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VIP Member
She's a bloody joke???. Surely Rebs Mother has got some common sense and can see that her grandchild is quite ill. Then again, she raised a total uncaring, probably not????
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It’s quite obvious that the kids are actually what gets viewers and paid work. Even when sick! I see one of her resolutions is to ignore negativity I wonder where it’s coming from as the other day she said forums such as this weren’t on her radar.....I feel the words honesty, integrity and morality may be a good start to 2019 for the diva of you tube.
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Chatty Member
Although I’ve gone off Mrs M and don’t agree with the way she conducts herself in general I do think you’ve taken it a step too far to by making dedicated Instagram pages and emailing companies she’s working with. We all have opinions on people and sometimes it’s nice to vent to people who have noticed the same things (i.e omg why is everyone doing SO many adds etc) but when you’re taking so much time out of your day to email companies who are working with her and set up Instagram pages it really does strike me that there must be something seriously lacking in your own life to possess you to do that. Perhaps something to think about.
You’ll find in life that there are people who are passionate about something but will do nothing, whilst there are those who are passionate about something and will proactively seek to follow their strong feelings. In this case some tattlers don’t like what Mrs Meldrum is doing to followers and have decided to publicise that.

There are things I’m passionate about. I went on and did something about it. I dedicate time to those things to bring about change. In addition to being a mother and having a career and being a Samaritan. So please, please do tell me what is lacking from my life and what I need to think about, because whilst I do not have anything to with the Meldrum Instagram page I do, as those people do, feel strongly about certain social issues.
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Chatty Member
Isn’t it more likely to be the thought of social services being contacted. That could impact his ability to teach kids as well as the ”brand” implications. I’d be feeling shaken if I thought social services were going to come knocking. I’d be distraught actually at the thought that anyone thought that I wasn’t caring for my children well.

I think there’s a limit as to how many people you can remove in any time period? Could take a while for him to get himself back to friends and family but I’m guessing that’s what he’d like right now.
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Chatty Member
Ive been reading this thread for the last hour and i think as much as you want to have an argument, unfortunately you have taken it way too far and it completey negates your points. You have commented on her appearance, the way she stands, her home, how much she wipes her kids noses. Writing like you are the pillars of society alongside making nasty carols and accusing her of loving her kids differently. And we should all be more like you? Really? You write about her not being present with her children over xmas because shes here reading these threads.... can u see the hypocrisy? What is she reading? Things YOU are writing? Therefore how present are you with your own families? Rather than wasting hours writing on here and reporting her to companies that will already have a team of people to do that job, go and enjoy your Christmas. There really is nothing to be gained in trashing a family like this other than destroying their self esteem. God forbid she ever did anything silly over these comments, you’d be totally responsible (no not her, you) and you’d have to live with that for the rest of your lives knowing her kids might read this one day, when actually you could just unfollow her? I totally agree that the ASA have guidlines for a reason but let THEM follow things up. You don’t need to write about how you’ve reported someone. If you believe someones shady, report, and move on with your life, surely? You don’t work there. Unfortunately, you’ve breached all laws in terms of online bullying and wouldn’t have a leg to stand on should they be telling the truth about knowing your identities. Some of you have broken the law in terms of online bullying. Look it up. It’s your only hope that they don’t know you. Honestly, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, why let this take up so much space in your lives. All it does it make it look like you are missing something in your own lives and it does come across like you are bullying her. Do you realise you’ve written over 600 pages about them? You could have been living your life and not even had to look at them in that time. And before you reply with the below, im not a sheep, not a meldrum, not interested in how you have a right to the same as the ASA neither do i want spiel about how you’ve said nothing wrong because you have ALL laughed at her for personal things. I honestly think you should take Christmas as a time to call it a day and go be with your families. This has been the most wasted hour of my life i cant believe you’re on here everyday. She could post a picture of a plain wall and you’d all have 50 things to say about it. It screams ‘fill the void in my life’ guys. The Instagram page was proof of that
Then please don’t waste an hour on something that you’re not passionate about! Sincerely, go and be with those you love. If these forums take up more than a couple of minutes once or twice a day that’s not going to be good for you :)
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Well-known member
Really didn't want to go and watch her stories, I barely ever do but after reading about Poppy on here, poor girl. I hate to comment on anyone's parenting style, I really do. However I did check her stories and Reb's first and foremost thought was - do you think we can get some sleep tonight Poppy!
Imagine your baby had a chest infection and your sleep was your main concern?
When I had to have us all out the house by 7.30am for work and my baby had a bad night I'll admit I did dispair at the lack of sleep.
I cannot relate to where Reb is coming from though, sleep when Poppy sleeps as Reb has that luxury, comfort her and set your own self aside Reb. I hope they have had her seen by a GP, maybe some antibiotics, calpol and being kept warm.
Is Reb a controlling partner trying to get Lee in from the pub by posting how ill the baby is all over insta?
Also I feel that if she doesnt want people to have an opinion then she should keep herself to herself.
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I’m sorry to be a broken record but I am absolutely sick of the meldrum creating accounts in here to vaguely reference that they know our identities.

