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That lamp in her latest story was gifted by next. Undeclared. Was part of their working together
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Can the channel mum thing be posted on Instagram extremely important I think that the managers are pushing anxiety
Personally I think it's a good thing if it's being addressed (not pushed) but it's vital that influencers themselves don't fake or patronise, none of them are trained and its imperative to have great signposting to proper services that can help. I've seen more helpful and sincere support in here this last hour than ever on channelbum peddlers. Much love everyone. ❤
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Member 1126


Should this say ad. As she lists a paid for event?
"Show me the way to Rubislaw Den Oh"

Day 76255 and half in The Mundanedrums House

Edgey and Pat decide to break free from the villlaaaaaaaage under the pretence of an ALDI trip and attendence at a star studded blagger event in the Big Smoke! ?

Alas Edgey was spotted thumbing a lift on the main West End bus route in an attempt to discover the eluseeeeeve, excluseeeeeve neighbourhood whispered about by her Tattle Gurus the night before! ?
Pat also thought they might be in with a chance of tailing the IP address of the Sooper Cheeky Wee Belter Chicken McLegend! ?

By the way ,it was no way -7 in Aberdeen City Centre this morning, but I'd have laughed if she'd been caught in a bus and puddle incident whilst posing up complete twatdom!
I see the fire has made a reappearance well done Tittle A- Holes for reminding them it's there ?
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MELDRUMS - here are your 15 twats, not trolling but supporting each other. Propping up those with actual problems. Clearly not all bad and perhaps if you were more open to it, and enabled it, we would also have remained followers AND supported you in what appears to be a stressful time. But no.
All I’m saying is....clearly we are arseholes, with ♥ s
This is exactly what I was about to write. There's definitely more to us than just a bunch of twats....
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
Doesn't sit well with me that channel mum is using mental health as a vehicle, they only care about profit so doubt their approach will be any help to anyone and do more harm.
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Lurker here! Been keeping up to date but seldom post!

Just wanted to say I watched Rebs latest video and then one popped up in the suggested vids from 3 years ago. "I'm a terrible wife" I admit I skipped through most of it but what a difference!
It's better edited, she seems lighter and happier! It got me thinking, between that and Lees batshit behaviour recently. Maybe the reason in her change is....Lee?

Maybe he didn't get to decide to be a stay at home dad maybe he was made redundant? It would explain a lot of the big spends at the time. Car, kitchen and extension.
And it could explain the decline in her content and attitude. The pressure to be the main bread winner now must be huge,making videos is no longer a hobby is a job that's all on you, and that's got to make you a bit bitter. Plus him being around all the time as much as it's a help must be suffocating

Anyway not defending her recent shady behaviour at all she's been terrible at disclosure and behaving like a petulant child at times when questioned about it.

Just my 5 cents worth ?
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I have a ree
Cute little starter home. Some houses there were 4/5 bedroomed ones and not cheap where she used to live. Starter home ?
It was a small development of social housing within a luxury development, loads round Aberdeenshire. It was a lovely, roomy, well designed home fit for a growing family. Starter home my arse!
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What is with the weather updates from Rodders?! Bloddy hell man, who do you think you are?! Michael Fish?!
That fire is desperate.
It needs a bucket of coal and about 3 more logs on it! I dunno why they struggle so much to get a fire going - it’s not nuclear fission. ??‍♀
He will be promoting the Scottish weather next. You heard it here first!..... Ya wee belter wid we take a look at the wither ootside i day. It’s bloody Barry Baltic, then he does a quick camera shot to Meldrum Mansion, to show his good Wifie and the chicken nuggets all smiling round the fire. A bet yiv nae seen sna like it anywhere else he’d say ?
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So rebs latest instagram picture...gifted jackets and pushchair...why is it not labelled AD...or is she not doing that anymore?
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not being funny but see the constant videos of showing us their feet walking in the snow? like why do we need to see that? we know what snow looks like, we know what snow sounds like when stepped on...then again we even know that by pointing the camera at the snow, they dont have to #gifted.
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Poppy is probably bored out of her mind the poor kid! Do they ever take her anywhere that isn’t “a mooch in the woods?” ?
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Totally agree.

They always saying how house is freezing and wearing extra layers.
I assume they have central heating.
Only 1 fire in the dungeon which kids seldom go in.

I'm amazed Florrie not a always got a cold as shes not appropriately dressed.

If i had child with weak immune I be getting medical advice and ensuring I didnet go out in cold if not necessary.
As usual they moan about how it effects their sleep and how inconvenient it is their child being ill.
Watch old vlogs, Florrie used to have terrible colds/chests all the time, I remember then thinking is their house cold or does she not dress her warmly enough? It was constant. Poppy has a permanent red nose! I’m sure they are tight and they don’t put the heating on or keep it low. Keep your ‘murder mansion’, I’d rather live in a tiny house and be warm!
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He really isn’t supposed to have been there is he? Can you imagine calling and saying oh yes I’ll come but I’m bringing my husband with me.

Would have been a nice opportunity for her to bond
With local Instagrammers/youtubers.
She has no interest in bonding with other local bloggers, she is a miserable bint with no people skills, happy to stick to her own little bubble, only bothering with others when it benefits her.
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She still not replied all comments on you tube

So anything regarding yoga
Negatives ignored

She has said hello fresh dont give her special treatment. That they do deliver to her.
Also next do next day delivery to her.
Considering hello fresh don't deliver to her area at all, and next won't do the next day thing to her area either - it's a pack of lies. But we all knew that already didn't we!
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Chatty Member
All this editing she does, do you think she ever actually watches it back before loading to YouTube? The baking bit was all in the wrong order with F icing before Lee took them out of the office and then she metioned her bloody run about 5 times ?
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Member 3324

Really ?? Are you sure You know the house and area .....It's stunning. A small development of very exclusive houses. All set in quite large plots. Some young familys there and some older people too. Surrounded by mature woodland and walks. I would definitely live there if had a spare 700 grand ! Its also more exclusive because of it being walking distance to town/village and the school catchment. Where they used to live was a cute starter sort of house, thrown up quickly and no where near the same standard of build ( as anyone local would know ) right on an very busy road. Completely different kettle of fish. You wouldn't want to stay there.
Nope wouldn’t want to live there with a young family, yes I know the area well, I’ve been here for over 20 years and knew the couple who built the house originally?oh and their old house was in the Banchory schools catchment area and you can walk into Banchory from there too?probably just as long a walk as from their new abode?
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Because they literally have nothing else to film. They are that dull. Why don’t they ever go anywhere for a few hours? They are bloody obsessed with walking - they could go literally anywhere else for a walk - they live near some lovely beaches, go for a walk along the beach!
They are undeniably very boring people.
Just can’t understand it. I know I’m repeating myself but what an amazing part of the Uk to live in. So many days out they could film and they choose to film in the woods at the back of their house That’s a fecking snooze fest ?
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