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Bubblegum & Rosie

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She has been going to the gym for almost 7 months now, with numerous rammings on a Sunday. I’m sorry but there is no way she didn’t know the gym opens at 9am on a Sunday. Obviously a reason she just wanted out of the house this morning 30 minutes earlier *cough* to avoid the kids at breakfast time *cough*
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That's it its the lies, not being honest, trying to mislead and not following rules that people dislike, oh and not just owning it and saying sorry when you mess up. Everyone messes up but how you handle it and move forward is more important than when you actually mess up especially if you use them as learning experiences.
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I wonder where she gets her lying, dishonest, bitchy, unhygienic, lazy genes from.....I am wondering
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Well said, I am seriously doubting they even did the work themselves her going on about being covered in paint seemed a bit odd to me now I think it was acting no way could I have done all of that with 3 kids and an absent husband she was at the park for 6 hours and entertaining grandad so when did the work get done ?
I’ve been painting my living room for the last 2 months 😂 I’m literally about a 1/4 through. 3 kids, full time job I really need to beg a freebie 🤣
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Oh you can tell she’s had a few glasses of Prosecco!!! Christ, wait for later when she she does a cringe insta story “oh I’m so edgy in my funky sunglasses, ARENT I LEE?! No fucks given, this is just my hobby now!”
What an embarrassment.
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Exactly Mabelrose!! She’s making out like she’s never posted a “belly pic” before and this is a huge leap for her (come on everyone relate to me) but in fact she has posted stuff like this ALL THE TIME even 8 weeks after having a baby (sometimes the most vulnerable time for women)
Shes either really fucking stupid or well.. I don’t even know anymore

All I know is yes she looks good but I DONT GIVE A SHIT 😂😂😂
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They are habitual liars.
It comes as easy to them as breathing.
They don’t care about how they make anyone else feel - it’s all a big money making game to them.

Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt! Everything they ever post is carefully planned for a purpose- they are putting on a very carefully choreographed show.

She’s trying to create this persona of being a hard up mum, with 3 kids to look after while Daddy world away. Trying to pretend they are scratching around for a few pennies to do some DIY to the kitchen because they haven’t got the money for a renovation. Trying to pretend she’s rolled her sleeves up and been painting the cupboards. She’s trying to be relatable!!!!! It’s all a smokescreen.
And all this taking a step back......lies

Afiliate links so i can earn a few pennies for my children....lies
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Poppy's saying "FFS put me down and stop using me to accentuate your biceps". Poor kid obviously doesn't want to be held and used as a prop😡

She's using her on this one too🙄 Oooo look at my muscles 😂😂

She's so up her own arse.
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Was the mackerel thing in the largest vid? I had to turn off after the teaching your child to recognise their name. No teacher would EVER say a child couldn't be referred to as the name they have been always been called. I bloody know stupid wotsi t woman I am a bloody teacher !!!! And have taught from nursery to reception which FLORRIE will be, to year 4!!! The year Safiyah will be. And you stupid bloody woman stop stop STOP making your kids be vilm ed/perform. No wonder as you say they are not confident... Constant thought/worry/ anxiety of being filmed with the pressure from mum. We don't don't what she says to them before making them perform or if she refilms. Their mental health and well being to me is such a sorry because of the life they are leading because of her filming. We have had so many staff training meetings on child mental health at school this last y ear. They are NOT being allowed to live a normal childhood. Rant over . Ice cream needed and a rose top up!
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Has she still not jacked it in yet?! Seriously, her inability to see how her words and actions can affect or offend others still astounds me. My 2 year old has more compassion and empathy than she does. The world has to revolve around Rebecca meldrum and she will not tolerate people having an opinion other than hers. So she thinks it’s a good idea to come on stories and sneer and piss off all the single parents/widowers now since she’s covered nearly every other topic- racism, cancer, homelessness, animal welfare...anything else to add to the list of things she’s shat all over? she really does herself no favours!
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I wonder how long it will be til she does a charity shop haul to prove to tattle that she does do second hand 😄
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I actually love that Messiah is continuing this.
I think he’s a Tattler at heart.....he’s admitted to following these parenting bloggers and becoming more & more disillusioned with the whole influencer thing.
Basically he’s one of us, but with a bigger following. He’s been getting messages since lift gate and I think he’s just genuinely frustrated by the whole ‘cry trolls’, ‘block & delete’, shady behaviour.
People have went to him and he’s continuing to talk about it all.
I say good for him, I’m sure Rebecca & Lee squirm every time he does a live. But he’s been more than fair.....he’s invited them on for feedback, he’s never name called or been nasty. Oh and I’ve replied to a few of his stories/lives and he’s replied every time with a friendly, appreciative message.....of course that could’ve been his admin team because surely with his actual career, children & personal life he couldn’t have time to respond to messages 😉😘

A TINY %.......not according to Kelly who is actually honest with her followers!!
Wonder if she’ll reply?

And should this not be labelled ad if Poppy’s outfit is a gift??


