much as any males in the family, they aren’t subservient, They can stay in full time education & know that they can be whatever they want to be as grown adults & their life isn’t set out as a “home maker” unless they chose it to be.
She chats so much shit, she discriminates “country people” as much as she claims to be discriminated against. Saying she feels sorry for people who didn’t have any discipline growing up - this from the same woman who claims her child is feral & doesn’t take a word of notice from teachers or parents!
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It's actually sickening to read here that people are tarring all travellers with the same brush. Its like saying all Muslims are terrorists, which is bloody ridiculous. A few bad apples spoil the bunch yes but in every minority there are bad people but there are far more good kind people. I worry for how you are raising your children if you can be so openly racist. To the few travellers who comment on this thread, I'm sorry about the blatant ignorance and racism you have received 💓
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sorry if its already been spoken about but one of her videos came up on my fyp and someone has commented about travellers who stick by their partners when they go to jail.Shannon has responded saying if your partner goes to jail and it is for a crime that is not against you or children and you choose not to stick by them then you are a questionable person.
Im sorry but what? I think the 'questionable person' is the one doing jail time.So fraud,animal cruelty,any form of abuse,neglect or violence towards another human being all absolutley fine as long as its not been done to you or a child.Rape ? terrorism?
cool with it mate.I could go on but you get the picture.
Does this woman think before she opens her mouth? shes not got two brain cells to rub together
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Can’t believe she’s got the baby’s ears pierced 😫 my mom got mine done when I was a baby but personally now I couldn’t it myself. My daughter is 15 and doesn’t have her ears pierced if she wants to now that’s her choice! I just couldn’t imagine putting her through any pain for that.
imo it should not be alowed on children under 5.I think its disgraceful piercing babies ears and so unneccesary.People can come at me about culture or tradition all they want ,its wrong.
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My husband works in the motor industry, a traveller booked his vehicle in for repairs, he had been using agricultural fuel (red diesel) which fucked up the fuel injectors in his Transit. Despite playing him the record telephone conversation where he authorised the repairs after finding out the cost, when he came to collect the vehicle, he said that he hadn’t given consent and the gentleman on the phone was his uncle who was suffering from dementia and didn’t know what he was saying 🥴 and demanded the vehicle back without payment. Obviously this was refused & quite a heated debate broke out in the showroom. Within 10 minutes there must’ve been 10 more travellers arrive in transits and some with caravans & completely blocked the site and the road leading into the site, basically wanting to scrap every single othe male in the place. Police were called & as usual with travellers, they were reluctant to attend. During the “commotion” on the car park a traveller woman got out of one of the vans and proceeded to take a shit in full view. So much for high & mighty morals.
Over the years he has had dozens of interactions with travellers & not one has been positive, all have included fraud, threats of violence, theft, vandalism & on occasion punches throwback. Based on that, my children will not ever interact with a travellers child !!

This is why her post about “country people” having beliefs & morals & behaviours that are beneath that of a traveller pissed me right off. Self righteous bitch.
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Don't really get what's so bad about it? Hardly gonna traumatise a baby is it lol
Lol ? Not sure that there is anything “lol” about it. I think it’s disgusting, should be done at an age when the child can decide for themselves. Not their parents.
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Chatty Member
I mean, if she really wants to talk about traveller values, maybe she should talk about how in some communities, we’re not allowed to be gay or lesbian, how we are shunned for that, how it’s not allowed, it’s shameful. I guarantee you that Shannon is homophobic as well as racist with the shit she’s preaching.

So many things in my community are moving with the times, yet you have people like Shannon that are still preaching 1950s ‘values’ and ‘morals’. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
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Chatty Member
Don't really get what's so bad about it? Hardly gonna traumatise a baby is it lol
To write it off as a cultural thing and therefore it’s fine is wrong.
FGM is cultural but is wrong why because this is pretty is it okay ?
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Chatty Member

could completely understand this if she wasn’t exposing her children to ponces on the internet daily 🙃 fuck off Shannon, their safety doesn’t even come close to the money you make from views.
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"don't believe in lesbians" cracks me up lmfao like its not the tooth fairy or the easter bunny, people are still gay/lesbian whether you agree or not
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Hi Shannon 👋🏽 the only person that should be embarrassed and ashamed is YOU. You can show your daily life without dressing your child half naked in a chef’s outfit, you can show your life without telling your followers private things your children cannot consent to being shared, you can show what you do without your children being shown. It’s a piss poor excuse. Are you aware of what n0nces do with videos like the ones you’ve shared to thousands of people you don’t know? If not, educate yourself, because no decent mother would ever show their children on social media again.
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Don’t particularly care if I get hate for this but I don’t think she realises that the type of people she doesn’t want her children associated with when they are teenagers, ‘country people’… isn’t that what her mother did? She comments saying marriage is basically above all else for girls and girls are undesirable if they mix with non travelling people, well she’s talking shit about her own mother then who was unmarried and had four children outside of the community.

Genuinely don’t understand how she can sit there and judge on what’s wrong and right when her own mother done exactly what she’s preaching is ‘wrong’. Blaming non travelling parents for their children’s actions, well does she blame her granny for her mother?

She should be ashamed of herself.
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Here for the gos!

Chatty Member
I mean the pope himself is moving with the times so why can’t traveller people?
theres a few showing themselves up at the moment .Shannon,that bridgey woman and cuzinsuzy.
Bridgey is the worst of them all, such a bully I don’t know how she gets away with it!
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Chatty Member
Cos she’s just as bad as the person who commented it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t agree with the original comment, but I don’t think it’s right saying about anyone dying imo
What? ‘Be the bigger person’. No. Doesn’t matter if her mother was the worst in the world, she was a 7 year old child when she lost her. Of course she’s going to snap back. The few memories she has of her mother are clearly loving ones, you can tell by the way she talks about her. Social media or not, no one has the right to say something like that.
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