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VIP Member
Hi CF123 can you show a shot of that page with the gruesome sisters and mum swilling champers on alleged meltdown day and what the Instagram comment from I assume mum grabs!? many thanks!!😄
Yes. Please do. Would love to see this! Out even more of the fake ness.
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I feel so sorry for the Organix PR department. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I don't think is going to do Rebecca any good but this isn't the final nail in the coffin others believe it to be. She'll bounce back from this.
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The doxxing of @Kermit was worrying me & I feel somewhat reassured to read this has been reported.
@Largerlout was it you that said you were a lawyer? Without going into specifics if it will compromise any investigation, what will happen next following your report?
Well just like any other criminal investigation- the police will compile evidence, pass the evidence to cps and see if they say it can go to conviction.

*if* it been reported (thats a big if) its unlikely to even get passed to CPS by the police, its very minor and she would probably just be told to stop being a dick.
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Because it’s the only way she knows how to behave when things don’t go her way. She hasn’t got the maturity or the sense to behave like a normal adult in any situation where there’s any pressure on her - her default is to behave like a 7 year old who’s being told off: stamp the feet, cross the arms, put the lip out and cry.

It’s unbelievably embarrassing. What a joke.
It's Verruca Salt.... 🙄
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Aberdeen Rock

Well-known member
I am very surprised that her husband hasn’t done a video, giving his opinion of it all.

End of the day, they are a team. A partnership.
I don’t have a problem with him, he’s a great dad.

But fact is, she was constantly at the gym. Constantly putting her needs before others.
Brags she is the bread-winner for the house.
Has now apologised about the racism on her channel.

But the damage has been done.

I was a massive fan of hers, I even ordered so many items from @littleboolearning because of her influencing. Not that I needed it. Same goes for reading eggs for my children.

However, she is saying it is now all factual, yes it is.

The past cannot be changed.
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I found that hilarious her fans are friends and she knows the kids names. I don’t believe her; her track record isn’t great but I’m sorry, she isn’t interested in that kind of thing.
I agree. All she's interested in is ads
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I've watched the video and I do agree to a point. I've posted things in the past, Mrs M has blocked me even though I was a long time viewer/SHEEP! I've sent her countless messages and never ever had a reply

Maybe it is time to draw a line. She has apologised, I think it was a shit apology. She clearly feels it was sufficient.
But this IS what pays her mortgage, and buys those girls food, and keeps them warm! Is it time to let bygones be bygones and give her a chance to redeem herself? She needs the AD work or she'll never get ahead. She wont get a job after this so give her a chance to have money and keep a roof over her families head?

And to Rebecca... I can't message as I say you blocked me. You blocked me for saying I hope it doesn't snow for fuck sake. Is it any wonder you're getting this hate when you block people willy nilly!?!

We all know you read here... apologise properly, make a video apologising for your mistakes. Address DLP and the racism. Address the fact you dont mark ADs correctly! Moving forward be honest! Be a normal mum, stay with them on holiday, spend time with them! Go to their school events and take them to play groups. If you want to be relatable, be relatable! Stop taking thousands of shit ads knowing it'll piss your viewers off. Stop going on 10 holidays a year, that's NOT a normal mum thing! Only you can change your ways and make this work and make people like you!
Why couldn’t she get a normal job?
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Peggy Lee

VIP Member
Hi I was a member but after receiving very nasty messages I have made a new account and using new Email I was MP now I am not 😀 I am not a follower or fan of any influencer
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Well-known member
After what Chris Ingham did Rebecca was so clear in what she thought. She had no compassion for Mrs Ingham or the kids. She meant YouTube should close their channel.
I agree though it should been shut down.
Have to say I do wonder if the people saying they think shes got another AD coming are correct as she has strayed from her usual messes up, post about it all being the trolls fault then she would normally go silent for a few days but shes already posting how shes feeling better.
Sorry had to crop as it was too big to post
View attachment 25684
She has a long term with olay aswell so I guess she will chat while using olay soon enough («just got on here to chat with you guys»
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I don’t buy her tears , she is only crying for herself and about the advertisements coming to a stop . Where’s her tears for her victims of her racist remarks not just the kkk one but the ghandi floss one from her Twitter . She is vile . The only woman she supports is herself . She thought after her break it would all be ok shows how naive she is . People don’t forget when you have been in national papers on a racism scandal .

I’m surprised the sheep haven’t started a go fund me page for there mortgage yet
Don't go and give them bloody ideas!
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Why did people get annoyed with her in the first place? was it to do with not not declaring #AD? Iv'e only watched a bit of her but the snots and tears and blaming everyone else is annoying... wiping the tears away with the big diamond rings on her fingers! Nobody should be trolling but it does come with the territory and if it's ruining your life that much you need to stop doing it! which she won't coz it's easy money
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VIP Member
Why don't you read what she has done, then come back and talk to us, if you have a reasonable argument for all her cock ups, then let's talk. You are judging what is happening just because you have been told one side. The crying side....
Assuming the sheep has been ousted, but if it was my daughter (or my son!) They'd have been told long before now to get their head outta their ass, get some self respect, apologise properly for all the eff ups, give the kids some privacy and for gods sake get a proper bloody job! I'm amazed that her parents/friends/family haven't said the same already!

That's what I was wondering she had covered her followers on Insta but what about the ones who only watch her on YouTube she need to get to them to.
One thing I found odd if your at rock bottom so upset why do you start the vlog basically welcoming new followers, have to say if it had been me the last thing I would have been thinking in my emotional rock bottom state was before I start I need to let new followers know what they will normally see on my channel.
She's talked about her "trolls" on Insta and YouTube, but couldn't be arsed to properly address liftgate on either platform, and not at all on the channel where it actually happened! 🙄😡
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New member
This doesn’t get any better for her does it, brands were looking at racism comments and now they will be looking at someone that incites violence, she might not have meant it but the intent was there, I mean what do you expect when you name a person online and tell your followers to have a word with them because they ruining her life😐seriously messed up what she now caused! It’s was malicious because she had that intent when posting it online, that’s inciting violence, and now people are having death threats because of her! This isn’t the same as asking your followers to give you 5 starts on a book review!!🤬
I must have missed something? Did she name a tattler on her IG? I saw the YouTube drama but didn’t hear a name mentioned.

Also noticed that other influencers have posted about tattle this weekend. Call me pessimistic but I’m sensing it’s a channel mum or whoever the background organisation that keeps all these folks afloat is that’s orchestrated a mass ‘let’s cry our hearts out about how hard we have it with the ‘trolls’” it was the same during anxiety hate, they were all posting similar stuff around the same time.
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New member
FYI social blade is a good website for anyone interested in learning how much YT video's earn "influencers" etc.

I assume the vast majority of cash they earn comes elsewhere from Brands and advertising.

Thats why its so surprising she isn't more careful in terms of all her ADs and doing them properly within rules.
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