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The issue with the kitchen is that there's not enough space! She's trying to create seating, dining and kitchen (with an oversized island) out of what was 2 normal sized rooms. She didn't like the dining table where it was in the kitchen, and it looks as crowded now as it did before!
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there’s absolutely no chemistry or spark between her & lee whatsoever. When you see them on camera together they just look awkward, and like they are desperately trying to put on this show but it just always feels very forced and fake. Like the time she had her hand up the back of his tshirt - it was just really embarrassing and you just watch it and find it excruciating. Their eyes are both a huge give away - there’s nothing there. They are both utterly deprived of emotion. The only time she lights up is when she’s talking about herself or something she’s got (for free) or when she talks about Rami (all joking aside, it’s blindingly obvious that she has some sort of crush or attraction towards him) it’s sad really.
It's like their relationship has never matured, despite being parents, homeowners etc. There's a huge amount of regret in that relationship served with a bigger side of guilt and entrapment. Their relationship started with cheating and lies.
As their daughters grow and leave home, there will be a massive void between them. It's obvious even now. Think back to her desperate attempt to get him home from the town from a night out nearly two years ago. Desperate! Using a sick child to do it.
More recently, him hiding the TV, much worse her getting the dog despite his protest. There's actually no respect for one another, they're going through the motions.

A few tattlers mentioned people they knew involved in the Co when Arbonne cropped up, how marriages and friendships were shattered. When these relationships are already not on firm ground and one partner goes one direction without the other, then it can only spell trouble. Begsy made him feel like shit when he wasn't working, weasling away that she was the earner. Nasty stuff. Again a huge problem in their relationship, she largely cocked up, he was part of it but she's the face of it, but he's back to work. (in my opinion that was the best thing he could have done). Everyone appears to mop up her mess. The anticipated fall out from the next chapter as she once again uses people for her own gain could likely be the biggest wrong decision she's ever made.
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Everything about that house is just a shambles. The kitchen refurb is nothing short of a complete and utter waste of time & money, it’s done nothing at all to improve the place and as usual with the Meldrums it’s another case of egg all over their faces.
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30k ?😂😂😂😂😂 In your dreams Beggy! She hasn't a stylish bone in her body. Kitchen is shockingly bad! What a mess 🙄
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We work on my pension and husband's 3 day per week wages and every week since they started it we buy a 4 pound bag for the food and as well as tipping in toothbrushes, toothpaste etc. And now a couple of advent calendars as well. We manage, why can't she will all her aff links etc. Selfish swine that she is
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I've only skimmed her stories recently because she's so boring but didn't she say she was cutting out dairy for health reasons?

I took this screen grab for the blocked bastards to explain my point re: necking squirty cream but I now realise upon upload how unfortunate the actual moment of capture was 😂😂 apologies!
Classy! The dog lead and manky scarf completes it! :sick:🤮
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The layout makes no sense. Tiny tv shoved in a corner - just don’t put one in! You don’t ALWAYS need a tv. Tiny dining table drowning in no mans land. All mismatched.

She’s showing off yet she’s got junk cluttering the place up.

Kitchen of dreams? Lol
If they take out the TV who would babysit the children?
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So did Ashley start Arbonne? Or is she just part of the cult? What a bloody laugh looking at her, obvs Beggy wants to be her, even copying her hair!
I spent too long googling her yesterday after seeing she’d insured her legs! Then I found a story about when she was 22 with her 56 year old boyfriend and that was just too much for me!!
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Oh my, she’s going to look like one of my daughters old Barbie’s soon enough, when their hair goes all matted and you have to rub Lenor into it 😂
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The whole house needs updating inside and out. Just throwing a new kitchen in and knocking a wall down is not going to make it the modern family home that I think they want. It’s such a strange house for a young family.
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