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Yes theres a big difference but she had literally just had a baby a few weeks previous by c section on the first photo so they should be a big difference and shes wearing the same shorts 2 years later so are obviously pretty much her size after having my 3rd child by c section same as Reb I couldn't have worn stuff I'm wearing now (my lo is 3) and I didn't put on a great deal of weight with my 3rd but was still in maternity bits or a couple of sizes bigger clothes that I'd bought when I was pregnant for a a good few weeks after especially as I wasn't allowed to exercise for 6 weeks.

Also like you said the photo today probably photoshopped as I've notice some days she looks alot more toned than other also shes posing for the perfect look at me shot. The one with tiny Poppy is a natural new mam shot no posing, no sucking in your tummy, no photoshopping it to death shit just natural mum shot.

The first photo is a one that says look I'm a mum with a little baby and she should be proud of that no airs and graces it's natural and what her follows should get, instead she now wants to put out the look at me poses I'm so tiny, im perfect and I'll throw in a cute kid so it looks like im being a mum but hey dont look at the kid look at tiny tiny me.

Now if shed be honest and say look I've been going to the gym because although after Poppy I could still fit in my pre pregnancy sized clothes but they had become a little tight so I want to lose a little weight then tone my body so I felt more comfortable in my clothes, I would say fine that's what loads of mums want but no she bangs on about how it's not for weightloss it's to give her a big bum etc and then constantly says look at the calories I've used etc and then the sheep say how great shes doing and buy into the shit that her body is changing loads all from hard work when really she puts in little effort because whether its genetics or not she is naturally thin and I'm not calling her for that I wish I was naturally thin but be honest about it and dont fake things such as the transformation reveal.
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i don't understand why its expected that gym is for just weightless?

i only go for improving fitness. and muscle tone......not for anything to do with weightless
I agree, someone can be a size 10 and very unhealthy. Then work out and eat well, tone up, loose body fat and still be a size 10 (but much healthier) not sticking up for her but I think we need to be careful making comments about body size in particular.

Anyway we all know she’s only been able to achieve this because she doesn’t have a job, doesn’t pay a penny for gym membership, doesn’t pay for PT sessions, and probably doesn’t pay for her gym clothes either. So I think she does need to be careful about how she makes other people feel who can’t afford gym, childcare, gymshark etc that she is always so kindly gifted!!
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Is that plate with 5 bloody chips seriously her meal!!!??? Oh stooopid me... She has to maintain her teeny tiny size 8 body... But then why aren't they Quorn nuggets Mrs liar liar fake going veggie pants on effing fire!!!
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I can't bring myself to watch her videos or stories as she just makes me angry so I catch up on here.
Isn't is appalling she is selling on the kids clothing, especially as some are covered in sunscreen, that's grim.
I pass my kids clothes on to friends or take them to a local shop that gives them to refugees.
I could do with the money from selling them but I don't as i like to help others when I can.
She has the perfect platform to inform her followers of local places to drop used clothes, toys, books etc but is so greedy she'd rather make a few quid for herself. I don't believe she's that hard up. Selfish to the core that one.
Well said🙂I’m the same, clothes are always washed and sent to the charity shop. I think if she seriously needs the money then they need to look at their priorities. I’m all for a bit of me time and always try to keep up my own fitness, but paying for a personal trainer is just an unnecessary luxury when you’re on a budget and that would be the first thing to go for me🤔
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The trees are blue 🌲 and the tan is glowing. The filter of dreams is back 🍊
Why does she think that bloody filter is so marvellous, honestly she just looks ridiculous. It also ages her😂😂. This is what she's trying to achieve💩💩💩, a lovely shade of turd😂😂
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None of the YouTubers or the ones on Instagram really care about the fact that their kids photos might be use by pedophiles, I mean they know before hand that by putting them online there’s that risk so they don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ otherwise they wouldn’t do it! It’s disgusting, their own parents doing this to them! They seriously have no shame! There should be a law that should prohibit minors been exposed on their parents platforms for this same reason! How can they sleep at night??!! Don’t know what’s worse, the fact that there are people out there using this kids photos or the fact that it’s their own parents doing it😡

I remember a long time ago on Guru Gossip it came up that the Saccone Joly kids pics had been used for that stuff, and also people taking the pictures and roleplaying families with them. Not a single fuck given by the SJ's and they continued to pimp out their kids to fund their over extended lifestyle.
It's disgusting. In 10 - 15 years there's gonna be a whole new generation of mommy dearest type of exposés on these youtubers by the children who had their childhoods stolen and pimped out so their parents could swan around on the internet instead of getting a job.
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I really don’t like that picture of S in that wedding dress😧🙄, why does she not keep does pictures private?! Maybe it’s just me🙄
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Can anyone explain why you would give a child under 2 years old a WHOLE SMOKED MACKEREL????
There are a lot of small bones in there!
Any wonder they are not great eaters:sick:🤣
You seem to be mistaken, that was just for show, she’ll Have split that 5 ways!!
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