They do not know anyones identity!!!
They would have to go to court and a judge order tattle to release IP addresses to the police for investigation!!!
If the police handed over these identities to the meldrums it would be a criminal offense!!!
What are they going to say “hiya reb and nuggy, here’s a list of addresses of people who might be disagreeing with you online, don’t go all vigilante will you- just loosely mention it on insta, thanx pals”

It just irritates me so much ????
Totally agree. The veiled threats have just made me think she is guilty of even more than has been raised on this forum. I totally get it’s a business but flogging anything and everything isn’t building a brand it’s sayung I’ll do anything for the cash. I’m in no way jealous of her. I wouldn’t want my kids exposed at an age where they have no say, I wouldn’t want to be in a house with such a dark past nor would I want to be in a position that I has to accept work just to keep up with bigger you tubers. She’s Absolutely no idea about branding.
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Active member
I've just watched the Fareshare vlog and am completely blown away by the choice to juxtapose her message about Fareshare with her children opening presents and then a meal and drinks with friends. I felt very uncomfortable watching it. A complete lack of awareness of her privilege.
oblivious, and she just doesn't really plan her content, does she? not sure if due to laziness or ignorance...:rolleyes:
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Also did anyone else feel bad that Lee's mum was babysitting whilst they went out for a meal with Rebs family. Don't think I've seen them outside of a house with Lee's family before.

Why has the person who created the Instagram page not posted an update as to why its gone? I can't remember his/her handle but they were posting openly about it previously but since it's been down there's been no word and I'm super curious ?
I'm wondering if they deleted as they were receiving criticism off some on here for using the hashtag childabuse
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VIP Member
The difference is you’re under no obligation to follow Mrs M in any capacity. It’s not like buying a washing machine from a company and then providing poor service. It’s a completely separate entity. If she offends you you can choose to switch off and unfollow her. I, like many of you have realised she is only out to sell this past year and she has become completely disingenuous. So I had a vent on here and chose to unfollow and stop watching. That’s what a trash thread is for, to vent a frustration about something you don’t like - not encourage Instagram pages to bash people and phone all the companies she’s working with. What are you trying to achieve? That’s when it borders on bullying and quite frankly stalking. Why would you google where their house is and the stories surrounding it? What relevance does that have to your supposed ‘devistation’ that she’s conning you? Nothing.
Again, I’m not her biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination but I implore you to look a little deeper at your own lives as to why you are so obsessed with someone you supposedly hate.
Have a merry Christmas.
I choose not to watch her but I used to & like others she made me feel bad that I couldn't give my kids what she gave hers, that I couldn’t go on holidays & I didn’t live in a fancy house. If I can stop just one other vulnerable person feeling like that then it’ll be worthwhile to come on here & trash her.
Its the same with any other flogger trying to influence people. My teenage daughter watches YT & thinks she too can live a life of luxury without working. Floggers need to realise the damage they’re causing so I’ll continue trashing the culprits on here.
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VIP Member
wonder who would be kindly gifting...

