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VIP Member
Watched Katie's latest after was so lovely

She's so non materialistic and honest. I went round my mum's for coffee and breakfasts as saves me money.
That shes so greatful for her house.
That they have on a for renovation but they will have to loan the money from a bank.
That they got current house great price
They made equity in last house
That johns contract work and some clearly gifted items have allowed her to upgrade the bathroom

She always updates her vlog description and thanks her subscribers.
I also feel like she rarely does ads but when she does they are big ones.
Fair play to her, she's not money grabbing, she's professional and makes the most of her job.
Accepts ads that truly help her and does such a good job! You never see her flogging crap that she'll forget about in days!
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I am having a giggle at how raging she must be stood in the Chester with no Phil to show off on social media because let’s face it she would have really loved that celeb photo op.
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Well-known member
I dont give a fuck how i have spelt stuff, just quickly wrote it as i have a life just wanted to tell you all whats horrible cold hearted bastards you are!!! Toodle pip.
Seems you spend a lot of your life here since you admitted you've followed for quite a while(y)
Toodle Pip lovely?
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Poppy is such a gorgeous wee toot, in fact all three girls are. It's horrible to hear her moan so much. I get we all need a moan about kids from time to time but Rebecca comes across as totally put out and like they are an inconvenience.

I have a gorgeous baby and would love another one but sadly that seems unlikely. I just wish she would appreciate what she has. She's more concerned about what she doesn't have, that she can't be happy with what she does have ?
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Member 3324

Yes I remember this in a Meldrums daily, how she hated people coming up to them . But Lee didn't mind.
Lee’s usually quite friendly and says hello but she looks at you as if you’ve got ?on your shoe, definitely not friendly at all.
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Member 1682

OMG! They are actually unreal!

What is the big problem with clearly listing every gifted item?? I really don’t get it.

You’ve been sent the items as ‘gifts’ because your “job” is an online influencer. The company/brand who has sent you the gift wants you to ADVERTISE it to your followers and INFLUENCE them to buy it! Seriously, how hard is this??!

And I also think that this just proves how desperately unhappy they are. They spend their whole time responding to the more personal comments on here yet continue to ignore the valid comments about their business. I think they are deliberately acting in a way to keep these threads going and therefore giving them something to talk about to each other and a focus to prove a point to us.

Without Tattle, what have they got? It seems to me that they don’t have much in common with each other now apart from the children and Tattle. Very sad actually.
That’s exactly what I think.

The wheels are falling off - both professionally and personally. No amount of posed kissing photos or James blunt songs are going to change that.
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Chatty Member
She was much happier in the other house, the murder house feels really cold and haunted, hard to describe!
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View attachment 5128
@Sarahraven disappointed in your blatant LIES about the murder of the poor chap in this house ....

'Not a gruesome murder' ???? Are you having a laugh? He had his face repeatedly caved in with a cat bowl in the utility room ... Certainly wasn't just one punch .

For you then to say his only mistake was putting the body in a bin in the shed? What planet are you on woman?! When did murder become ok in your mind? ... Very sadistic
Jesus, a mistake is forgetting to put the bin out, not putting your dead dad in the bloody thing then hiding the body ffs
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Member 2133

So outdoors is the only place they can be without #ad - even Pat has to have his coffee outside #giftedcoffeebeans? poor wee sausage.

Or maybe he’s been banished to the shed/garden after planting one on the ice queen earlier?
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Honestly she needs to grow up!! Stop acting like a 5 year old whining it’s not fair!!!

I bet she comes back and says CMA says gifted is fine!!

It’s not confusing- if you didn’t pay for it = AD, if you have relationship with the company in the last year = AD.

Who is the bigger influencers she’s speaking about? Louise Pentland for NOT disclosing she was gifted a weekend at centre Paris 8 months ago, or Emily Norris not disclosing her free/gifted bobby brown make up on her current YouTube video while advertising another brand!

Just shows her latest hiatuses from Instagram is due to her temper tantrum to now disclose everything she’s gotten for free.

Embarrassed having to put AD in all you posts- should be a wake up call that they are only providing for their kids with free items.

If she actually respected the brands/companies that have “kindly gifted” all these items to them they shouldn’t have a problem putting AD and listing what they have received!!

Her mentality is if it’s free give it to me! But it’s our secret. Like the Neilson holidays!!
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Member 1682

Imagine actually getting your husband to call for you.

She’s supposed to be the big earner, the bread winner, the “working” mum and yet he’s on making the calls?! What does he think he’ll be able to smarm the CMA into his way of thinking?

He’ll be no doubt giving it well I bet Emily N, FOD, CLT etc aren’t following the rules then she’ll be on their pages tonight giving it love ya hun!

@lola her stories about calls to the CMA and that others aren’t following rules should go on the page and I’d tag every single mummy vlogger possible.. who knows who she’ll try and throw under the bus to try and save her own arse.
I know. You don’t admit that your shopping all your peers to the authorities! It’s a bit like like throwing a brick when you live in a glass (murder) house isn’t it?! They don’t want to have to follow the rules so they will shop anyone else they find not following them.

What a mess!
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Well-known member
Could she actually have made the font any smaller on her 'Ad' disclosure. loool. That will be the next thing. Hunt the 'Ad' disclosure.
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I reckon they’re going to try and wriggle their way out of it again. “Someone on the phone told us that’s fine to just say gifted”

These two are so unbelievable. Which then will anger all the other Instafloggers, and they will all be on the phone to the CMA too. Going to royally piss them all off either way isn’t it as people like Katie Ellison have just set it all out in stone what she’s doing and if she’s adhering to the new rules her and others are going to be so annoyed at Reb. They really don’t help themselves do they
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Active member
I don’t feel stable at all, I’ve relapsed with my eating disorder and I want to drink
Please call someone. You deserve to be here, and are worth it, you may not feel like that at the moment, and I'm sorry for that. I know it's hard to see 'what's the point' but you have fought hard before and came out the other side, you can do it again. Once you've had an eating disorder, it is a constant battle and yes you've relapsed but you can get back on track and are worth living and trying to do that. You just need the help. Please please get help. I'm sorry if this all has come across weirdly or wrong, Im just not very good at expressing my meaning very well. Big hugs to you xxx
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VIP Member
Can you just imagine the guy in the CMA office taking the call?

Pat: Hello is this the CMA?
Operator: Yes, how can I help?
Pat: This is Lee Meldrum here
Operator: Sorry, who?

Operator: You mean, BARRY BIG BAWS!
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anony mouse

Chatty Member
Ah right, I couldn’t remember what it was that started that song, too long ago now ?
But trust Pat to keep it classy with the football stuff ?
I wonder if they will suddenly be rugby fans this weekend that would fit in better with the middle class life they try to portray!
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Well-known member
Sorry for worrying anyone on here. I’ve spoken to a nurse and am feeling a bit better. Again I’m really sorry for posting my problems here and worrying people I was just desperate xxx
Ah good to hear. We been thinking about you ❤
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