it was a very inappropriate response. an apology would have better Rebs... and the fact that you are selling your product as family friendly.. that should give you a clue that you shouldn't "tend to be a bit sweary"
In business even if you feel you’re wrong you don’t throw your toys out the pram again with a passive aggressive response. A simple sorry guys will do. Once again forgetting she’s running a business. Stroppy teenager trying to do an adults job is what it looks like!
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Well-known member
I for one is looking forward to how much of a twat she makes of herself in 2019, and lee won’t be involved to take the blame .

I will get my popcorn at the ready
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Active member
Do you mind if I post a little memory that I have of this pair of twats?

I remember watching their gender reveal video - which, was stupidly over the top anyway (getting the shop assistant to choose an outfit and wrap it for them). Anyway, they all sat down to open it together and you could just tell the air was thick with tension. I could practically sense Lee's balls aching for a boy. Anyway, they opened the damn thing and out popped a pink baby grow. He could not hide his disappointment even for a vlog. That must have been a kicker for her to post, as even I as a bystander could see the disappointment in his eyes. There was a split second where he thought it was a boy and then he was like 'oh damn' and then had to plaster on a fake smile.

Anyone else remember that vid?
Yes for a second he actually thinks it's a boy and shouts YESSSSS then quickly realises it's a girl and then the atmosphere goes so awkward and tense
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New member
New here! Think I've just had a comment deleted on the current vlog for asking a simple question. Ridiculous!!
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VIP Member
She was waffling about the pouch in the car on the way to Starbucks before her visit to the food bank. Very professionally done I’m sure it’s just exactly what Ella’s kitchen were looking for ? Especially after in the vlog where the kids all received gifts and topped it off with a nice family dinner together and didn’t even bother to bring so much as a tin of beans to the food bank ? such a diluted message she’s sending out and completely missing the point on raising awareness. I actually think what Ella’s kitchen is doing is great but getting that goon to promote it, not such a wise move. One needs to remove the silver spoon from one’s mouth first!
She doesn’t have a clue
She couldn’t even give the info on what Ella’s Kitchen were actually doing properly! She waffled something about them making the pouch and donating then she cuts back and gives the blurb about for every pouch purchased.. she is a shocking ambassador for any company.
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New member
Pat deleted me. How rude. Something must be up in camp meldrum. Surely easier to delete his whole account and set up another if he just wants friends and family. Gonna get repetitive strain deleting everyone one by one!!!
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Well-known member
Oh just seen her story she’s going for a nice breakfast out now before no spend January begins poor poppy has to wait till tomorrow for a doctors appointment! Got your priorities right there Rebecca :rolleyes::unsure:
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Stabby the unicorn

Well-known member
Stabby is calling BS on the calendar. If she hasn't insta'd it, then it didn't happen. She would "so so" stick it in a story or put it on the grid. As she's done neither I personally don't think she followed it through. Happy to be proven wrong.. go on Reb, I double dare you!
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VIP Member
I’m flabbergasted. Another walk. She’s still not well - just leave her at home with her Dad if you need to go out for another bloody walk. Why is her Mum not saying to her this exact thing?!

No spend Jan will last until the 4th if you’re lucky.
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Active member
They went for a walk yesterday and that didn’t seem to help her. If it were me I’d be staying in the house until I could get a doctors appointment. Are there no walk in centres around Aberdeen she could take her to? I’m not being judgemental, I would say the same to anyone.
They are in Aboyne now, that is where the hospital is that deals with emergency appointments. It's 2 mins drive from where they are, just take her in, get her checked and forget your "full english breakfast!"
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